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Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy 6th

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Chapter 9: Shoulder Girdle

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. The acromioclavicular joint and the sternoclavicular joint contribute to scapular motions.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which muscle originates from the spinous processes of C7–T5 and inserts on the vertebral border of the
scapula between the inferior angle and the spine of the scapula?
a. Middle trapezius c. Teres major
b. Rhomboids d. Serratus anterior
____ 2. Which muscle originates from the spinous processes of T4–T12 and inserts at the base of the scapular spine?
a. Serratus anterior c. Lower trapezius
b. Upper trapezius d. Infraspinatus
____ 3. Which muscle originates on the nuchal ligament and occipital bone and inserts in the lateral third of the
a. Serratus anterior c. Upper trapezius
b. Rhomboids d. Pectoralis major
____ 4. The upper trapezius, serratus anterior, and lower trapezius have which of the following actions in common?
a. Retraction of the scapula c. Downward rotation of the scapula
b. Protraction of the scapula d. Upward rotation of the scapula
____ 5. Which muscle is responsible for scapular protraction?
a. Pectoralis major c. Coracobrachialis
b. Serratus anterior d. Middle trapezius
____ 6. The levator scapula and rhomboids have which of the following motions in common?
a. Elevation c. Upward rotation
b. Depression d. Depression
____ 7. The serratus anterior and the pectoralis minor have which of the following motions in common?
a. Shoulder medial rotation c. Upward rotation
b. Downward rotation d. Protraction
____ 8. If shoulder girdle retraction is the desired motion, which two muscles are agonists in this motion?
a. Pectoralis minor and pectoralis major
b. Levator scapula and upper trapezius
c. Middle trapezius and rhomboids
d. Serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi
____ 9. An example of a muscle group that forms a force couple is which of the following?
a. Upper trapezius, lower trapezius, levator scapula
b. Levator scapula, rhomboids, pectoralis minor
c. Rhomboids, upper trapezius, levator scapula
d. Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor
____ 10. The bony landmark of the scapula that exists where the vertebral and axillary borders meet is the
a. superior angle. c. spine.
b. inferior angle. d. acromion process.
____ 11. A person experiencing pain on the superior lateral aspect of the scapula may have pathology involving which
of the following structures?
a. Acromion process c. Coracoid process
b. Glenoid fossa d. Deltoid tubercle
____ 12. The ligament that forms an arch over the head of the humerus is the
a. coracoclavicular ligament. c. coracoacromial ligament.
b. costoclavicular ligament. d. interclavicular ligament.
____ 13. Weakness of the trapezius muscle could indicate trauma to which of the following nerves?
a. Cranial nerve XI c. Long thoracic nerve
b. Dorsal scapular nerve d. Medial pectoral nerve
____ 14. Weakness of the pectoralis minor muscle could indicate trauma to which of the following nerves?
a. Cranial nerve XI c. Long thoracic nerve
b. Dorsal scapular nerve d. Medial pectoral nerve
____ 15. Weakness of the rhomboid muscles could indicate trauma to which of the following nerves?
a. Cranial nerve XI c. Long thoracic nerve
b. Dorsal scapular nerve d. Medial pectoral nerve
____ 16. Winging of the scapula is caused by weakness of which shoulder girdle muscle?
a. Pectoralis minor c. Serratus anterior
b. Levator scapula d. Middle trapezius
____ 17. A person who lacks the free motion of upward rotation is limited in which of the following shoulder joint
a. Flexion c. Abduction
b. Extension d. A and C
____ 18. What motion would the upper trapezius do in a reversal of muscle action?
a. Scapular elevation c. Head and neck extension
b. Scapular depression d. Head and neck flexion
____ 19. An example of linear shoulder girdle motion is
a. upward rotation. c. scapular depression.
b. scapular protraction. d. B and C
____ 20. A client who needs scapular depressor strengthening would need attention to which of the following muscles?
a. Rhomboids and middle trapezius
b. Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor
c. Pectoralis minor and lower trapezius
d. Pectoralis minor and pectoralis major
____ 21. A client who needs a stretch to the middle trapezius and rhomboids must position the scapula in which of the
following positions?
a. Scapular protraction c. Scapular depression
b. Scapular retraction d. Scapular downward rotation
Chapter 9: Shoulder Girdle
Answer Section


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