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A New York Times analysis found that 23 industrialized countries are responsible for 50% of all historical
emissions and more than 150 countries are responsible for the rest. In 23 industrialized countries, all of
them are MDCs. Which shows they have the main responsibility of CO2 emissions.

Researches show that fossil fuel is the main source of carbon emission. Research shows that
approximately 71% of CO2 emissions can be traced to 100 fossil fuel producers since 1988. Almost all of
them are located in the MDCs.

MDCs have a larger share of the world’s wealth and resources. Research shows MDCs account half of the
world’s wealth. With more wealth, they have greater ability to take action on climate change than LDCs.

MDCs account 23% of the population in the world, but MDCs consume 80% of the world’s energy

Although LDCs account most of the population,most of them are unindustrialized and only emit very less
amount of GHGS

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