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I am trying to find a show or anime(that show was on a channel that during the day the channel was for

4-5 year olds , after 8:00PM it was only anime) from my childhood, and I can't remember it.

I was little when I watched that show and I might be confusing it with another show without realizing, so
sorry in advance.

List of things from that show:

there where 3 kids, 2 boys and one girl, the MC color scheme was mostly red(the others I don't
remember, problably one was blue and the other one was green or black)

the power system was like this: there where some black disks (pentagonal or hexagonal, not sure) with a
figure on top of it, and these figures would be like armors that the user puts on.

In one scene the MC gets a disk and when he tries it, he loses control, and he attacks everything. Then
his friends try to help him get out from that thing by beating him, I think before he got the armor, he
fought someone that was using that armor.

In a scene there was some train/locomotive that was dying, but instead of dying he got repaired, like
good as new.

5 Not sure if there was some rival for the mc.

I am sure that the anime was not marvel disk thing or Kakugane.

Also, sorry if there is some mistake in my post, I am new to this community.

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