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Animal is My


Sumber : Buku Tematik Kelas 6A

Animal Type

Countries in Southeast Asia have many types of animals. Some of them are
made as food, country symbols, or pets.
a. Elephant White in Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand are considered sacred.
Keeping white elephants is very expensive because the owner must provide
special food.
b. Inside the Indonesian sea, there is a huge potential for Tuna Fish.
The most sought after tuna in Japan, the United States and the European
c. In Malaysia the Lakur includes protected animals in his country

Figure (a) Figure (b) Figure (c)

How to Breed Animals

The animals that breed by laying eggs called ovipar. For example chicken and
type other birds.

Besides the laying eggs, there are also the animals who by giving birth. The
animal breed by giving birth is called Vivipar. Cow, cats, and elephants are
examples viviparous animals.

Are there animals that breed by laying eggs at once giving birth? There are,
likes a snakes. Many types of snakes are not always give birth to their child.
Sometimes when removing their children, there is still a snake child wrapped
in his eggshell. This kind of breeding is said to lay eggs and give birth
Economic Potential of the ASEAN Member Countries

Learn more about economic activities in the Asian region. Southeast is related to
geographical conditions. The Southeast Asia region is located on the world trade track.
The area is a bridge between the European and East Asian regions. Therefore Asean is a
forum to avoid disputes that arise
• Brunei Darussalam
The country is famous for petroleum and natural gas and Brunei has the highest per
capita income in Southeast Asia because of its natural gas.
• Philippines
The country where the majority of the population lives is farmers. Some of the superior
products of agricultural products are exported to various countries, such as pineapple,
rice, coconut and sugar.
• Indonesia
Indonesia has a variety very rich natural resources. At present Indonesia exporting oil
and gas, textiles and wood products. Indonesia's natural beauty is also a source of the
attraction foreign exchange from the tourism sector.
Task Answser the following questions according to the text!

1. What is the animals is sanctified in the Thailand?

Answer :Elephant White
2. What’s animals Japanese countries looking for in Indonesian waters?
Tuna Fish
Answer : ________________________________________________________
3. What is the animal that breeds in childbirth?
Answer : ________________________________________________________
4. Is it called animal breeding by laying eggs?
Answer : ________________________________________________________
5. In which country is the Lakur protected?
Answer :Malaysia

6. What the agricultural products are exported by the Philippines?

Pineapple, rice, coconut and sugar
Answer : _________________________________________________

7. Which country is famous for the petroleum and natural gas?

Brunei Darussalam
Answer : ________________________________________________
8. What a country that is rich in resources?
Answer : ________________________________________________
9. “ Jembatan” in English language is ...
Answer : _________________________________________________

10. “ Expensive” in Indonesian language is

Answer : _________________________________________________
Simbol Negara :
State symbols
Dianggap :
Mahal : Terkait :
Expensive Related
Sediakan : Jembatan :
Provide Bridge
Termasuk : Tertinggi :
Includes Highest
Dicari : Hindari :
Sought Avoid
Berkembangbiak : Breed Perselisihan :
Melahikan : Disputes
Give birth
Lainya :
Peletakan :

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