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Human Anatomy and Physiology 2nd

Edition Amerman Test Bank

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Human Anatomy & Physiology, 2e, Global Edition (Amerman)
Chapter 9 The Muscular System

1) What influences the appearance and function of skeletal muscle?

A) arrangement of the pattern of fascicles
B) number of muscle cells in a motor unit
C) presence of perimysium around fascicles
D) presence of endomysium around muscle cells
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

2) Muscles with a triangular shape, such as the pectoralis major muscle in the chest, typically
have a:
A) spiral fascicle arrangement.
B) parallel fascicle arrangement.
C) convergent fascicle arrangement.
D) unipennate fascicle arrangement.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

3) What best describes fusiform skeletal muscle structure?

A) Fusiform muscles are broad and taper to a single tendon.
B) Fusiform muscles have fascicles that feather out at one angle from a tendon.
C) Fusiform muscles may wrap around a bone or have a twisted appearance.
D) Fusiform muscles tend to be thicker in their belly and taper at their ends.
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

4) Which of the following muscles is named using a directional term?

A) orbicularis oris
B) vastus lateralis
C) gastrocnemius
D) adductor longus
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

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5) Which of the following muscles is named for its shape?
A) triceps brachii
B) pronator quadratus
C) vastus medialis
D) levator scapulae
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

6) Which of the following muscles is named for its action?

A) deltoid
B) gluteus maximus
C) biceps brachii
D) adductor magnus
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

7) What can you tell about a muscle whose name includes the word serratus?
A) It is a large muscle.
B) Its appearance is serrated or jagged.
C) It is a supinator.
D) It is located on the medial side of the body.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

8) The ability to produce muscle tension allows skeletal muscles to produce body movements
known as an:
A) action.
B) insertion.
C) origin.
D) innervation.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.2

9) Triceps brachii and biceps brachii perform opposing actions and are classified as:
A) synergists.
B) agonists.
C) prime movers.
D) antagonists.
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

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10) What type of muscle performs an anchoring function by holding a bone in place?
A) antagonist
B) fixator
C) agonist
D) synergist
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

11) Which type of muscle works together with the agonist?

A) fixator
B) synergist
C) prime mover
D) antagonist
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

12) In the human body, what is the fulcrum in a lever system?

A) The fulcrum is the joint at which movement occurs.
B) The fulcrum is the effort generated by muscle contractions.
C) The fulcrum is the weight of the body part being moved.
D) The fulcrum is the angle of the movement.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

13) What lever class has the fulcrum situated between the force and the load?
A) first-class lever
B) second-class lever
C) third-class lever
D) fourth-class lever
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

14) Most levers in the human body are:

A) first-class levers.
B) second-class levers.
C) third-class levers.
D) fourth-class levers.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

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15) What joint serves as the fulcrum when triceps brachii moves the forearm?
A) wrist joint
B) shoulder joint
C) elbow joint
D) metacarpals joint
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

16) A lever system works at a mechanical advantage when:

A) the fulcrum is located closer to the applied force.
B) a small load is to be moved.
C) the fulcrum is located farther from the applied force.
D) the fulcrum is equally situated between the load and the force.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

17) Standing on tiptoes is an example of a:

A) first-class lever system.
B) second-class lever system.
C) third-class lever system.
D) lever system demonstrating mechanical disadvantage.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

18) Where does the mentalis muscle insert?

A) skin around the eyelids
B) hyoid bone
C) skin of the chin
D) angle of the mouth
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

19) Where is the origin of the frontalis muscle?

A) mandible
B) frontal bone
C) occipital bone
D) epicranial aponeurosis
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

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20) Identify the corrugator supercilii muscle.

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

21) Which muscle assists with smiling?

A) buccinator
B) zygomaticus major
C) orbicularis oculi
D) depressor anguli oris
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

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22) Which muscle works as an antagonist to orbicularis oculi?
A) risorius
B) zygomaticus minor
C) levator palpebrae superioris
D) corrugator supercilii
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

23) Which of the following muscles is NOT associated with the mouth?
A) orbicularis oris
B) depressor anguli oris
C) orbicularis oculi
D) depressor labii inferioris
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

24) Which muscle forms the anterior surface of the neck?

A) buccinator
B) platysma
C) trapezius
D) orbicularis oris
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

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25) Identify the lateral rectus muscle.

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

26) Which of the following is the action of the frontalis muscle?

A) Frontalis lifts the scapula.
B) Frontalis elevates the eyebrow.
C) Frontalis elevates, or opens, the upper eyelid.
D) Frontalis closes the eye.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

27) What is NOT a bone to which the sternocleidomastoid muscle is attached?

A) mandible
B) clavicle
C) sternum
D) temporal bone
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

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28) Damage to the trapezius would cause a person to have difficulty:
A) rotating the head.
B) extending the head.
C) elevating the rib cage.
D) flexing the head.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

29) Damage to the stylohyoid, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid impairs:

A) chewing.
B) lateral eye movements.
C) swallowing.
D) smiling.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

30) The masseter and temporalis muscles provide much of the force for:
A) frowning.
B) chewing.
C) smiling.
D) swallowing.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

31) Which of the following is NOT a muscle involved in the movement of the tongue to
manipulate food while chewing and pushing the bolus of food into the throat?
A) styloglossus
B) stylohyoid
C) genioglossus
D) hyoglossus
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

32) What is the proper position of the erector spinae muscles situated from medially to laterally
relative to the axis of the vertebral column?
A) cervicis, thoracis, lumborum
B) iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
C) spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
D) capitis, cervicis, thoracis
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

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33) Which extrinsic eye muscle elevates the eye upward, as in looking up?
A) inferior rectus muscle
B) medial rectus muscle
C) superior rectus muscle
D) inferior oblique muscle
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

34) Identify the rectus abdominis muscle.

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

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35) From superficial to deep, the three muscles of the lateral abdominal wall are:
A) external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis.
B) transversus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.
C) external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdominis.
D) rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

36) Muscular walls of the thorax and abdomen are composed of:
A) spinal erector muscles.
B) oblique and rectus muscles.
C) pectoralis muscles.
D) gluteal muscles.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

37) Which of the following is NOT a muscle of ventilation, or breathing?

A) diaphragm
B) external intercostal muscles
C) internal intercostal muscles
D) external oblique muscle
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

38) Damage to which of the following muscles would interfere most with the ability to breathe?
A) platysma
B) diaphragm
C) pterygoid
D) obliques
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

39) Which muscle is the agonist for sitting up?

A) transversus abdominis
B) external oblique
C) rectus abdominis
D) linea alba
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

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40) The superior aspect of the pubic bones is the origin of:
A) external oblique.
B) internal oblique.
C) rectus femoris.
D) rectus abdominis.
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

41) The levator ani muscle group inserts on the:

A) iliac crest.
B) coccyx.
C) ischial spine.
D) sacrum.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

42) Which muscle provides voluntary control of defecation?

A) levator ani
B) external urinary sphincter
C) deep transverse perineal muscle
D) external anal sphincter
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

43) Which muscle assists with the erection of the penis and clitoris?
A) levator ani muscle group
B) bulbospongiosus
C) pubococcygeus
D) superficial transverse perineal
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

44) Which muscle elevates the scapula?

A) levator scapulae
B) rhomboid major
C) serratus anterior
D) pectoralis minor
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

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45) Damage to the pectoralis major would interfere with a person's ability to:
A) extend the forearm.
B) abduct the arm at the shoulder.
C) adduct the arm at the shoulder.
D) elevate the scapula.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

46) Which muscle is a powerful agonist of adduction, medial rotation, and extension of the arm?
A) brachialis
B) latissimus dorsi
C) pectoralis minor
D) deltoid
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

47) Where does infraspinatus insert?

A) greater tubercle of the humerus
B) infraspinous fossa of the scapula
C) acromion and spine of the scapula
D) coracoid process of the scapula
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

48) The deltoid is responsible for:

A) adducting the arm.
B) abducting the arm.
C) extending the humerus.
D) medially rotating the humerus.
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

49) Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the rotator cuff?

A) supraspinatus
B) teres major
C) subscapularis
D) teres minor
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

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50) Which of the following extends the forearm?
A) brachioradialis
B) triceps brachii
C) brachialis
D) biceps brachii
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

51) Identify the brachialis muscle.

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1
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52) Which muscle flexes the hand and abducts the hand?
A) abductor pollicis longus
B) extensor digitorum
C) palmar interossei
D) flexor carpi radialis
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

53) What is the action of flexor carpi ulnaris?

A) flex the little finger
B) flex the index finger
C) flex the hand
D) flex the thumb
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

54) Muscles that move the thumb will be named using the term:
A) superficialis.
B) carpi.
C) pollicis.
D) digiti.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

55) Which of the following muscles does NOT adduct the thigh?
A) adductor magnus
B) gracilis
C) pectineus
D) rectus femoris
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

56) Which of the following muscles extends the leg at the knee joint?
A) adductor magnus
B) gracilis
C) sartorius
D) rectus femoris
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

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57) Identify the deltoid muscle.

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

58) Which group is a synergist to the adductor group?

A) gracilis
B) vastus medialis
C) rectus femoris
D) sartorius
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2
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59) Iliopsoas is formed by the union of two muscles known as:
A) vastus medialis and vastus lateralis.
B) pectineus and adductor magnus.
C) sartorius and gracilis.
D) iliacus and psoas major.
Answer: D
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

60) The vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius muscles insert on the:
A) linea aspera of the femur.
B) greater trochanter of the femur.
C) patella and tibial tuberosity of the tibia.
D) superior margin of the acetabulum.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

61) The quadriceps femoris group includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A) vastus medialis.
B) vastus lateralis.
C) biceps femoris.
D) vastus intermedius.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

62) From medial to lateral, what are the muscles of the hamstring group?
A) semitendinosus, biceps femoris, semimembranosus
B) semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris
C) semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris
D) biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

63) Which muscle abducts the thigh, medially rotates the thigh and pelvis of the moving limb
during walking?
A) biceps femoris
B) gluteus minimus
C) semimembranosus
D) obturator externus
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

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64) Which muscle is an antagonist to the gastrocnemius muscle?
A) tibialis anterior
B) soleus
C) flexor digitorum longus
D) plantaris
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

65) A muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the:

A) tibialis anterior.
B) soleus.
C) tibialis posterior.
D) gastrocnemius.
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

66) John experienced a cut that severed the tendon that attaches the insertion of the
gastrocnemius muscle. As a result of this injury, what action is difficult for him to perform?
A) inversion of the foot
B) plantarflexion
C) dorsiflexion
D) eversion of the foot
Answer: B
Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6) Evaluating/Creating
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

67) Each of the following muscles acts to extend the thigh and flex the leg, EXCEPT:
A) semitendinosus.
B) semimembranosus.
C) vastus lateralis.
D) biceps femoris.
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

68) When walking, which muscle flexes your forearm?

A) brachioradialis
B) deltoid
C) teres major
D) triceps brachii
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.6.1

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69) When climbing stairs, which muscles plantarflex your foot?
A) gluteus maximus and hamstrings
B) rectus femoris and sartorius
C) gastrocnemius and soleus
D) tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus
Answer: C
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.6.1

70) When climbing stairs, which muscle or muscle group flexes your leg at the knee?
A) hamstring group
B) tibialis anterior
C) iliopsoas
D) quadriceps femoris group
Answer: A
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.6.1

71) Unipennate muscles have fascicles that wrap around a bone or have a twisted appearance.
Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

72) The muscle named gluteus maximus tells us two facts: 1) it is located in the buttocks
(gluteus), and 2) it is a large muscle (maximus).
Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

73) An agonist is a muscle that provides most of the force required for a given movement.
Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

74) A first-class lever has the fulcrum situated farther from the point of the applied force, with
the load to be moved in between.
Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

75) The medial rectus muscle and lateral rectus muscle pull the eye in the same direction.
Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

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76) The pharyngeal constrictor muscles propel food from the throat into the esophagus when
Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

77) The superiorly positioned spinalis and longissimus groups of the erector spinae muscles each
have a capitis muscle, cervicis muscle, and thoracis muscle.
Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

78) The external urinary sphincter provides involuntary control of urination.

Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

79) The prime mover of elbow flexion is biceps brachii.

Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

80) The union of the muscles of the quadriceps femoris group forms the quadriceps tendon,
which continues on to form the patellar ligament.
Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

81) The soleus is a synergist of the gastrocnemius during plantar flexion.

Answer: TRUE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

82) When climbing stairs, the gluteus maximus and hamstring group muscles work as
Answer: FALSE
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.6.1

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Match the following muscles with the correct number.

83) Triceps brachii

Answer: 1
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1
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84) Latissimus dorsi
Answer: 4
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

85) Gluteus medius

Answer: 5
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

86) Semitendinosus
Answer: 6
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

87) Deltoid
Answer: 3
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

88) Gastrocnemius
Answer: 2
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

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Match the following muscles with the correct number.

89) Platysma
Answer: 5
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1
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90) Sartorius
Answer: 2
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

91) Pectoralis minor

Answer: 6
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

92) Vastus medialis

Answer: 3
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

93) Fibularis longus

Answer: 4
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

94) External oblique

Answer: 7
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

95) Pectineus
Answer: 1
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.5.1

96) List and summarize the five patterns of fascicles seen in skeletal muscles.
Answer: The five fascicle patterns are parallel, convergent, pennate, spiral, and fusiform. A
parallel muscle has evenly spaced fascicles attaching to a tendon that is about the same width as
the muscle. A convergent muscle is a broad muscle that uniformly tapers to a single tendon. A
pennate muscle has fibers and fascicles that attach to a tendon at an angle in such a way that it
resembles a feather. A spiral muscle may wrap around a bone or have the twisted appearance of
towel wrung out to dry. Fusiform muscles tend to be thicker in their belly and tapered at their
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

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97) Explain the meaning of the muscle name extensor carpi ulnaris.
Answer: The term extensor indicates this muscle increases the angle between bones through
extension. Both carpi and ulnaris indicate a specific body region. Carpi indicates the wrist region
while ulnaris indicates one of the bones of the forearm.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.1

98) Describe the relationship between agonists and antagonists.

Answer: An agonist, or prime mover, is a muscle that provides most of the force for a given
movement. Antagonist muscles usually lie on the opposite side of a joint from its agonist partner.
The antagonist tends to slow and oppose the action of the agonist.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

99) Describe how third-class levers operate in terms of force moved and speed of movement.
Provide an example of a third-class lever.
Answer: Third-class levers have a mechanical disadvantage in terms of force. The fulcrum in a
third-class lever is located closer to the applied force and farther from the load moved. Although
third-class levers are disadvantaged in terms of force, they produce a speedy movement. An
example of a third-class lever is the biceps brachii muscle. The fulcrum is at the elbow joint and
the load of weight is the forearm and hand. The contraction of the biceps brachii muscle is the
force that moves the forearm and hand.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.4

100) List at least three muscles that contribute to smiling.

Answer: Zygomaticus major and minor, orbicularis oris, and risorius.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

101) Speech language pathologists work with patients who have difficulty swallowing. Name the
muscles that initiate swallowing and push food into the esophagus, and describe their actions.
Answer: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid, and thyrohyoid depress the hyoid bone and
pharynx to push food toward the middle and lower throat while closing off entry to the
respiratory tract. These actions are part of the swallowing reflex.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

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102) Describe the origins and insertions of the masseter and temporalis muscles. What action do
these muscles work synergistically to accomplish?
Answer: The masseter muscle is a thick, band-like muscle that has its origin on the zygomatic
arch. It inserts on the angle and lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible. It covers much of
the ramus of the mandible. The temporalis muscle is a fan-shaped, convergent muscle that has its
origin on and spreads over the flat portion of the temporal bone. It inserts on the coronoid
process of the mandible. These two muscles provide much of the force needed for elevating the
mandible to bite and chew food.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

103) Explain the medial to lateral placement of the muscle groups of erector spinae.
Answer: The three groups of the erector spinae are named in order of their medial-lateral
placement relative to the axis of the vertebral column. The spinalis group is located closest to the
center of the vertebral column, just to the sides of the spinous processes of the spine. The
longissimus group is slightly lateral to the spinalis group. The iliocostalis group is the most
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.2.1

104) Discuss the naming scheme and location of the external oblique, internal oblique, and
transversus abdominis muscles.
Answer: The fibers of the external oblique run at an angle. This superficial muscle is situated
lateral to the rectus abdominis. Internal oblique is found deep to external oblique, but its fibers
run opposite and nearly perpendicular to those of external oblique. The transversus abdominis
muscle is the deepest abdominal muscle and has horizontal fibers.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

105) List the muscles of the levator ani group and provide the function of this group.
Answer: The levator ani group consists of pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, and coccygeus. This
group of muscles supports the pelvic floor (diaphragm), anal canal, and genitourinary organs.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

106) During abdominal surgery, the surgeon makes a cut lateral to the linea alba. Discuss the
location of the linea alba, the muscle that has been cut, and any impairment to mobility the
patient may experience.
Answer: The linea alba is a line of connective tissue along the midline of the abdomen. The
linea alba separates the left and right rectus abdominis muscles. These superficial muscles run
the length of the anterior abdominal area. The rectus abdominis muscle is a powerful flexor of
the trunk, so a patient whose rectus abdominis has been cut may experience difficulty bending
over or sitting up.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1, 9.3.2

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107) Angie received an injection in her deltoid muscle. Her arm is now sore and she refuses to
move it. What action can she not perform?
Answer: The deltoid muscle is the prime mover, or agonist, of arm abduction.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

108) Jim wants to tone his abdomen and create "six-pack abs." What exercise do you recommend
for him? What muscle will he be exercising?
Answer: Jim should exercise his rectus abdominis muscle by performing sit-ups, a muscle that
performs trunk flexion.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.3.2

109) During a baseball game, Eddie experienced a rotator cuff injury that benched him for the
rest of the season. Eddie's doctor said he would be sitting out to let the SITS muscles heal. What
four muscles did his doctor reference?
Answer: The rotator cuff consists of four muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
subscapularis, otherwise known as the SITS muscles. These muscles hold the shoulder joint
together during forceful movements that could damage the joint.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2) Remembering/Understanding
Learning Outcome: 9.4.1

110) Tennis elbow is a misnomer for a condition caused by changes in the tendon that attaches
the extensor carpi radialis brevis to bone. Discuss the origin and action of this muscle.
Answer: Extensor carpi radialis brevis has its origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
bone. Its action is to extend the hand and abduct the hand.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2

111) A football player sustained an injury to his hamstring group. What muscles belong to the
hamstring group and what would be the effect of the injury on this group?
Answer: The hamstring group consists of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and
semimembranosus muscles. Since these muscles work together to extend the thigh and flex the
knee, the football player would have difficulty walking or running.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

112) Explain how the hamstring and quadriceps femoris groups work as antagonists to one
another. What action depends on the coordination of these groups?
Answer: The hamstring group flexes the leg at the knee joint while the quadriceps femoris group
extends or straightens the leg at the knee. These two groups are critical for walking in which the
leg is flexed and extended at the knee joint.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2, 9.6.1

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113) Explain how synergists and antagonists balance the action of the agonist.
Answer: An agonist, or prime mover, provides most of the force required for a given movement.
Antagonists usually lie on the opposite side of the joint from its agonist partner and acts to
oppose and slow the action. Slower, more graceful movements result from highly controlled
actions by antagonists. Synergists work together with the agonist and sometimes make a
movement more efficient by stabilizing a joint, overlapping with the role of the next group.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.3

114) Explain how a lever system can work at a mechanical disadvantage but still be useful in
moving a load. What type of lever system fits this description?
Answer: A lever system that operates with the load far from the fulcrum and the effort applied
near the fulcrum is operating at a mechanical disadvantage in terms of power. Third-class levers
work at a mechanical disadvantage. Although third-class levers have a disadvantage in terms of
force, they exchange it for advantages in speed of movement and distance through which the
load is moved.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.1.6

115) Susie raised her eyebrows and dropped her jaw open in excitement when she walked in to
her surprise birthday party. Determine and describe the muscles involved in these facial
Answer: The epicranius muscle, which is composed of two distinct muscle bellies, the frontalis
and occipitalis muscles, is connected by a sheet of connective tissue known as the epicranial
aponeurosis. The epicranius muscle raises the eyebrows and skin of the forehead into horizontal
wrinkles, as we do when looking surprised. The platysma muscle is found in the neck. It
produces the open-mouthed, "jaw-dropping" look of surprise.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6) Evaluating/Creating
Learning Outcome: 9.2.2

116) Kegel exercises can help a female strengthen muscles of the pelvic floor. Why would a
female perform these exercises? What muscle of the pelvic floor is targeted by these exercises?
Answer: Kegel exercises can strengthen the external urinary sphincter to prevent urinary
incontinence and to guard against pelvic organ prolapse. These exercises target the muscles of
the pelvic floor (diaphragm) and muscles in the levator ani group. The levator ani group consists
of the pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, and coccygeus muscles.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6) Evaluating/Creating
Learning Outcome: 9.3.1

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117) While climbing stairs in the football stadium, Gary injured his calcaneal tendon (Achilles
tendon). Describe the muscles and action(s) that are affected. From what action and activities
should he refrain while his tendon heals?
Answer: The calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) attaches the two heads of gastrocnemius and
soleus muscles to the posterior surface of the calcaneus (heel bone). These muscles form the
triceps surae muscle group and are responsible for plantarflexion. While his calcaneal tendon
heals, Gary should refrain from activities that plantarflex the injured foot, such as walking stairs,
standing on his toes or jumping.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4) Applying/Analyzing
Learning Outcome: 9.5.2

118) In physical education class, Miguel is performing jumping jacks. He abducts his arms and
thighs in unison, and then adducts them. Determine the muscles responsible for abduction and
adduction of the arms and thighs.
Answer: Supraspinatus and deltoid perform arm abduction while latissimus dorsi, pectoralis
major, teres major, coracobrachialis and subscapularis perform arm adduction. Gluteus maximus,
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and piriformis perform abduction of the thigh while adductor
magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus and gracilis perform adduction of the thigh.
Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6) Evaluating/Creating
Learning Outcome: 9.4.2, 9.5.2

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