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Holes Human Anatomy and Physiology

15th Edition Shier Test Bank

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Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology, 15e (Shier)
Chapter 6 Integumentary System

1) An organ consists of
A) skin and bones.
B) two or more tissues grouped together that function together.
C) at least four tissues grouped together that function together.
D) one variety of each of the four tissue types.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

2) The human integumentary system includes

A) skin, nails, hair follicles, and sweat glands.
B) the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer.
C) bones and muscles.
D) only one type of tissue.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

3) Injections that are administered into the tissues of the skin are called
A) subcutaneous.
B) intradermal.
C) intramuscular.
D) hypodermic.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
4) In the inherited disease ichthyosis, the skin is rough, brown, and very scaly because the
uppermost layer cannot peel off as easily as skin normally does. The part of the skin that is
affected is the
A) epidermis.
B) basement membrane.
C) dermis.
D) subcutaneous layer.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures; Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

5) As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface,
A) they divide continually.
B) their supply of nutrients improves.
C) they die.
D) they become dermal cells.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Anatomy of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

6) The dermis is composed largely of

A) stratified columnar epithelium.
B) dense regular connective tissue.
C) stratified squamous epithelium.
D) dense irregular connective tissue.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
7) Nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with
A) hair, melanocytes, and pores.
B) bone, tendons, and muscles.
C) fingernails and toenails.
D) muscles, glands, and sensory receptors.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

8) If a nerve blocker were injected into the dermis, which structures would be primarily affected?
A) Hair, melanocytes, and pores
B) Bone, tendons, and muscles
C) Fingernails and toenails
D) Muscles, glands, and sensory receptors

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Microscopic anatomy of skin;
Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

9) Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin?

A) The dermis is usually thicker than the epidermis.
B) The epidermis is composed of stratified squamous epithelium.
C) The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis.
D) The dermis contains smooth muscle and nervous tissue.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
10) In a condition called incontinentia pigmenti, the skin has deep dark splotches, due to melanin
that seeps down into the dermis. Normally, melanin is confined to the
A) epidermis.
B) basement membrane.
C) papillae.
D) hair.

Answer: A
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

11) The skin appears yellowish if a person eats too much

A) collagen.
B) carotene.
C) cyanin.
D) melanin.

Answer: B
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

12) Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens skin by stimulating synthesis of

A) melanin.
B) carotene.
C) hemoglobin.
D) cyanin.

Answer: A
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
13) The layer of the epidermis that includes melanocytes and a single row of columnar cells that
undergo mitosis is the
A) stratum corneum.
B) stratum granulosum.
C) stratum spinosum.
D) stratum basale.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

14) What determines the color of skin?

A) The number of melanocytes in the epidermis
B) The thickness of the epidermis
C) The amount of melanin that melanocytes produce
D) The density of hair

Answer: C
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

15) The subcutaneous layer consists of

A) epithelial tissue.
B) areolar and adipose tissue.
C) epithelial tissue and areolar tissue.
D) adipose tissue and skeletal muscle tissue.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
16) Blood vessels in the ________ supply epidermal cells with nutrients.
A) epidermis
B) dermis
C) stratum basale
D) hair follicle

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

17) Skin cells play an important role in producing

A) vitamin A.
B) vitamin B.
C) vitamin C.
D) vitamin D.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

18) The melanocytes in very dark skin

A) are more abundant than they are in light skin.
B) contain single, large, pigment granules.
C) lack pigment but shrivel up and turn black.
D) contain many small pigment granules.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
19) The functions of skin include
A) acting as a protective covering.
B) housing sensory receptors.
C) regulating body temperature.
D) all of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01; 06.03
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.; 06.05 List various
skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

20) Epidermis is ________, whereas dermis is ________.

A) the innermost layer of the skin; under the epidermis
B) largely composed of dense connective tissue; composed of stratified squamous epithelial
C) the outermost layer of the skin; composed of stratified squamous epithelial tissue
D) composed of stratified squamous epithelial tissue; composed of connective tissue, smooth
muscle, and nerve cell processes

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

21) The subcutaneous layer is

A) made of squamous epithelium.
B) part of the basement membrane.
C) between the epidermis and the dermis.
D) not part of the skin.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
22) Melanocytes transfer melanin granules to
A) mast cells.
B) nearby keratinocytes.
C) macrophages.
D) the subcutaneous layer.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.; 06.02 Summarize the
factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

23) The nerve fibers in the dermis stimulate

A) blood vessels in the epidermis.
B) muscles and glands in the dermis.
C) melanocytes in the epidermis.
D) fat cells in the subcutaneous layer.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

24) Two thieves steal jewelry, and then drop it as they are escaping. The police recover the
jewelry, and an officer explains on the evening news that fingerprints were obtained from the
back of a watch. The thieves, whose prints are not on file, believe that they can escape
prosecution by using acid to remove the epidermis on their fingerpads, so as not to be a match
for the fingerprints on the watch. They are wrong because
A) the prints arise from the subcutaneous layer, which is not destroyed.
B) the prints arise from friction ridges of the dermis, which are not destroyed.
C) the epidermis will regrow the friction ridges in a day.
D) the friction ridges will not grow back in the same pattern.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
25) The major blood vessels that supply the skin are in the
A) epidermis.
B) basement membrane.
C) dermis.
D) subcutaneous layer.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

26) You step out of the shower and vigorously rub your skin with a towel. If you were able to
analyze the towel, you would find skin cells. They are most likely
A) subcutaneous layer cells.
B) from the dermis.
C) keratinized epidermal cells.
D) fibroblasts.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer; Microscopic anatomy of skin;
Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

27) In areas of the skin where the epidermis is thin, the ________ may be absent.
A) stratum lucidum
B) stratum granulosum
C) stratum corneum
D) stratum basale

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
28) Which is the most likely explanation for the defect in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, in
which the skin blisters in response to any touch?
A) The skin has too many melanocytes that produce too much melanin.
B) Melanocytes cannot produce melanin.
C) Collagen fibrils that attach the epidermis to the dermis break down.
D) The skin layers are reversed.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

29) Which of the following describes the epidermis?

A) Retains water in deeper skin layers
B) Keeps out harmful chemicals and pathogens
C) Protects the skin against mechanical injury
D) All of the answer choices are correct

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

30) The epidermis is about ________ mm thick and the dermis is about ________ mm thick.
A) 1.0 to 2.0; 0.07 to 0.12
B) 0.07 to 0.12; 1.0 to 2.0
C) 3.0 to 4.0; 5.0 to 6.0
D) 0.01 to 0.10; 0.10 to 1.0

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
31) Corns are
A) areas of white skin pigmentation.
B) scaly scalp areas.
C) keratinized conical masses on toes.
D) growths emanating from the nostrils.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

32) Reddened skin reflects

A) dilated blood vessels with more blood entering the dermis.
B) eating too many carrots.
C) inheriting extra melanin.
D) constricted blood vessels with more blood entering the epidermis.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

33) Accessory structures of the skin originate from the

A) epidermis.
B) basement membrane.
C) dermis.
D) subcutaneous layer.

Answer: A
Section: 06.02
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
34) The nail plate is produced by
A) bone cells.
B) fibroblasts.
C) melanocytes.
D) specialized epithelial cells.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

35) A nail consists of

A) dense connective tissue.
B) bone.
C) a nail bed and nail plate.
D) collagen and elastin.

Answer: C
Section: 06.02
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

36) The hardness of a nail comes from

A) carotene.
B) collagen.
C) calcium.
D) keratin.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
37) Shafts of hair are composed of
A) living dermal cells.
B) dead epidermal cells.
C) living epidermal cells.
D) dead dermal cells.

Answer: B
Section: 06.02
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

38) Which of the following is not a method for helping prevent pressure ulcer formation?
A) Massaging the skin
B) Eating foods rich in protein
C) Providing adequate fluid intake
D) Maintaining one body position

Answer: D
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Gross
anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

39) Eumelanin and pheomelanin are

A) reddish-yellow and brownish-black pigments, respectively.
B) brownish-black and reddish-yellow pigments, respectively.
C) types of keratin.
D) present in excess in a person with albinism.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
40) After a severe burn, new skin may grow outward from the hair follicles. New growth begins
here because
A) the hair follicles are very resistant to fire and heat.
B) a person has many hair follicles.
C) a hair follicle contains stem cells in the bulb region.
D) the hair follicles are located in the subcutaneous layer.

Answer: C
Section: 06.03; 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.; 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

41) Gray hair is

A) caused by a pigment, pseudomelanin.
B) a mixture of red and brown hairs.
C) a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented hairs.
D) a form of albinism.

Answer: C
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

42) The arrector pili muscles are attached to

A) nail beds.
B) sebaceous glands.
C) the hypodermis.
D) hair follicles.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
43) Sebaceous glands secrete
A) fat globules that mix with cellular debris, forming sebum.
B) hormones.
C) sweat in the armpits.
D) mucus.

Answer: A
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

44) Eccrine sweat glands

A) are most common in the armpits and groin.
B) respond primarily to elevated body temperature.
C) respond primarily to emotional stress.
D) usually are associated with hair follicles.

Answer: B
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

45) Apocrine sweat glands are most abundant on or in the

A) forehead.
B) axilla.
C) neck.
D) palms of the hands.

Answer: B
Section: 06.02
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
46) Eccrine sweat glands differ from sebaceous glands
A) in type of secretion.
B) in their location.
C) in whether or not they are associated with hair follicles.
D) all of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Anatomy of accessory skin structures; Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.; 06.04
Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

47) Milk and ear wax

A) are not secretions.
B) are secreted from modified sweat glands.
C) are secreted from modified sebaceous glands.
D) are in the blood.

Answer: B
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

48) Body heat is lost primarily by

A) conduction.
B) convection.
C) evaporation.
D) radiation.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
49) Which of the following is a normal response to excessive loss of body heat in a cold
A) Dermal blood vessels constrict.
B) Sweat glands become active.
C) Smooth muscles relax.
D) Dermal blood vessels dilate.

Answer: A
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

50) Sweat cools the body by

A) convection.
B) conduction.
C) evaporation.
D) radiation.

Answer: C
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

51) A warm surface loses heat to the air molecules continuously circulating over it by
A) radiation.
B) evaporation.
C) conduction.
D) convection.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
52) A person exercising vigorously on a hot, humid day may develop
A) fatigue and dizziness.
B) heat exhaustion.
C) headache, muscle cramps, and nausea.
D) all of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer; Functions of accessory skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

53) Hypothermia is
A) associated with exercising vigorously in the heat.
B) accompanied by fever.
C) a lowered body temperature.
D) a form of hair loss.

Answer: C
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer;
Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

54) Individuals at elevated risk for hypothermia include

A) homeless people exposed to the outdoors.
B) the very old and the very young.
C) very thin people.
D) all of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
55) The skin dissipates excess body heat by
A) dilating dermal blood vessels.
B) activating eccrine sweat glands.
C) radiation.
D) all of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: D
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

56) Inflammation makes skin

A) red, swollen, and painful to touch.
B) cool and clammy.
C) secrete abundant antibodies.
D) peel off.

Answer: A
Section: 06.04
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

57) Inflammation
A) is a type of infection.
B) is a result of exposure to very low temperatures.
C) is a normal response to stress or injury.
D) is an abnormal response to injury or stress.

Answer: C
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
58) Once a scab has formed, what happens next?
A) phagocytic cells remove dead material.
B) the scab sloughs off.
C) fibroblasts from the wound edge form new collagenous fibers.
D) blood vessels send out new branches under the scab.

Answer: C
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

59) The granulations that appear during the healing of a large, open wound are composed mainly
A) blood clots.
B) phagocytic cells.
C) fibroblasts surrounding blood vessels.
D) scar tissue.

Answer: C
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

60) A burn affecting only the epidermis is a

A) superficial partial-thickness burn.
B) deep partial-thickness burn.
C) second-degree burn.
D) third-degree burn.

Answer: A
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
61) An autograft covers an injured area of skin with
A) skin from a person other than the patient.
B) a skin substitute, such as an artificial membrane.
C) skin from a skin bank.
D) skin from an uninjured region of the patient's body.

Answer: D
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.; 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

62) A woman undergoes coronary bypass surgery, in which a blood vessel from her leg is moved
to her heart, where it supplements the blood supply following a heart attack. This procedure is
A) xenograft.
B) autograft.
C) allograft.
D) isograft.

Answer: B
Section: 06.04
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer; Repair and regeneration of the
integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.; 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

63) A man donates part of his liver to his daughter, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. This
procedure is a(n)
A) xenograft.
B) autograft.
C) allograft.
D) isograft.

Answer: C
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.; 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
64) In treating a burn patient, the "rule of nines" is used to estimate the
A) depth of the burn.
B) surface area of the burn.
C) degree and source of the burn.
D) type of scar that will form.

Answer: B
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

65) As a person ages, the skin typically becomes

A) thicker.
B) more opaque.
C) more elastic.
D) spotted with patches of pigment.

Answer: D
Section: 06.05
Topic: Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

66) Elderly persons may become less able to maintain stable body temperature because
A) they sweat excessively.
B) their sebaceous glands become overactive.
C) the number of sweat glands diminishes.
D) the skin becomes too oily.

Answer: C
Section: 06.05
Topic: Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
67) Skin wrinkles with age because
A) collagen degrades in the subcutaneous layer as the epidermis shrinks.
B) fat is lost from the subcutaneous layer and the dermis shrinks.
C) the number of sweat glands diminishes.
D) epidermal cells undergo a burst of cell division.

Answer: B
Section: 06.05
Topic: Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

68) The advantage of cryo-electron tomography is that it

A) enables cells to divide continually.
B) is cheaper than other methods.
C) provides a static view of the skin.
D) preserves intercellular junctions.

Answer: D
Section: 06.01; Boxed Reading: Vignette
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

69) The flexible proteins that link the cell membranes of squamous epithelial cells in skin are
A) cadherins.
B) collagens.
C) cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs).
D) keratins.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
70) Cutaneous melanomas are associated with
A) short exposure to high-intensity sunlight.
B) prolonged exposure to low-intensity sunlight.
C) occasional exposure to X-rays.
D) exposure to background radiation.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

71) Skin cancer is most likely to develop from

A) pigmented epithelial cells.
B) pigmented melanocytes.
C) nonpigmented epithelial cells.
D) nonpigmented melanocytes.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

72) Cutaneous carcinomas are usually caused by regular exposure to

A) X-rays.
B) gamma radiation.
C) ultraviolet light.
D) mutagenic chemicals.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
73) We enjoy sunbathing because it stimulates keratinocytes to release
A) beta endorphin.
B) collagen.
C) carotene.
D) keratin.

Answer: A
Section: 06.01; Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 6.1
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

74) Which person is at highest risk of developing a cutaneous carcinoma?

A) A light-complexioned man age 52 who goes to the beach on summer weekends and does not
use sunblock because he likes to be tan
B) An eighty-year-old who spends most of her time indoors
C) A twenty-two-year-old college student who is outdoors often and uses sunblock
D) A black woman who spends most of her time in her office

Answer: A
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

75) Exposure to ultraviolet radiation greatly increases the risk of developing

A) heart disease.
B) diabetes.
C) skin cancer.
D) glaucoma.

Answer: C
Section: 06.01
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
76) A future treatment for baldness may potentially be
A) head massages.
B) high protein shakes.
C) scalp transplants.
D) stimulation of stem cells from the hair bulb of hair follicles.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

77) Acne is a disorder of the

A) sweat glands.
B) hair follicles.
C) sebaceous glands.
D) apocrine glands.

Answer: C
Section: 06.02
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

78) Fever is
A) a result of inflammation.
B) due to exposure to heat.
C) a special case of hyperthermia in which body temperature rises in response to an elevated set
point, typically in response to infection.
D) a special case of hypothermia in which body temperature falls to protect the core from

Answer: C
Section: 06.03
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
79) A new tattoo artist is doing their first tattoo. Being nervous, they don't adjust the needle
depth setting on the tattoo machine properly and this causes the ink to barely reach the dermis.
The ink is only deposited into the dermis in some spots, while much of it is deposited into the
lower layers of the epidermis. What will happen to the tattoo?
A) The tattoo won't show through the layers of the skin.
B) In about a month or so, the areas where the ink penetrated only the epidermis will be gone.
C) The tattoo will be perfectly fine.
D) The ink will bleed and the tattoo will be blurry, but the ink will be retained.

Answer: B
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

80) Mira Dry is a cosmetic procedure where the underarm areas are microwaved. After this
procedure, patients notice a drastic reduction in both the usual foul smell of body odor and
wetness from regular sweating. Hair structures remain unaffected. According to these results,
what structures must be damaged?
A) Eccrine sweat glands
B) Eccrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands
C) Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands
D) Sebaceous glands

Answer: C
Section: 06.02
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Functions of accessory skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
81) A person slams their fingers in a door. Their fingernails are damaged near the lunula,
forming large white ovals at the site of the injury. As time progresses, what happens to the
damaged (white) area?
A) The white ovals will slowly dissipate and disappear as the damage is replaced from
underneath via the nail bed.
B) The white ovals will split vertically and each half will gradually move toward the lateral
(horizontal) edges of the nails.
C) The white ovals will be pushed up and out of the nail as raised bumps, with that section of
nail eventually peeling off.
D) The white ovals will gradually move upward toward the free edge of the nail and then be
worn away with the free nail edge.

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Functions of accessory skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

82) Botox works by blocking nerve communications and typically is used to target the muscles
of the face to reduce wrinkling. However, some patients with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
have Botox injected into problem areas to reduce the amount of sweating. Why would this work?
A) Nerves that directly communicate with sweat glands and stimulate them to produce sweat are
B) The arrector pili muscle is blocked from receiving nerve signal and can't squeeze sweat from
the glands.
C) Specialized muscles controlling the sweat glands are blocked from communication.
D) The Botox toxin directly paralyzes the sweat glands on contact.

Answer: A
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
83) You have a condition in which your fibroblasts are functional, but very inefficient and
produce collagen at a slow rate. You accidentally cut yourself. What will be true of the healing
A) No scab or clotting will form.
B) Only the epidermis will heal. The dermis will remain injured until medical intervention
C) The process of wound closing in the dermis will be very slow.
D) Heavy scar tissue will be produced in the wound.

Answer: C
Section: 06.04
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Repair and regeneration of the
integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

84) A person's hands are exposed to a chemical that causes neurological damage. They begin to
lose feeling in the skin of their palms and fingers, particularly the sense of fine touch. They no
longer can differentiate textures in objects, nor can they tell when they are touching something.
What skin structures must have been damaged?
A) The stratum basale of the epidermis
B) Pacinian corpuscles
C) Sebaceous glands
D) Meissner's corpuscles

Answer: D
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

85) One of the symptoms of Waardenburg syndrome is poliosis, which is the development of a
patch of hair that is completely white or prematurely grey. This coloration results from
pheomelanin being produced in the patch.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
86) The skin is one of the larger organs in the body by weight.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

87) The tough layer of waterproof material that makes up the outermost part of the epidermis is
the stratum lucidum.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

88) In healthy skin, the production of epidermal cells is closely balanced with the loss of skin

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

89) Melanocytes can transfer granules of melanin into nearby epithelial cells.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

90) Blood with excess oxygen causes cyanosis.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
91) The major blood vessels that supply the skin lie between the dermis and the epidermis.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

92) The outermost layer of the epidermis is the stratum basale and the innermost layer is the
stratum corneum.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

93) Melanocytes synthesize melanin, which protects underlying cells from the effects of
ultraviolet light.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.; 06.02 Summarize the
factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

94) If the dermal papillae were completely flat, this would result in the fingerprints becoming
even more prominent.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
95) Sunlight, ultraviolet light, and X-rays all darken skin because they increase blood flow to the

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.; 06.02 Summarize the
factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

96) Three physiological factors that affect the color of skin are: volume of blood in dermal
vessels, carotene in the subcutaneous layer, and various diseases.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.; 06.02 Summarize the
factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

97) If the entire epidermis were to become keratinized, visible skin would become incredibly
hard and inflexible.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

98) Melanin production is greater in the skin of people who live outdoors all the time than in
people who do not.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
99) The amount of keratin protein produced during keratinization determines hair color.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.; 06.04
Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

100) When showering, a young woman loses what looks like many hundreds of hairs. She should
not be concerned about impending baldness.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.04 Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

101) The arrector pili muscle is composed of striated muscle tissue.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

102) Sweating cools the body by evaporation.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.03
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
103) Hypothermia is elevated body temperature due to exposure to heat and the inability of the
body to cool down.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

104) A second-degree burn is the same as a full-thickness burn.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

105) A burn that involves the epidermis only is called a deep partial-thickness burn.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.04
Topic: Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

106) Aging affects the appearance of the skin, producing wrinkles and sagging due to decreased
collagen and elastin formation.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 06.05
Topic: Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
107) The stratum basale is the deepest layer of the epidermis. The cells of the stratum basale rest
on the basement membrane and grow and divide to replenish the skin cells of the epidermis. The
stratum basale is an organ.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

108) An elderly person decides to get a tattoo. The tattoo artist will have to set the needle depth
to a deeper setting because the epidermis of the elderly is thicker and tougher than in younger

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

109) A patient with high blood pressure is put on a vasodilator, which causes blood vessels to
dilate. One of the side effects will be pale, cool skin.

Answer: FALSE
Section: 06.03
Topic: Functions of skin tissue layers; General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.05 List various skin functions, and explain how the skin helps regulate
body temperature.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

110) Two or more types of tissue functioning together constitute a(n) ________.

Answer: organ
Section: 06.01
Topic: General functions of skin and the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
111) The deepest cells of the epidermis make up the stratum ________.

Answer: basale
Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

112) The pigment produced by melanocytes is ________.

Answer: melanin
Section: 06.01
Topic: Gross anatomy of skin
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.02 Summarize the factors that determine skin color.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

113) The ________ of the subcutaneous layer acts as a heat insulator.

Answer: adipose tissue

Section: 06.01
Topic: Functions of the subcutaneous layer
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

114) The ________ sweat glands become active at puberty and possess ducts that open into hair

Answer: apocrine
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
115) Localized redness, swelling, warmth, and pain are indicators of ________, the normal
response to injury.

Answer: inflammation
Section: 06.04
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Repair and regeneration of the
integumentary system
Bloom's: 1. Remember
Learning Outcome: 06.06 Describe wound healing.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

116) Decreased hair growth, decreased sensory receptors in the skin, and inability to regulate
body temperature are all signs of ________.

Answer: aging
growing old
getting old
Section: 06.05
Topic: Effects of aging on the integumentary system
Bloom's: 2. Understand
Learning Outcome: 06.08 Summarize life-span changes in the integumentary system.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

117) A certain acne medication works by significantly slowing down production of sebum. The
structures targeted by this medication are the ________ glands.

Answer: sebaceous
Section: 06.02
Topic: Functions of accessory skin structures
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.03 Describe the accessory structures associated with the skin.; 06.04
Explain the functions of each accessory structure of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
118) While baking a pizza, you accidentally push your arm against the top of the oven while
trying to remove it. The area becomes very red, and shortly after the injury, a large blister forms.
While it is painful and warm, the burn isn't dry or leathery and the skin isn't blanched white or
charred black. This is a type of burn called a ________ burn.

Answer: deep partial thickness

second degree
Section: 06.04
Topic: Clinical applications of the integumentary system; Repair and regeneration of the
integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.07 Distinguish among the types of burns, and include a description of
healing with each type.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

119) Ichthyosis vulgaris is a skin disease in which dead skin cells cannot be naturally shed,
causing thick, itchy scales to form in the affected areas. The layer of skin that is not shedding
naturally is the ________.

Answer: stratum corneum

Section: 06.01
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skin; Repair and regeneration of the integumentary system
Bloom's: 3. Apply
Learning Outcome: 06.01 Describe the structure of the layers of the skin.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

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