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Identification of Plastic and E-Waste in Ramanujan College and Innovative Technologies to

Minimize the Waste

What is Waste?

What is Plastic Waste?

Plastic Waste identified in Ramanujan College Campus

What is E-Waste

E-Waste identified in Ramanujan College Campus

Innovative Technologies to minimize the waste

Smart waste management refers to any system that uses technology to make trash collection
more efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Most of these systems are
equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT), a monitoring technology that collects and tracks
real-time data, to help optimize waste collection and spur future innovation.
1. Reduce
2. Reuse
3. Recycling

Case Study of San Fransisco

San Francisco diverts about 80% of its waste from landfills every year, and it boasts one of
the highest recycling rates in the U.S. The city achieved this in part through its partnership
with Recology, a waste collection company. Recology invested $20 million into upgrading its
facilities and installed a fleet of sorting robots to quickly and accurately sort recyclables.

These robots perform a series of tasks, including sorting out contaminates, recovering
recyclable materials missed by traditional sorters and sorting black plastics that optical sorters
can’t identify into mixed-plastic bales. This not only ensures that more of San Francisco’s
materials are properly recycled, but also increases the quality and saleability of plastic bales.

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