Scene 6

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The boy and the girl live separately but they spend quite a bit of time together.

Boy – phones his girlfriend and 7pm.

Boy: Hey, what’s up, what are you up to?

Girl: Just studying nothing much, im home.

Boy: oh cool, im also home, go hard on the books see you tomorrow.

Girl: Cool, chat later.

Boy calls her again at 9pm, she doesn’t answer, he calls her 13 times and she doesn’t answer.

Then he goes to her flat and she is not there

11pm the same night

Girl: Hey, how are you, sorry I feel asleep

Boy: Don’t mess with me, I was at your place and you were not there, I knocked for 30mins like a
fool, don’t make me look stupid.

Girl: No Babe, I am not home im at the library.

Boy: I don’t care why the hell are you not answering your phone, are you cheating on me.

Girl: Baby no, I really did fall asleep, I am exhausted, Exams are killing me.

Boy: Sharp, see you tomorrow.

Girl thinks everything is fine and she goes home and falls asleep.

Boy comes around 5am to see if he can catch her doing something wrong, he sees her through a
window and she is sleeping, alone.

He knocks.

Girl runs to the door to open and gives him an embrace because she knows he is triggered.

Boy - slaps her with the back of his hand and she is pushed inside the house by the force of it and
she falls….

She holds her face, where he has just hit her, she looks at him in disbelief because this has never
happened before.

Boy closes the door and rushes to her, he kneels next to her and starts crying

Boy: Im sorry Babe, im sorry, I didn’t mean to, yesterday was just so hard for me because I had all
these crazy thoughts about what you were doing and I let those thoughts get the better of me….You
know I would never hit you, I have never hit you but you. You should always answer your phone, you
made me this crazy, you made me lose my mind.

She is looking at him and she is still in disbelief, she has never seen him so vulnerable, she holds him
and apologizes and kisses him and says,

Girl: Im sorry, I shouldn’t have fallen asleep and let the phone go on voicemail.
Later in the day she meets up with her 3 friends.

Girl: I don’t know what happened today, but something just doesn’t feel right, (BOY) hit me because
I had made him upset and not answered my phone last night

Friend 1: What, what do you mean he hit you

Girl: He slapped me across my face

The girl doesn’t know but the boy can hear them, he had followed her to the restaurant where she
was meeting her friends, because he thought she was meeting a boy.

He slows leave but he is seething because she is sharing their secrets with her friends.

He goes back to her house.

Later she comes back.

She walks into the flat and the first thing she feels is a hard slap on her face and a kick to her
stomach and she falls, loses her breath and she lets out a scream.

Boy kicks her and screams

Boy: why are you telling your friends our business, did I not say sorry to you this morning, why do
you want your friends to look at me that way

Girl: She is trying to cover her face and is curled up as her body takes his kicks, I am sorry Babe, I
wasn’t trying to hurt you, I just was talking to my friends because I was worried about what

Boy: I said I am sorry, what do you want me to say, as he continues kicking her

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