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Scene 7

She is lying on the floor and bleeding through her nose.

Boy: Let me take you to hospital but you cant say its me, I will get arrested and you know what they
will do to me there.

Girl: whispering because she doesn’t know it yet but her ribs are broken, “what do you want me to
say when we get there”

Boy: tell them you were mugged and I promise if you do this for me, I will never hit you again, I am
sorry Babe, I don’t know what happened, I think I love you too much.

Boy picks her up and she lets out a muffled scream because every part of her body hurts.

They drive to the hospital, she occasionally cries because the drive there keeps making her insides

They get to reception

Nurse: Hello, whats happening here?

Boy: She was mugged and left on the side of the street, she had someone call me and I picked her up
and brought her here, right Babe?

He looks at her to make sure she backs his story.

Girl: mhhhh, she cant let the words out but she nods in agreement.

Nurse: Sir, we will need to take her inside so a Doctor can look at her

Boy: Im coming with

Nurse: No Sir, you cannot, we need to examine her and maintain her confidentiality whilst doing so.

They patch her up and release her because even in the exam room, she confirmed the story and
asked to be released to her boyfriend.

They get to her place and he takes care of her, and doesn’t leave her sight that night.

The next day he wakes up and goes out to get something, when he comes home she is on the phone.

He shoots a sharp glance towards her and asks her who that is that she is on the phone with, as he
moves closer, and she could tell, he wanted to hit her again.

She moves back as she quickly answers, it’s a wrong number Babe, look….and it was.

Although he would have hit her, when he sees its wrong number he says,

Him: Babe, I promise I will never hit you again….

Days pass and she is slowly healing….they are so inlove again and he is being an absolute gentleman,
he is buying flowers, cooking and making sure she is okay…

But she has noticed how he doesn’t want her to speak to other people, her friend or family…he has
even taken her phone, he tells her its to make sure she rests and heals.

The weekend rolls over and she is starting to feel like herself again.
Boy: Lets get out Babe, lets go for Dinner, we haven’t been out in a while and the marks are gone
and you look fine now.

Girl: she is excited, she agrees, Lets do that My Love, that sounds really nice.

Boy: Get dressed, lets go.

She takes time because inside, her body still hurts….

He is annoyed she is taking long and is pacing around and keeps screaming at her to finish, he bangs
the wall because he knows he cant hit her.

She: Lets go Babe, she kisses him on the cheek.

They head out and go to a restaurant, they have a great time, they decided to move to a second

It’s a darkly lit club and he orders them a bottle of something, as she stands to go to a bathroom, he
notices a man looking at her.

He slaps her with the back of his hand and grabs her arms to sit her down.

She doesn’t scream because she is scared that people will see, she is embarrassed.

He says, seething

Boy: You don’t think I see that you are going to that man who was looking at you

Girl: Which man

He grabs her hair and tell her to get up and they are going home

They drive home

Girl: Baby, what man are you talking about, I wasn’t going to a man, I just needed to use the

Boy: Hits her with his fist on the mouth, Shut up, shut this lying mouth of yours.

They get home and this time, not to break anything, he takes off his belt and takes her clothes off
and hits her where no one can see


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