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The Amish People

A. Amish society began to emerge in the 17th century. The pioneer of this society was
Jacob Amman. The Amish emigrated from North America starting in the 18th century
in Philadelphia, United States. The Amish are a Christian group that originated as
followers of Swiss Anabaptism. The Amish live by a set of rules called the Ordnung.
However, in the application of the Ordnung itself among the Amish there are still
some minor differences in each Amish community due to its diversity in the United
States. For example, how to dress, whether or not to use technology, and the rules for
dealing with non-Amish people.
B. While other communities choose to follow trends and utilize the latest technology, the
Amish choose to live by dressing like mid-century Americans. They are accustomed
to wearing quiet, muted colors.
C. In daily life, the Amish hold strong religious values. They are people who are not
affected by the times so that the cultural values of their ancestors still survive today.
The Amish consider that modern times have made many people fall into the trap of
hedonism, which only thinks about the pleasures in the world, individualism by acting
indifferent and selfish towards others, to atheism or not believing in God.

Ku Klux Klan

A. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), also known as 'The Klan' is an extreme white
supremacist terrorist group in the United States that was founded on December 24,
1865. The group believes that the white race is the best race. They founded the
organization in order to fight against blacks and other minorities in the US, such as
Jews, immigrants, Muslims, and Roman Catholics.
B. The name Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek word, kyklos, meaning "circle", and
the Gaelic-Scottish word "clan", which was probably chosen for alliteration reasons.
Under the platform of a philosophy of white racial superiority, the group used
violence as a means to push back Reconstruction and the enfranchisement of African
C. Most prominent in states where the races were relatively equal, the KKK engaged in
terrorist attacks against African Americans and white Republicans at night, using
intimidation, property destruction, assault, and murder to achieve its goals and
influence upcoming elections. In some Southern states, Republicans organized
militia units to disband the Klan.
D. The 20th century saw two KKK revivals: one in response to immigration issues in
the 1910s and 1920s, and another in response to the African-American civil rights
movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
E. Various strands of KKK activity still exist in the 21st century. White supremacist
violence, in general, is on the rise again in America. Several high-profile events,
including the 2015 Charleston church shooting; the 2017 "Unite the Right" march in
Charlottesville, Virginia; the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting; and the 2019 El
Paso, Texas Walmart shooting were all fueled by white supremacy and racism.

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