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Nama : Kadek Devi Indraswari

Nim : 2202014617

Kelas : II B Manajemen ( Sore )

1. What are Business cycles ?

Answer : Business Cycles is a movement pattern that describes economic conditions ( up or
down) regarding aspects of expansion conditions as well as peak conditions of a country’s
business economic activity movement that will have a positive influence on the performance
of a company.
2. What is the difference between a boom and a bust ?
Answer : the boom and bust are the gross domestik product cycle of upward and downward
movements and their long-term tren
3. What are business contraction
Answer : business contraction is a periode when economic output declines.
4. How are recession different than business contraction
Answer: when a country’s real gross domestik product (GPD) the most watched indikator of
economic activity has decline for two or mor consecitive quartes, then a recession has
5. Which of the following are affected by boom and bust cycles ?
Answer: The economic shrinks, people lose their jobs and investors lose money

The impact of the pandemic covid 19 that hit for about the last 2 years on my family
was the experience a finansial crisis. Because of the salery decline felt by my parents but not
too havey.
But economically for my family i tis still sufficient but during the pandemic our family
minimized spending and put more important needs first.

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