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1. 聲明
- 租用人茲聲明,他的身體狀況以及在法律上均合格操作上述車輛,並已年滿25歲及滿兩年正式牌齡或以上。
- 本公司茲聲明,就彼所知及所信,上述車輛狀況良好及安全,且並無任何會在正常使用情況下影響其安全操作的任何已知損壞或故障,租用人有責任於取車時確認車輛狀況。

2. 責任
- 租用人必須按確認短訊中的日期、時間及地點取車 (獲本公司職員通知其他取車日期及時間則另作別論)。如需更改已確認的日期、時間或地點,必須經本公司同意,並收取 $200 行政費。
- 如租用人於確認短訊中的取車時間前 24 小時內作出任何更改,本公司有權沒收租用人已繳付的留車費。
- 租用人不得以車輛從事任何違法活動,亦須遵守交通規則,並必須承擔租用期間一切法律責任及交通違例處分。
- 一旦收到任何交通違例通知書,經本公司核實為租用人租車期間發生,本公司將呈交租用人資料予警方以助調查。
- 如有任何違例泊車告票,租用人必須於 21 天內自行繳交罰款,並保留相關繳款證明。如租用人未有於 21 天內繳交罰款而導致本公司收到警方的欠繳罰款通知書,本公司將額外收取港幣 $200 行政費及
另加原有之罰款金額。租用人於任何告票發出 21 天後繳交的任何罰款將不獲退還。
- 如本公司收到任何交通違例通知書,如超速,欠繳隧道費和任何交通違例信件等需本公司向警署或隧道公司遞交司機資料,本公司將額外收取港幣 $200 行政費。
- 租用人必須承擔租用期間所引致的任何損失及全部責任,不論有關損失及損壞由碰撞、火災、水災、破壞行徑、偷竊或任何其他原因導致。
- 租用人於租用前須清楚檢車輛狀況,並與本公司職員以短片拍下所有車身及車廂內之損毀狀況。還車時將以短片中的狀況作為比較,本公司保留最後決定權。
- 車內設備如有損壞或遺失均須按價賠償,如有充電線/電話座/車用充電器,每件價值為港幣 $200 。
- 租用人必須保持車輛機件狀況良好,包括但不限於輪軩、水箱水位、迫力皮等。如發現車輛任何部件需更換或維修,必須立即通知本公司以進行保養維修。
- 車輛只可在合適一般私家車行駛之道路上行走,不可於泥路、草地及其他所有可能損壞車輛或導致車輛不能駕駛離開的道路行走 (一切相關衍生費用 如拖車費 將由租用人承擔)。
- 車廂中嚴禁吸煙,還車時如職員檢查到煙味將收取 $500 清潔費。
- 車廂可以放置寵物,惟租用人必須確保車廂清潔,如還車時檢查發現車廂中有寵物毛髮、氣味或其他污垢,將收取 $500 清潔費。
- 如車輛上設有行車紀錄儀,本公司一概不會對該設備的一切使用作任何保證,租用人可自行按需要使用該設備及其載有之檔案。
- 如車輛在租用期間亮起紅色警告燈,租用人必須於安全情況下立即停止駕駛並將車輛死火,並立即通知本公司職員處理。如因租用人在紅色警告燈亮著情況下繼續駕駛而導致車輛機件損毀,一切相關維修

3. 租金及按金
- 租用人如因逾期交租、逾期還車或因一切個人責任所引致的損失,本公司將於按金扣除相關費用及所衍生的行政開支。 租用人如確認續租,必須於原租約完結後七天內繳交下期租金,否則本公司將
每天收取港幣 $200 行政費。
- 如租用人已向本公司確認續租,包括電話及短訊確認,及後一切更改或取消均收取 $500 行政費。
- 如租用人欠繳租金,本公司有權於已付款之租期完結後立即以任何方式取回車輛,一切相關開支由租用人承擔。車廂中所有物品一概不被保留,本公司有權將所有物品棄置,租用人不可於事後作任何追討。

4. 保險及賠償
- 車輛已購買租賃汽車保險,若該車輛於租用期間發生意外,第三方的損失賠償可由保險公司賠償 (並不包括租用車輛的損毀賠償及因而引起本公司的其他損失賠償),惟租用人須支付保險公司墊底費
港幣 $20,000 及本公司行政費 *$25,000,合共 $45,000。(指定車款將收取更高行政費,合約中車輛型號有星號*之車款一律收取額外$20,000行政費)
- 如意外並不涉及第三方的損失賠償,而租用車輛因任何原因全數損失,租用人需向本公司支付 *$45,000 的賠償費用。 (本公司保留所有決定權,車輛之維修及損失金額由本公司指定維修中心報價)
- 如車輛於租用期間發生意外而租用人須同時賠償本公司及第三方的損失,租用人須支付保險公司墊底費港幣 $20,000 及本公司行政費 *$40,000,合共 $60,000。
- 一旦遇上任何交通意外,租用人須立刻通知本公司,並在其後主動向本公司申報所有相關狀況更新及向本公司呈交一切相關文件,並遵從本公司所有相關指示,如保險因而失效,一切賠償將由租用人承擔
- 如意外涉及第三方的責任或損失,租用人必須記錄在場人士的姓名、地址及聯絡電話。如意外已由警方到場處理,租用人亦須記錄報案編號、警員編號及其聯絡方法。
- 租用人必須於意外發生後48小時內向本公司確認是否需要動用保險,一切超過48小時之指示均不獲接納,所有與意外相關之賠償由租用人自行承擔。如確認需要動用保險,租用人須於意外發生後72小時內
- 租用人承諾不可違反保險條款內任何規限條文及作任何違法活動,租用之車輛亦只可由以上租用人操作,一切墊底費、非保單受保範圍、超過可索償金額及一切額外開支必須由租用人支付。
- 若最終因任何原因不獲保險公司賠償,一切與意外相關開支由租用人全數承擔。
- 本公司有權向租用人追討因租用人之交通意外導致車輛無法出租之損失。
- 如有任何爭議,本公司及保險公司將保留一切條款及細則之最後解釋權及決定權。
- 租用人必須於本公司報價後七天內,繳付所有意外相關保險費用、維修費用及一切賠償,否則其後所有欠款以8%平息計算,直至繳付所有賠償。
- 如因租用人拖欠賠償而導致本公司以法律或其他途徑追討欠款,一切衍生的開支費用均由租用人承擔。
- 原有按金中的港幣 $1,000 須於還車後保留三個月,並不可用作繳付賠償,如租用人未能於報價後七個工作天繳付所有賠償,餘下所有按金將不獲退還。

5. 維修及保養
- 本公司將負責車輛在租用期內之非人為自然損耗 (如偈油、輪軩),並包括引擎及汽車機件維修。
- 若車輛玻璃或車窗出現損壞 (如擋風玻璃有裂痕或爆裂)、車輛輪呔爆裂,租用人須承擔所有維修費用 (如更換玻璃、補呔、換呔及拖車之費用),該費用以本公司報價作準。
- 在租用人尚未繳交租金的期間,本公司有權拒絕作出緊急車輛支援服務及其他機件保養及維修。
- 當車輛達到本公司所訂行車里數 (或本公司評估車輛狀況後而作出要求),租用人必須按本公司要求於指定時間駕駛至本公司指定維修中心進行維修保養。
- 如車輛交還時有任何損毀,租用人須自行承擔維修費,價錢由本公司指定之汽車維修公司報價計算。一切汽車維修及損壞賠償事宜,必須由本公司親自執行,並保留最終決定權。
- 租用人亦須支付車輛維修期間,因本公司無法出租而損失的所有租金,費用以週租價錢按比例計算。
- 若因妄用、改裝或誤用零件、使用非法燃油、沒有燃油、加錯燃油種類、拒絕維修、拒絕在本公司要求的指定時間內更換非人為自然損耗品、或因租用人之個人因素引起之一切損壞,相關的所有維修費由
租用人負責,並另加維修費的 50% 作行政費。
- 在租用期內租用人如需對車輛作任何調教及維修,必須通知本公司辦理。如車輛設備及零件於未得本公司同意下自行更換,本公司保留權利收取對車輛再作調教及維修所需之費用,費用由本公司指定維修
- 本公司不會就此車輛非人為自然損耗的維修時間或日數,對租用期或租金作任何調整。
- 如於租用期間,車輛需進行政府年度驗車,租用人須按本公司指定時間將車輛駛至指定驗車中心,租用期及租金並不會作出任何調整。
- 如車輛在租用期間需要作出維修,本公司將就維修時間或日數作出相應調整補償,惟本公司保留最終決定權。
- 如因租用人不正確使用車輛而指示本公司安排緊急車輛救援服務,本公司有權按專業維修技師之判斷向租用人收取緊急救援費用港幣 $500 及所有衍生之費用。
- 如車輛電池因租用人不當使用而需作出更換,本公司將收取更換新電池之費用及港幣 $500 行政費。
- 如本公司指定維修技師判斷車輛狀況良好,本公司將不會批准更換車輛,租用人可選擇繳付港幣 $300 行政費用更換另一車輛。
- 本公司全權決定所有與車輛機件及性能相關之零件更換或維修事宜,所有決定將按本公司指定維修技師之判斷而作出。

6. 交還車輛
- 除非獲本公司作額外通知,租用人必須按合約上訂明之日期、時間及地點交還車輛。
- 如還車時間超逾 30 分鐘,本公司將收取港幣 $200 行政費,其後之行政費為每 30 分鐘港幣 $200。
- 租用人還車時必須把油缸注滿汽油,否則本公司將收取注滿油缸之汽油費用及額外港幣 $200 行政費。
- 租用人必須確保交還車輛時,車輛外殼與車廂保持清潔,否則本公司將收取港幣 $200 行政費。
- 租用人如需提早交還車輛,必須盡早與本公司聯絡以作安排。本公司並不保證能作出有關安排,惟一切提早交還的日期、時間及地點均由本公司決定。本公司將收取行政費港幣 $200,本公司並不會
- 如租用人需於本公司指定交還地點以外之任何地點交還車輛,必須經本公司同意及向本公司繳付每程港幣 $300 行政費用。
- 租用人必須於還車時取走所有個人物品,完成還車程序後,本公司有權將車廂中所有物品棄置,租用人不可於事後作任何追討。

7. 意外
- 如租用期間發生交通意外,租用人必須於1小時內通知本公司職員,否則有機會引致保險失效。
- 發生意外後,租用人必須通知警方及取得案件號碼,以作日後跟進之用。
- 租用人必須與意外中的持份者保持聯絡以作賠償安排,如因不能聯絡租用人或因租用人拒絕溝通而引致保險失效或引起額外賠償,一切意外賠償將由租用人全數承擔。
- 在未能釐清意外責任誰屬前,租用人亦須先支付一切維修車輛之費用,如最終責任在意外另一方身上,本公司將代租用人向意外另一方追討賠償。
- 發生意外後,本公司將保管租用人所繳付之按金直至完成一切與意外相關的賠償及維修事宜。
- 於確認意外責任誰屬前,本公司將不安排後備車輛予租用人使用。
- 如經警方證實意外責任不屬租用人,本公司將按車輛供應情況安排後備車輛予租用人。
- 如發生意外後,租用人欲繼續租用車輛 (包括租用維修後之原有車輛或更換其他車輛),須重新簽訂新合約,原有合約的餘下租期將不獲轉移至新合約。
- 如本公司車輛在發生意外後需要作出維修,除非經本公司同意,否則一切維修費用報價將按本公司指定汽車維修中心而定。

8. 其他
- 本公司有權選擇以扣除按金方式收取以上所述之額外費用。
- 本公司有權於租用期間任何時間單方面終止合約,並按比例退回餘下租期之租金予租用人。
- 如租用人額外租用汽車嬰兒座椅,租用人須自行檢查座椅的安裝及效能,本公司並不會為任何相關之意外及賠償負責。
- 如因遺失車匙而導致任何衍生費用均由租用人負責。
- 如因本公司之責任而無法提供所預約車輛級別時,本公司將盡早通知租用人。在此情況下,本公司將安排其他級別車輛予租用人,如本公司無法向租用人提供相同類型車款級別、又或者租用人拒絕
- 如租用人因違例泊車而被警方拖走車輛,租用人須承擔所有衍生費用,並向本公司繳付行政費港幣 $500。
- 本公司已授權租用人使用車輛的車輛登記文件及汽車保險副本以作申請停車場車位之用。
- 本文所載的條款將受香港特別行政區法律所管限,並依從香港特別行政區法律作闡釋。
- 租用人並同意受到香港特別行政區法院的非專屬司法管轄權管轄。
- 如有任何爭議,本公司將保留一切條款及細則之最後解釋權及決定權。
Terms and Conditions
1. Declaration
- The renter hereby declares that he/she is capable of driving the above vehicle physically and legally, with an official driving license more than two years and he/she is above 25 years old.
- Noah-AutoTM hereby declares that to the best of the company’s believe and understanding, the above vehicle is in good and safe condition with no malfunctions that would affect the normal use of the vehicle.
The renter is responsible to confirm the vehicle condition during the handover process.

2. Responsibility
- The renter must follow the date, time and location for handover in the confirmation message (unless any changes is approved by Noah-AutoTM staff ). If the renter would like to make changes on date, time or location,
it must be approved by Noah-AutoTM’s staff and an administration fee of $200 will be charged.
- If the renter make any changes within 24 hours of the time stated in confirmation message, Noah-AutoTM reserves the right to forfeit the paid deposit.
- The renter is not allowed to do any illegal activities with the above vehicle. The renter must comply with Road Traffic Ordinance and be responsible to all legal liability and the relative punishments during the rental period.
- Noah-AutoTM has the right to submit the required personal information of the renter to the police if the renter violates any traffic or other rules under the law.
- The renter is required to pay all the penalty tickets within 21 days of issue according to the instructions on the tickets. The renter should keep a record of the payment.
- If the renter fails to pay the penalty tickets within 21 days, the police will send letters to Noah-AutoTM notifying the payment. Noah-AutoTM will charge $200 administration fee for EACH letter received in addition and also charge the original penalty amount.
Any payment made by renter after 21 days will not be refunded.
- If Noah-AutoTM receives any letters from the police regarding traffic contraventions (e.g. speeding, crossing tunnels without payment, running red lights etc.), Noah-AutoTM will charge $200 administration fee for EACH letter received in addition.
- The renter is responsible for any loss and legal liability during the rental period, regardless of whether caused by collision, fire, flooding, intentional damaging, theft or any other possible causes.
- The renter is responsible to check the vehicle condition and make a video record of the vehicle condition together with Noah-AutoTM ’s staff. The video will be used as reference for the scratches and damages of the vehicle.
In case of any dispute, Noah-AutoTM has the right of final decision.
- The renter is responsible to any damage of the equipment or additional accessories in the vehicle. If there are charging cables, phone holder or phone charger, $200 per each damaged unit will be charged.
- The renter has to maintain the vehicle in good mechanical condition (includes but not limited to tires, water tank level and brake pads etc.). If the renter notices any parts of the vehicle need to be repaired or changed,
he/she has to inform Noah-AutoTM immediately so that all procedures will not be delayed.
- The vehicle can only be driven on normal roads for private cars. The renter cannot drive the vehicle on mud, turf or any kinds of surface that would possibly damage the vehicle or causing the vehicle cannot be driven away from that surface.
(The renter is responsible for any related extra costs. e.g. towing fee)
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in the vehicle. If Noah-AutoTM ’s staff determines the presence of the smell of cigarette, a cleaning fee of $500 will be charged from the renter.
- Pets are allowed to enter the vehicle but the renter has the responsibility to keep the vehicle clean. If Noah-AutoTM ’s staff determines the presence of pets hair, smell or any dirts, a cleaning fee of $500 will be charged from the renter.
- If there is a dashboard camera on the vehicle, Noah-AutoTM does not guarantee any of the use of the device. The renter can access the device and the files on the device according to his/her needs.
- If any red warning lights on dashboard come on during rental, the renter has to stop the car immediately under a safe situation. The renter has to notify Noah-AutoTM's staff immediately to handle. If the renter keeps driving the car with any red warning lights on
and it leads to any damage to the vehicle, all related costs to repair will be responsible by the renter.

3. Rent and Deposit

- Noah-AutoTM has the right to charge the renter any administration costs from the deposit if the renter delays payment of rent, late returning or any other loss caused by personal responsibility of the renter.
- If the renter confirms an extension of rental, he/she has to pay the rent for the extended period within 7 days from the original returning date. An administration fee of $200 per day will be charged after 7 days.
- If the renter cancels or change the extension of rental after a confirmation (including phone call and text messages), $500 administration fee will be charged.
- If the renter fails to pay rent, Noah-AutoTM has the right to get back the vehicle in any means right after the paid rental period ends. All related expenses will be responsible by the renter. All belongings in the vehicle will not be retained and
Noah-AutoTM has the right to discard them all. The renter cannot make any claims on any belongings after that.

4. Insurance
- The vehicle is under third-party insurance coverage. If accidents occur during the rental period, the loss of third-party will be covered by the insurance company. The renter has to pay a loading fee of $20,000 to the insurance company plus an administration fee
of *$25,000 to Noah-AutoTM . ($45,000 in total) (Special vehicle models have a higher compensation amount. All vehicle models with an asterisk * in the contract has an additional administration fee of $20,000)
- If the vehicle is determined to be total-loss during the rental period, the renter has to pay a sum of $45,000 as compensation to Noah Auto. (Noah-AutoTM reserves all rights regarding the choice of professional
service centers to determine the costs for repair and the vehicle status.)(Special vehicle models have a higher compensation amount. All vehicle models with an asterisk * in the contract has an additional administration fee of $20,000)
- If the vehicle is involved in an accident that incur both third-party loss and Noah-AutoTM ’s loss, the insurance company will cover both the loss but the renter has to pay a loading fee of $35,000 to the insurance
company plus an administration fee of *$25,000 to Noah-AutoTM . ($60,000 in total) (Special vehicle models have a higher compensation amount. All vehicle models with an asterisk * in the contract has an additional administration fee of $20,000)
- Upon having any traffic accidents, the renter has to inform Noah-AutoTM ’ immediately and keeps updating everything concerning the accident. The renter has to follow all related instructions by Noah-AutoTM or else the insurance will not cover any loss.
The renter will have to bear all loss if he/she fails to follow Noah-AutoTM ’s instructions on handling the accident.
- In any accidents that involve third party responsibility or loss, the renter has to acquire the name, address and contact method of the concerned individuals. If the police is involved in the accident, the renter has to acquire the case number from police, the police
officer number and the contact method of the police officer.
- The renter has to confirm to Noah-AutoTM whether he/she needs to make a claim from the insurance company within 48 hours after the accident happens. All instructions after 48 hours are not accepted and all related compensations are responsible by the renter.
If the renter confirms to make a claim from the insurance company, the renter has to pay all the loading fees and administration fees to Noah-AutoTM within 72 hours after the accident. If the renter fails to pay the loading fees and administration fees IN FULL within
72 hours, it indicates that the renter gives up the right to make a claim from the insurance company. All related compensations will be responsible by the renter.The renter has to fill and submit the insurance claim form to Noah-AutoTM within 72 hours
from the day of accident. If the insurance company refuses to make a claim due to any delay of information from the renter, the renter is responsible for all loss.
- The renter cannot violate any of the terms and conditions of vehicle insurance. The vehicle can only be driven by the renter. The renter is responsible for any loading fee, the loss that exceeds the coverage of the insurance policy or
the amount that exceeds the limit of coverage.
- If the insurance company declines to cover any loss, the renter has to bear all loss caused by accidents.
- Noah-AutoTM has the right to charge the renter any loss of rent due to accidents.
- In case of any dispute, Noah-AutoTM and insurance company reserve all rights of decision and explainations.
- After Noah-AutoTM s quotation of insurance loading fee, administration fee, repair cost or any compensation to Noah-AutoTM, the renter has to pay in full amount within 7 days. Or else all unpaid amount will be accumulated with a flat rate of interest of 8% until
all debts are paid by the renter. The $1,000 deposit that Noah-AutoTM holds for three months after the return of car cannot be used as any compensation.
- Without Noah-AutoTM ’s approval. If the renter fails to pay in full amount within 7 days, all remaining deposit will not be returned.
- If any legal services or debt collecting services are required due to the renter fails to pay all compensations before deadline, Noah-AutoTM has the right to charge the renter all related expenses.
* The administration fee charged by Noah-AutoTM is used to compensate the loss of increasing insurance costs and all administration costs due to accidents.

5. Repair and Maintenance

- Noah-AutoTM is responsible for the vehicle’s mechanical maintenance (non-human damaged) (e.g. engine oil replacement, tires replacement due to natural wearing but not bursting).
If the windows, windscreen or tires are damaged during rental, the renter has to bear the costs for replacing and repairing (e.g. replacing windows, replacing windscreen, replacing tires, towing fee).
- Before the renter pays the rent of the rental period, Noah-AutoTM has the right to refuse any emergency rescue services and maintenance.
- When the vehicle mileage meets the designated mileage by Noah-AutoTM (or under any circumstances that Noah Auto determines the vehicle needs to), the renter has to drive the vehicle to the designated service centre in the time determined by Noah-AutoTM.
- If the vehicle is damaged during rental, the renter has to bear the costs for repair. The price is determined by designated service centres and it is non-negotiable. The renter can make a quotation by themselves
but Noah-AutoTM holds the right for final decision. All matters regarding vehicle repairing and compensation must be executed by Noah-AutoTM.
- The renter also has to compensate for the loss of rent due to repairing the damaged vehicle. The price is calculated with average daily rent of 7-day price.
- If the vehicle has any damage due to misuse, modification of vehicle, wrong use of mechanical parts, using illegal fuel, lacking fuel, misuse of fuel type, refusing to conduct maintenance or repair under
instructions, or any personal reasons of renter, the renter has to bear all costs plus 50% of such amount as administration fee.
- The renter has to get Noah-AutoTM ’s approval for any adjustment, modification or repair of the vehicle. The insurance will no longer be valid if any vehicle parts is replaced without Noah-AutoTM s consent.
- Noah-AutoTM will not make any adjustment on rent and rental period due to the time needed for maintenance and repair due to renter’s damage or misuse.
- If the vehicle needs to conduct Ministry of Transport during the rental period, the renter has to drive the vehicle to the designated MOT centre by Noah-AutoTM at the specific time informed by Noah-AutoTM.
The rent and rental period will not be adjusted due to this arrangement.
- If the vehicle needs to be repaired (except damaged or misused by renter) during rental, Noah-AutoTM will adjust the rental period or rent according to the situation.
- If an emergency rescue service is arranged due to the renter’s misuse of vehicle, Noah-AutoTM has the right to charge the renter a rescue fee of $600 and all other related costs under the advice of professional mechanics.
- If the battery of vehicle needs to be replaced due to the misuse of renter, Noah-AutoTM will charge the renter the cost of replacing the battery plus $300 administration fee.
- If any warning lights on the dashboard of the vehicle is on, the renter has to notify Noah-AutoTM’s staff immediately to arrange proper handling. If any warning lights in red is on, the renter has to stop the vehicle immediately and notify
Noah-AutoTMs staff. If any mechanical parts of the vehicle is damaged due to the renter fails to stop the vehicle immediately, all costs to repair the related mechanical parts will be responsible by the renter (e.g. damaging the engine due to
operating the vehicle under overheat situation).
- If the designated professional mechanic appointed by Noah-AutoTM determines the vehicle is under proper condition, Noah-AutoTM will not approve a change of vehicle for the renter. The renter has the right to
change another vehicle with an administration fee of $300.
- If any warning lights on the dashboard of the vehicle is on, the renter has to notify Noah-AutoTM’s staff immediately to arrange proper handling. If any warning lights in red is on, the renter has to stop the vehicle immediately and notify Noah-AutoTM’s staff.
If any mechanical parts of the vehicle is damaged due to the renter fails to stop the vehicle immediately, all costs to repair the related mechanical parts will be responsible by the renter (e.g. damaging the engine due to operating the vehicle under overheat situation).
- Noah-AutoTM reserves all rights regarding all decisions of vehicle mechanics repair and maintenance. All decisions are advised by designated mechanics appointed by Noah-AutoTM.

6. Returning the Vehicle

- The renter has to return the vehicle at the designated place, time and date stated on contract unless Noah-AutoTM has other instructions.
- If the renter is late for more than 30 minutes, Noah-AutoTM will charge the renter $200 administration fee. The administration fee for every 30 minutes after is $200.
- The renter has to return the vehicle with a full fuel tank. Otherwise Noah-AutoTM will charge the renter the cost of filling full the fuel tank plus $200 administration fee.
- The renter has to make sure the both the exterior and interior of the vehicle are clean. Otherwise Noah-AutoTM will charge the renter $200 cleaning fee.
- If the renter requires an early return, the renter has to contact Noah-AutoTM as soon as possible. Noah-AutoTM does not guarantee the success of such arrangement, but the date, time and location of early return must be determined by Noah-AutoTM.
The renter has to pay $200 administration fee for such arrangement. No refund will be made on such requirement.
- If the renter requires to return the vehicle in other locations, the renter must get the approval from Noah-AutoTM and pay $300 administration fee per single trip.
- The renter has to take away all personal belongings in the vehicle when he/she returns the vehicle. After the returning process is completed, Noah-AutoTM has the right to remove all belongings in the vehicle. The renter cannot make any
claims on any belongings after that.

7. Accident
- If accidents happen during rental, the renter has to inform Noah-AutoTM within 1 hour. Otherwise the insurance will be invalid and all costs and compensation will be undertaken by the renter.
- The renter has to report to police and record the case number from police if any accidents happen.
- The renter has the responsibility to keep contact with all stakeholders of the accident to arrange compensation. If the insurance company refuses to make a claim or any other extra costs are generated because
of the renter refuses to keep contact with Noah-AutoTM, all costs and compensation will be undertaken by the renter.
- The renter has to pay all costs of repair of vehicle until the court determines the responsibility of the accident. Noah-AutoTM will claim the concerned party for the loss if the responsibility is determined to be
other parties than the renter. Noah-AutoTMwill hold all deposit of the renter if any accidents happen until all related compensation and repair are finished.
- Noah-AutoTM will not provide a spare vehicle for the renter until confirming the responsibility of the accident.
- If the police determines that the renter is not responsible for the accident, Noah-AutoTM will provide a spare vehicle for the renter.
- If the renter wants to continue the rental after an accident occur (including the original vehicle after repair or changing another vehicle), the renter has to sign a new contract. The rental period of the original contract will not be transferred to the new one.
- If the vehicle needs to be repaired after accident, all costs of repair must be determined by the designated service centres from Noah-AutoTM unless Noah-AutoTM approves.

8. Others
- Noah-AutoTM has the right to deduct from the renter’s deposit for any of the above fees.
- Noah-AutoTM has the right to terminate the contract at any time during rental without any cause. Noah-AutoTM will refund the rent to the renter in proportion to the finished rental period.
- If the renter rents an additional baby car seat with the vehicle, the renter has to check the installation and functioning of the baby car seat by himself/herself. Noah-AutoTM will not be responsible for any accidents or claim regarding to this matter.
- If the renter lost the key of vehicle, all related costs will be undertaken by the renter.
- If Noah-AutoTM is not able to provide the reserved vehicle category, Noah-AutoTM will inform the renter as soon as possible. Under this situation, Noah-AutoTM will arrange a vehicle of another category to the
renter. If Noah-AutoTM cannot provide similar vehicle models to the renter or if the renter refuses to accept the vehicle model, the reservation is considered as cancelled. Noah-AutoTM will refund all deposit to the renter.
- If the vehicle is towed away by the police due to illegal parking by the renter, the renter has to undertake all related costs plus $500 administration fee.
- Noah-AutoTM authorizes the renter to use the vehicle registration document (VRD) and the copy of the insurance policy for the use of applying parking.
- All terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong") and governed by the laws of Hong Kong.
- The application of each part of this clause is limited to the extent permitted by the law. If any part of these terms is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, only the prohibited or unenforceable portion is declared
invalid in that jurisdiction, but it will not invalidate the rest of the terms or the other jurisdiction The validity, legality or enforceability of the district will not be affected.
- Noah-AutoTM reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at its absolute discretion. In case of any disputes, the company reserves the right of final decision.

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