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PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI 9. I have 19 apple. 19 in English is ….

DINAS PENDIDIKAN a. nine c. one nine

SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 1 SINGOTRUNAN b. nineteen d. nine one
Jl. Tidar No. 46 Singotrunan - Banyuwangi Kode Pos 68414 Translate in English is ….
NIS: 100430 Email : NPSN : 20526588
a. seven plus eight equals fifeteen c. eight plus seven equals fifeteen
b. seven plus eight equals fifteen d. eight plus seven equals fifteen
LEMBAR SOAL 11.6 + 8 = ….
a. sixteen c. nineteen
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 12-10-2022 b. fourteen d. eighteen
Kelas : III (Tiga) Waktu : 60 Menit 12.18 – 2 = ….
a. sixteen c. fourteen
b. nineteen d. twenty
I. Choose ( X ) a, b , c or d with the correct answer! 13.My teacher reads a …. Jawa Post.
a. book c. paper
1. This thing is there in the kitchen …. b. magazine d. album
a. stove c. paper 14.Rudi … with a pencil.
b. book d. phone a. write c. borrow
2. My mother likes … in the kitchen. b. read d. lile
a. sweeming c. drawing 15.I like sweeming. Sweeming in Indonesia is ….
b. cooking d. reading a. berenang c. jalan ditempat
3. This thing use to frying. Name of the thing is …. b berlari d. berjalan
a. pan c. frying pan
b. bowl d. stove II. Answer these question with the correct answer!
4. Rina wants to sweep the floor. She use ….
a. broom c. ruler 16. Rudi likes … a book
b. pen d. feather duster 17. Rina sweeps the floor with the ....
5. Dodi want to write a letter, so must use …. 18. I have mother. Mother in Indonesia is ….
a. book c. pen 19. Mrs. Budi has five son. The mean of son is ….
b. paper d. eraser 20. This day is sunday. Tomorrow is ….
6. This month is …. 21. This month is October. Last month is ….
a. September c. October 22. 6 + 9 = 16 Translate in English is ....
b. July d. August 23. 17 – 5 = 12 Translate in English is ….
7. This is February. After that is .… 24. My mother likes … in the kitchen
a. April c. August 25. I need a ... to write a letter
b. May d. March
8. This is number 12. In English is ….
a. twelve c. one two
b. twenty one d. two one ***Good Luck***
DINAS PENDIDIKAN a. That is chair c. That is bag
SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 1 SINGOTRUNAN b. That is whiteboard d. That is Clock
Jl. Tidar No. 46 Singotrunan - Banyuwangi Kode Pos 68414 9. This is a bag
NIS: 100430 Email : NPSN : 20526588
The indonesian sentece is ….
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang c. Ini adalah sebuah bendera
b. Itu adalah sebuah bola d. Ini adalah sebuah tas
Subject : English Day/ Date : Wednesday, 12-10-2022
Class : III (Tiga) Time : 60 Minutes 10.
Panji : “What thing is that?”
Rino : “ That is a …. “
I Choose ( X ) a, b , c or d with the correct answer! a. plate b. bowl c. pillow d. bolster
1. is – this – broom – a II. Match with the correct answer!
The correct order is ….
a. Is this a broom c. This is broom a
b. This is a broom d. Broom a is this
11 This is number ....
2. 12 6 + 5 = 11 in English is ....
What thing is it ? 13 The Indonesian pillow is ....
a. pillow b. bolster c. fan d. Stomach 14 Twenty plus five is ....
3 The … is to write on the blackboard. 15 book – this – my – is
a. pencil b. marker c. chalk d. ballpoint The correct order is ….
4. There is a clock on the wall. ‘Clock’ in Indonesian is …. 16 After eleven is ….
a. sapu b. Peta c. lampu d. jam dinding 17 o–r–b–o–m
5. We sweep the classroom floor using a …. It is the thing. The corret word is ….
a. broom b. Map c. bag d. clock 18 The number before ten is ….
6. 5+7 = 12 19 I can sit on the ….
The English sentence is …. 20 Mr. Ahmad is go to sleep on the ….
a. Five plus seven is fifteen c. seven plus five is fifteen
b. Twelve is seven d. Five minus seven is fifteen III. Answer the question below!
7. 10+ 10 = ….
a. fifteen b. ten c. twenty d. Ten ten 21 What do you use to sweep the floor?
22 What is the Indonesian of ‘chair’?
23 What is the Indonesian of ‘refrigerator’?
8. 24 What do you use to eat?
Rudi : “Is that a table?” 25 What number after eleven?
Rina : “No, that is not.”
Rudi : “What is that?”
DINAS PENDIDIKAN Rina : “No, that is not.”
Jl. Tidar No. 46 Singotrunan - Banyuwangi Kode Pos 68414 Rina : “….”
NIS: 100430 Email : NPSN : 20526588
a. That is chair b. That is whiteboard c. That is bag
9. This is a bag
The indonesian sentece is ….
a. Ini adalah sebuah pena b. Ini adalah sebuah tas c. Itu adalah pensil
Subject : English Day/ Date : Wednesday, 12-10-2022
Class : I (Satu) Time : 60 Minutes

10. That is a …. “
I Choose ( X ) a, b , c or d with the correct answer! a. book b. pen c. pencil

II. Match with the correct answer!

11 This is number ....
12 I have 2 books. 2 in English is ....
13 The .... are on the table. (pencil)
1 There …. fishs on the picture. 14 Twenty plus five is ....
a. two b. six c. four 15 book – this – my – is
2 The number 6 in English is …. The correct order is ….
a. six b. four c. five 16 After six is ….
3 There are … pencil on the table. (dua) 17 a–b–g
a. two b. six c. four It is the thing. The corret word is ….
4 I have ... book in my bag. (satu) 18 The number before ten is ….
a. one b. two c. three 19 I can sit on the …. (kursi)
5. We have …. broom. (10) 20 Five plus five equal ….
a. ten b. four c. one
6. 5+7 = 12
The English sentence is ….
a. Five plus seven is fifteen
b. Twelve is seven ***Good Luck***
c. seven plus five is fifteen
7. 10+ 10 = ….
a. fifteen b. ten c. twenty
III. Translate these sentences below in Indonesian!

21 I have a book = ………………………………………………

22 My mother has a son = ………………………………………………

23 Rina has a pencil = ………………………………………………

24 Dani is in grade 3 = ………………………………………………

25 That is an elephant =………………………………………………

***Good Luck***

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