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Holes Human Anatomy and Physiology

12th Edition Shier Test Bank

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Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

Chapter 07
Skeletal System

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A bone includes
A. living material and nonliving material.
B. blood, cartilage, dense connective tissue, and muscle.
C. only nonliving material.
D. extracellular matrix and inorganic salts, but no collagen.
E. only living material.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

2. Which of the following is not a function of bone?

A. To protect soft tissues.
B. To house the tissue that manufactures blood cells.
C. To provide nervous communication from bone to muscle.
D. To store inorganic salts.
E. To provide a framework for the body.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

3. The bones of the wrists and ankles are classified as

A. long bones.
B. flat bones.
C. short bones.
D. irregular bones.
E. dextrous bones.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

4. Which of the following is not found in spongy bone?

A. Trabeculae
B. Osteons
C. Canaliculi
D. Osteoblasts
E. Periosteum

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

5. Which of the following four groups of bones, based on shape and with an example of each,
is correct?
A. Long bones-wrist and ankle bones
B. Short bones-arm and leg bones
C. Flat bones-facial bones
D. Irregular bones-bones of the backbone
E. Short bones-facial bones

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

6. Compact bone has ________, whereas spongy bone has __________.

A. tightly packed tissue that reduces the weight of bone; cancellous bone that provides solid,
strong tissue resistant to bending
B. tightly packed tissue that is solid, strong, and resistant to bending; cancellous bone that
reduces the weight of bone
C. epiphyses; a diaphysis
D. osteocytes; no osteocytes
E. none of the above

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

7. The white material that reduces friction at the ends of bones is called
A. the epiphysis.
B. articular cartilage.
C. the periosteum.
D. the endosteum.
E. white matter.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

8. Articular cartilage is
A. fibrocartilage.
B. endochondral cartilage.
C. hyoid cartilage.
D. hyaline cartilage.
E. found only in the elbows and knees.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

9. A six-month-old baby is admitted to the hospital for the third time for a broken bone, and
the parents are arrested on charges of child abuse. The defense lawyer gets the charges
dropped after the results of genetic tests come back for which condition?
A. polydactyly.
B. osteoporosis.
C. osteogenesis imperfecta.
D. anemia.
E. bone cancer.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

10. A bone thickens by

A. activity of osteocytes in the medullary cavity.
B. increased secretion of calcium salts by osteoclasts.
C. increased activity of the epiphyseal plate.
D. adding blood vessels and nerves.
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

11. Osteoblasts are ______, whereas osteocytes are ______.

A. bone-forming cells; bone-destroying cells
B. mature bone cells; bone-forming cells
C. bone-forming cells; mature bone cells
D. bone-destroying cells; bone forming cells
E. embryo cells, fetal cells

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

12. Osteoclasts are

A. bone cells that secrete bone matrix.
B. mature bone cells that maintain the matrix.
C. immature bone cells that give rise to osteocytes.
D. bone cells that resorb bone tissue.
E. not bone cells.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

13. A vitamin D deficiency results in ______, whereas a vitamin A deficiency results in

A. rickets; dwarfism
B. rickets; retardation of bone development
C. osteomalacia; rickets
D. soft bones; rickets
E. osteoporosis; orange skin

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

14. Pituitary dwarfism results from a decreased secretion of ______ hormone, which
decreases production of ______.
A. thyroid; osteocytes in the periosteum
B. growth; osteoblasts in the medullary cavity
C. thyroxin; osteoclasts in the epiphyseal plate
D. growth; cartilage cells in the epiphyseal plate
E. sex; osteoclasts in the epiphyseal plate

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

15. Which of the following is not a step in endochondral bone formation?

A. Hyaline cartilage develops into the shape of the future bone.
B. Periosteum forms from connective tissue outside the developing bone.
C. Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue.
D. Osteoblasts deposit osseous tissue in place of disintegrating cartilage.
E. Osteoblasts deposit a thin layer of compact bone beneath the periosteum.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

16. Which of the following is(are) an example of an intramembranous bone?

A. Broad, flat skull bones
B. Phalanges of the fingers
C. Humerus
D. Femur
E. Teeth

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

17. The presence of an epiphyseal plate indicates that:

A. the bone is lengthening.
B. the bone is no longer lengthening.
C. the bone is increasing in diameter.
D. the bone is dead.
E. the bone is broken.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

18. At what age are all bones normally ossified?

A. Birth
B. 5 years
C. 15 years
D. 25 years
E. Never

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

19. Which is true?

A. Osteoblasts are large, multinucleated cells that break down calcified bone matrix.
B. Osteoblasts deposit bone matrix around themselves and become osteocytes when they are
isolated in lacunae.
C. Osteoclasts secrete bone matrix and become osteoblasts.
D. Embryos and fetuses have only osteoblasts, children have only osteocytes, and adults have
only osteoclasts.
E. Osteocytes secrete bone matrix and become osteoblasts

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

20. It is possible to determine if a child's long bone is growing by examining a radiograph of

A. diaphysis.
B. medullary cavity.
C. epiphyseal plate.
D. articular cartilage.
E. neophyseal plate.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

21. Endochondral ossification ______, whereas intramembranous ossification ______.

A. replaces hyaline cartilage; replaces undifferentiated connective tissue
B. forms bone in broad, flat areas of the skull; occurs in the limbs
C. deposits calcium salts; activates osteoclasts
D. activates osteocytes; stimulates osteoblasts
E. replaces undifferentiated connective tissue; replaces hyaline cartilage

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

22. The thyroid hormone thyroxine can ______ bone growth by ______.
A. increase; increasing cartilage production in the epiphyseal plate
B. halt; causing premature ossification of the epiphyseal plates
C. increase; stimulating osteoblast activity in the epiphyseal plate
D. halt; thickening the periosteum
E. halt; increasing calcium levels in the blood

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

23. Sex hormones stimulate

A. ossification of bone marrow.
B. increased activity of osteoclasts.
C. ossification of epiphyseal plates.
D. decreased activity of osteocytes.
E. destruction of osteoclasts.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

24. Exercise ______ and _______ bones.

A. thickens; elongates
B. elongates; weakens
C. thickens; strengthens
D. thins; atrophies
E. strengthens; innervates

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

25. The type of calcium phosphate forming most of the inorganic salts in bone extracellular
matrix is
A. hemoglobin.
B. hydroxyapatite.
C. collagen.
D. elastin
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

26. Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system?

A. Responsible for blood cell production
B. The storage of inorganic salts
C. The protection of organs, especially in the head and thorax
D. The interaction with muscles for movement
E. All of the above

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

27. Which of the following is the form in which calcium is found in the inorganic matrix of
the bone?
A. Calcium oxalate
B. Hydroxyapatite
C. Hydroxycalcite
D. Haversian crystals
E. Hypochlorite

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

28. Which of the following is not a function of bones?

A. Contraction
B. Provide points of attachment for muscles
C. Produce blood cells
D. Store inorganic salts
E. Protect internal organs

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

29. Bones
A. are not living tissue.
B. are multifunctional.
C. perform only one function.
D. contain organic salts.
E. are built primarily of elastin and collagen.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

30. The number of bones in the skeletal system is

A. the same for everyone.
B. more for males than females.
C. more for females than males.
D. variable, because some people have extra bones in skull sutures or tendons.
E. 306.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

31. The axial skeleton includes the

A. upper and lower limbs and pelvic and pectoral girdles.
B. skull, hyoid bone, thoracic cage, and vertebral column.
C. radius, ulna, carpals, and phalanges.
D. femur, tibia, and fibula.
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

32. The sternum is part of the

A. pectoral girdle.
B. pelvic girdle.
C. axial skeleton.
D. appendicular skeleton.
E. head.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

33. The pituitary gland is located in the

A. sella turcica.
B. cribriform plate.
C. sphenoidal sinus.
D. glenoid cavity.
E. mandibular fossa.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

34. The hard palate is composed of the

A. sphenoid and ethmoid bones.
B. nasal conchae and vomer bones.
C. zygomatic and lacrimal bones.
D. maxillary and palatine bones.
E. nasal conchae and palatine bones.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

35. The zygomatic arch is composed of processes of the

A. zygomatic and temporal bones.
B. zygomatic and maxilla bones.
C. maxilla and temporal bones.
D. temporal and parietal bones.
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

36. Which of the following bones is not part of the orbit of the skull?
A. Ethmoid
B. Sphenoid
C. Vomer
D. Frontal
E. Zygomatic

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

37. Bacteria infecting the mucous membranes in the air cells of the mastoid process most
likely spread from the
A. middle ear.
B. meninges.
C. frontal sinus.
D. maxillary sinus.
E. ethmoidal sinus.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

38. A cleft palate results from incomplete development of the

A. ethmoid bone
B. maxillae.
C. mandible.
D. vomer bone.
E. sphenoid bone.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

39. Which of the following sutures might close as late as age six?
A. Sagittal
B. Frontal
C. Coronal
D. Squamous
E. Lambdoid

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

40. The primary curves of the vertebral column are the

A. cervical and lumbar curvatures.
B. cervical and thoracic curvatures.
C. thoracic and sacral curvatures.
D. lumbar and sacral curvatures.
E. cervical and sacral curvatures.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

41. The hip bones include

A. ilium and pubis.
B. ilium, sacrum, and pubis.
C. ischium and pubis.
D. the ilium, the ischium, and pubis.
E. ischium, sacrum, and pubis.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

42. The atlas is one of the

A. lumbar vertebrae.
B. thoracic vertebrae.
C. cervical vertebrae.
D. sacral vertebrae.
E. coccygeal vertebrae.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

43. Ribs that join the sternum directly by costal cartilages are called
A. true ribs.
B. false ribs.
C. floating ribs.
D. direct ribs.
E. spare ribs.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

44. A sternal puncture is often employed to obtain a sample of

A. fibroblasts.
B. osteoblasts.
C. red bone marrow.
D. yellow bone marrow.
E. compact bone.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

45. The sternal angle is a clinical landmark commonly used to locate

A. a particular rib.
B. the apex of the heart.
C. the larynx.
D. the aorta.
E. the spinal cord.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

46. The clavicles

A. hold the shoulders in place and provide attachments for muscles of the back, chest, and
upper limbs.
B. form the shoulders.
C. provide attachments for muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs.
D. are triangle-shaped bones with indentations in the center.
E. serve no function in the body.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.09
Topic: Skeletal System

47. The three borders of the scapula are called

A. the frontal, pivotal, and dorsal borders.
B. the superior, axillary, and vertebral borders.
C. the acromion process, coracoid process, and glenoid borders.
D. the spinous, suprascapular, and subscapular borders.
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.09
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

48. Phalanges are

A. finger bones.
B. toe bones.
C. finger and toe bones.
D. neither finger nor toe bones.
E. wrist and ankle bones.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.10 and 07.12
Topic: Skeletal System

49. The capitulum and trochlea are located

A. at the proximal end of the humerus.
B. at the distal end of the humerus.
C. at the distal end of the ulna.
D. in the hand.
E. at the proximal end of the ulna.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.10
Topic: Skeletal System

50. In the northeastern U.S., many cats have extra digits, thanks to an ancestor from England
with many toes who came over in a ship during colonial times and was reproductively very
successful. Multitoed cats have
A. polydactyly.
B. polyuria.
C. osteoporosis.
D. polydipsia.
E. none of the above.

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.10
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

51. The components of the pelvic girdle are called

A. hip bones.
B. coxal bones.
C. innominate bones.
D. pelvic bones.
E. all of the above.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

52. The acetabulum

A. is a depression in the hip bone that receives the head of the femur.
B. a protuberance in the hip bone that attaches to the head of the femur.
C. the prominence of the hip.
D. is the anterior portion of the hip bone.
E. is formed anteriorly by the joining of the pubic bones.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

53. Which of the following describes a female's pelvis compared to a male's pelvis?
A. A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with lighter bones.
B. A cavity that is narrower in all dimensions, with lighter bones.
C. A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with heavier bones.
D. A cavity that is narrower in all dimensions, with heavier bones.
E. A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with fewer bones.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

54. Which of the following describes the female pelvis compared to that of the male?
A. The angle of the female pubic arch is smaller.
B. The distance between the female ischial spines is greater.
C. The distance between the female ischial tuberosities is less.
D. The female iliac bones are less flared.
E. The obturator foramen is more oval in a female.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

55. The femur

A. is the longest bone in the body.
B. extends from the hip to the knee.
C. has a large, rounded head.
D. articulates with the patella.
E. all of the above.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.12
Topic: Skeletal System

56. The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and lateral, intermediate, and cuneiform bones are
all part of the
A. foot.
B. hand.
C. pelvis.
D. sternum.
E. skull.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.12
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

57. Height begins to decrease on average after age

A. 25.
B. 30.
C. 50.
D. 65.
E. 80.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.13
Topic: Skeletal System

58. A compound fracture

A. is caused by an injury.
B. is caused by a disease.
C. results when the broken bone is exposed to the outside.
D. results when the bone is broken more than once.
E. results when a bone is incompletely broken in two places.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.1

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand
Topic: Skeletal System

59. Which of the following correctly lists the steps of fracture repair in sequence?
A. A hematoma forms, granulation tissue and fibrocartilage develop, osteoclasts and
phagocytes clear away debris, bony callus forms.
B. A hematoma forms, then osteoblasts arrive to produce new bone tissue.
C. Phagocytes clear away debris, osteoblasts remove damaged bone tissue, and a hematoma
D. White blood cells arrive during the inflammatory response and differentiate into
osteoblasts, which produce new bone.
E. A hematoma forms, followed by a bony callus that is replaced by fibrocartilage.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.1

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

60. Cells that remove excess bone tissue after fracture repair are
A. fibroblasts and osteoblasts.
B. chondrocytes and osteocytes.
C. osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
D. osteoclasts and phagocytes.
E. osteocytes and osteoblasts.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.1

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create
Topic: Skeletal System

61. Which of the following increases the risk of developing osteoporosis?

A. Low intake of dietary calcium
B. Lack of physical exercise
C. Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages
D. Family history of the condition
E. All of the above.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.2

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand
Topic: Skeletal System

62. Which person is at highest risk of developing osteoporosis?

A. A dark-skinned woman past menopause.
B. A dark-skinned elderly man
C. A light-skinned postmenopausal woman
D. A light-skinned, elderly man
E. A dark-skinned child

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.2

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

63. Eighty-year-old Evelyn takes a bisphosphonate drug once a month to keep her bones
strong. She most likely has
A. polydactyly.
B. osteogenesis imperfecta.
C. osteoporosis.
D. a hematoma.
E. rickets.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.2

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze
Topic: Skeletal System

64. Bisphosphonates are drugs that slow the progress of

A. rickets.
B. heart disease.
C. osteoporosis.
D. menopause.
E. cancer.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.2

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze
Topic: Skeletal System

True / False Questions

65. Bones are dead.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

66. Bones are classified as irregular, flat, short, and long.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

67. A bone shaft is the diaphysis; the expanded part at the ends are the epiphyses.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

68. Perforating canals form transverse channels in bone tissue.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

69. If the supply of blood cells is deficient, yellow marrow may change into red marrow.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

70. Bone remodeling occurs throughout life as osteoblasts resorb bone tissue and osteoclasts
replace the bone.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

71. Testosterone has a stronger effect on epiphyseal plates than estrogens.


Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

72. The small intestine requires vitamin D to adequately absorb calcium.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

73. The thyroid gland secretes growth hormone.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

74. Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells, whereas osteoblasts are bone-forming cells.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

75. Blood cell formation is called osteogenesis.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

76. The number of bones in most people is 206.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

77. The appendicular skeleton consists of the parts that support and protect the head, neck,
and trunk.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

78. The parietal bones meet the frontal bone along the sagittal suture.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

79. Fontanels in the infant's skull permit some bone movement, enabling the infant to pass
more easily through the birth canal.

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

80. Intervertebral discs are muscles that separate vertebrae.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

81. The first cervical vertebra is the axis and the second is the atlas.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

82. Most people have 24 ribs.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

83. The sternum develops in three parts: the lower manubrium, middle body, and upper

Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

84. The pectoral girdle consists of two scapulae and two clavicles.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.09
Topic: Skeletal System

85. The deltoid tuberosity is part of the humerus.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.10
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

86. The styloid process is part of the ulna.


Difficulty Level: Evaluate/Create

Learning Outcome: 07.10
Topic: Skeletal System

87. The ilium is part of the pelvic girdle.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

88. The ischium is the anterior part of the hip bone.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

89. The femur extends from the knee to the foot.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.12
Topic: Skeletal System

90. As a person ages, osteoblasts outnumber osteoclasts.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.13
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

91. Men and women begin to lose bone at the same rate by about age 70.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.13
Topic: Skeletal System

92. The characteristics of bone that enable it to provide clues to the past of our species are
hardness and endurance.

Boxed Reading: Vignette

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand
Topic: Skeletal System

93. A laminectomy is a procedure used to treat osteoporosis that removes of part of the
posterior arch of a vertebra.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.3

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand
Topic: Skeletal System

94. Kyphosis is excess curvature of the thorax.


Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.3

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand
Topic: Skeletal System

95. Tawanda is in a car accident. When she regains consciousness, she notices a sharp pain in
her left arm. Looking down, she sees a bone sticking out. This is a compound fracture.

Boxed Reading: Clinical Application 7.1

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

Fill in the Blank Questions

96. The medullary cavity of a long bone is lined with a thin cellular layer called ______.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

97. The tough, fibrous vascular tissue that encloses a long bone is the ______.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

98. Secretion of excess ______ ______ causes acromegaly.

growth hormone

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

99. Bone-forming cells are called ______.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

100. Blood cell formation is called _____________.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

101. The pigmented molecule that carries oxygen in red blood cells is __________.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

102. The two divisions of the skeleton are called axial and ________.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

103. The membranous soft spots of a newborn's skull are called ______.

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.06
Topic: Skeletal System

104. The cartilagenous parts that separate the vertebrae are called ______ ______.
intervertebral discs

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.07
Topic: Skeletal System

105. The xiphoid process is part of the ______.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.08
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 07 - Skeletal System

106. The shoulder is part of the _________ girdle.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.09
Topic: Skeletal System

107. The bones of the wrist form the ______.


Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.10
Topic: Skeletal System

108. The two pubic bones create a joint called the ______ ______.
symphysis pubis

Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.11
Topic: Skeletal System

109. Peter is whacked in the knee on the soccer field and collapses. The bruised bone is the

Difficulty Level: Apply/Analyze

Learning Outcome: 07.12
Topic: Skeletal System


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