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Unit-I Part-A

1. Define computational thinking.

2. Define decomposition.
3. Define Algorithm
4. Characteristics of an algorithm
5. Keywords
6. Define string.
7. Variables.
8. Define array.
9. Define string.
10. Datatypes
11. Rules for naming a variable
12. Algorithm to find the biggest number among two numbers.
13. Algorithm to check whether the given number is odd or even.
14. Declare a float array and assign 5 values to it.
15. Declare a char array and assign 5 names into it.
16. List the storage classes
17. Limitations and advantages of arrays
18. How to declare a string in C?
19. How to declare 2D float array?
20. How to declare 2D character array?

Unit-II Part-A
1. Define pointer
2. Pointer declaration.
3. Pointer operators
4. Define Function.
5. 2 types of parameters
6. Types of parameter passing methods
7. Compare call by value and call by reference
8. Use of function in C?
9. Define recursion
10. What is the use of structure?
11. Differentiate Array and Structure.
12. What are the advantages of structure?
13. Compare structure and union.
14. Syntax for function prototype
15. Syntax for function declaration
Unit – I Part - B
1. Building Blocks
2. Structure of C program
3. Operators and Operator precedence
4. String built-in functions
5. Conditional statements
6. Iterative statements
7. Storage classes
8. Sum of digits – algorithm
9. Reverse of a given number - algorithm
10. To check the given number is Armstrong or not - Algorithm
11. Write a C program to find whether the given number is positive, negative or zero.
12. Bubble sort
13. Linear search, Binary search.
14. Write a program to print the numbers that are divisible by both 3 and 7 from 1 to 100.
15. Matrix addition
16. Subtraction of 2 matrices.
17. Matrix Multiplication.
18. Transpose matrix
19. Find sum of diagonal elements of a matrix.
20. Finding the sum and average of array of ‘n’ numbers.
21. Find the smallest and biggest value from a set of numbers.
22. To print the given digits in words.

Unit-II Part-B
1. Elements of a user defined function
2. 4 types of user defined functions
3. Local and global variables.
4. Finding biggest of 2 numbers using function.
5. Return statement.
6. Pass by value and Pass by reference
7. Student grade calculation for ‘n’ students
8. Employee salary calculation for ‘n’ employees
9. Library book management
10. Structure, Nested structure, Array of structure, Array within the structure
11. Factorial - using recursion.
12. Fibonacci series - recursion
13. To calculate sum of ‘n’ natural numbers using recursion.
14. Find the sum of even numbers, sum of odd numbers between the 1 to 100 using
15. Sum of digits using function
16. Armstrong or using recursion

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