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Building an inclusive organisation

April 2021
Our belief in what we do translates into a deep and
long-term commitment to the people we work with
and the places where we work. We tackle
challenges and take responsibility with openness
and honesty to bring about positive change.

Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do. By

involving everyone in the conversation we learn
from each other and bring together all of our
experience, knowledge and expertise to do the
best work that we can.

We believe in the potential of young people to

create a better world. Inspired by this optimism, we
are positive and creative, and we focus on what
works. We are not afraid to make bold choices to
shape a better future for everyone. 2
• I make decisions based on evidence and a range of views and ideas
• I communicate clearly and honestly
• When I don't know the answers, I ask questions to find out what is needed
• I am accountable for my actions and ask for feedback which I act upon

• I treat people with respect and kindness so they are empowered to share
their opinions and concerns
• I share my knowledge and expertise for the benefit of others
• I help to create a sense of belonging and trust
• I commit to the learning and development of myself and others

• I am confident to experiment with new ideas and use the learning from
what doesn't work
• I work with my colleagues to find new and creative solutions to challenges
• I believe in what I do and the difference that I can make
• I look for, listen to and embrace new ideas, especially those that broaden
my own understanding of the world 3
Please refer to the behaviours that describe:
– Open and committed
– Expert and inclusive
– Optimistic and bold
• In your group, identify specific examples where your team can demonstrate the behaviours in
delivering your work
• What opportunities exist in your team to focus more on these behaviours?
• Are any of these behaviours more difficult to demonstrate?
– How will you overcome these difficulties?
– What support do you need?

• How can we make sure that we’re not making assumptions?
• How can we use data and other evidence more in our work?
• What opportunities can we see to show we are balanced and fair?
• Where does our work impact our reputation?
• Where can we build in opportunities to ask for feedback?
• Where can we increase our communication with stakeholders?

• Whose views can we seek so we have a variety of perspectives (not just

from the same people as usual)?
• What can we do to recognised our own biases and include colleagues
who think differently to us?
• Who can we share our knowledge or expertise with?
• How are we including voices and experiences from minority groups?
• What do we ‘know that we don’t know’, and how do we find answers?

• Where can we challenge ourselves and others to find better solutions,

rather than taking the easiest option?
• What opportunities can we see to try something new, and share what we
• Are we looking for what's possible, rather than dwelling on difficulties?
• What can we do to consciously remove our own ‘thinking barriers’?
• Who are we sharing our thinking with that can offer new perspectives? 5

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