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Wanita itu menderita dibetes melitus The woman has had diabetes mellitus
sejak dia pension dari RS since she retired from the hospital
Anda kelihatan pucat You look pale
Saya tidak bisa pergi ke mana-mana I can't go anywhere during lockdown
selama lockdown
Pasien seharusnya merasa nyaman The patient should feel comfortable
Perawat itu sedang membantu dokter The nurse was helping the doctor when
ketika pemilik RS datang ke RS itu. the hospital owner came to the hospital
Ayahnya meninggal dunia ketika dia (lk2) His father passed away when he was 10
berusia 10 tahun. years old
Kami sudah lulus pada tahun 2022 We have graduated in 2022
Tolong bicara perlahan dan jelas! Please speak slowly and clearly!
Dokter belum memeriksa patient itu The doctor hasn't examined the patient
Saya sedang minum kopi ketika telepon I was drinking coffee when the phone
berdering tadi pagi rang this morning
Saya sudah minum obat sebelum saya I took medicine before I left for the
berangkat ke kantor kemarin office yesterday
Staff medis seharusnya memberikan Medical staff should give patients a
pasien perasaan aman feeling of security
Obat itu membuat pasien merasa lebih The drug makes the patient feel better
Apakah mereka sudah membawanya Did they take him to the hospital?
(prp) ke RS?
Rekam medis itu dapat menjadi bukti di The medical record can be evidence in
pengadilan court


Drill 1

Command come in!

Request come in, please!

Rewrite as the examples above

1. come in

Come in, please!

2. sit down

Sit down, please!

3. stand up

Stand up, please!

4. turn around

Turn around, please!

5. say Ah

Say ah, please!

Drill 2

Command Come in!

Request will you come in, please?

Rewrite as the examples above

1. raise your arm

Will you raise your arm, please?

2. move your head

Will you move your head, please?

3. lift your back

Will you lift your back, please?

4. arch your back

Will you arch your back, please?

5. lower your foot

Will you lower your foot, please?

Drill 3

Command come in

Request would you come in, please?

Rewrite as the examples above

1. roll your sleeve up

Would you roll your sleeve up, please?

2. take your shirt off

Would take your shirt off, please?

3. hold your head up

Would hold your head up, please?

4. hold your breath in

Would hold your breath in, please?

Drill 4

Command stand up

Request would you mind standing up, please?

Rewrite as the examples above

1. stand up
Would you mind standing up, please?

2. sit down

Would you mind sit down, please?

3. lie down

Would you mind lie down, please?

4. turn down

Would you mind turn down, please?

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