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英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Reading 1: Poverty

[1] Edward Fernandes knows what it is like to have a childhood without birthday parties. “I
was born in Kenya, but moved with my sister and mother to the United Kingdom in 1966,”
said Fernandes, who has been in Hong Kong since 1994. “In London, we struggled
economically. My mother could barely put food on the table, so there was no room for birthday
5 parties, which meant we also didn’t get invited to any.”

[2] This feeling would stay with Fernandes, and it motivated him and his wife, Marilou Edora,
to set up Birthday Happiness Asia (BHA). It is a charity that makes sure less fortunate children
get to have a birthday celebration complete with cake, decorations, games and gifts.

[3] “My wife’s parents couldn’t afford to celebrate her birthdays or those of her siblings. She
10 wanted for no child to suffer the disappointment of not celebrating their special day,” he said.
“Birthday Happiness Asia actually started in 1994. But a few years later, my wife got seriously
unwell, and I had to concentrate on her. And the organization just collapsed. Unfortunately,
my wife passed away in January, 2021 – she’d battled cancer of the jaw for 40 years – so in
memory of her, I decided to resurrect Birthday Happiness Asia.”

15 [4] Fernandes said the concept of hosting birthday parties for less fortunate children dates
back to the 1970s. That was when two Argentinian men noticed that financial issues were
causing parents to abandon kids or put them into orphanages. “Not because the parents didn’t
want to look after them, but they just physically couldn’t afford to look after them,” he said.

[5] “What the two gentlemen noticed was that although the government or charities looked
20 after the basic needs of the children, such as food, education, clothing etc, they did not
celebrate their birthdays,” he said. “So they went into orphanages and threw birthday parties
for them.”

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
1. Which word means “to experience difficulty” in paragprah 1?

2. Why did Fernandes not have birthday parties when he was a child?

A. His sister was too ill to celebrate birthdays.

B. He was moving to a different country every few years.

C. His family could not afford it.

D. none of the above

3. What does Birthday Happiness Asia do according to paragraph 2?

4. Which word can replace “collapsed” (line 12)?

A. distorted

B. wrecked

C. fainted

D. crumbled

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Reading 1: Poverty

15 [4] Fernandes said the concept of hosting birthday parties for less fortunate children dates
back to the 1970s. That was when two Argentinian men noticed that financial issues were
causing parents to abandon kids or put them into orphanages. “Not because the parents didn’t
want to look after them, but they just physically couldn’t afford to look after them,” he said.

[5] “What the two gentlemen noticed was that although the government or charities looked
20 after the basic needs of the children, such as food, education, clothing etc, they did not
celebrate their birthdays,” he said. “So they went into orphanages and threw birthday parties
for them.”

[6] BHA partners with charities such as Caritas and Society for Community Organisation
(SoCO). It also relies on the help of volunteers. One of them is Haiti-born Eudmarly Gedeon,
25 an international student at Li Po Chun United World College, in Ma On Shan. “The joy and
happiness that we get to experience at every single BHA event is amazing,” said Gedeon. “A
simple gesture like providing a party to a young child can bring so much to the life of these
kids and our lives as volunteers.”

[7] SoCO’s Kiki Leung said BHA provides unforgettable experiences for children who are
30 most affected by poverty in a city with a widening gap between rich and poor. “In Hong Kong,
253,000 children struggle to survive in poverty, with 50,000 children living in caged homes
or partitioned homes and doing their homework on beds,” said Leung. “Birthday Happiness
Asia allows children who never get a chance to celebrate that important day in their lives to
celebrate with their friends and parents, to play games and share delicious food and birthday
35 cake.”

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
5. Which word means “relating to money” in paragraph 4?

6. Read paragraphs 4 and 5, and decide if the following statements are True,

False or Not Given.

(i) Parents who abandon their children or put them in orphanages usually do

not care about them. ( )

(ii) Fernandes and his wife were not the first to come up with the idea of

hosting birthday parties for less fortunate children. ( )

(iii) Children’s charities in the 1970s only celebrated special festive

occasions such as Christmas. ( )

(iv) The two Argentinian men were awarded for their charity work. ( )

7. What are the examples of “basic needs” mentioned in paragraph 5?

8. With which groups does BHA work?

A. government organisations and community leaders

B. volunteers and charities

C. charities and school principals

D. local orphanages and volunteers

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Reading 1: Poverty

15 [4] Fernandes said the concept of hosting birthday parties for less fortunate children dates
back to the 1970s. That was when two Argentinian men noticed that financial issues were
causing parents to abandon kids or put them into orphanages. “Not because the parents didn’t
want to look after them, but they just physically couldn’t afford to look after them,” he said.

[5] “What the two gentlemen noticed was that although the government or charities looked
20 after the basic needs of the children, such as food, education, clothing etc, they did not
celebrate their birthdays,” he said. “So they went into orphanages and threw birthday parties
for them.”

[6] BHA partners with charities such as Caritas and Society for Community Organisation
(SoCO). It also relies on the help of volunteers. One of them is Haiti-born Eudmarly Gedeon,
25 an international student at Li Po Chun United World College, in Ma On Shan. “The joy and
happiness that we get to experience at every single BHA event is amazing,” said Gedeon. “A
simple gesture like providing a party to a young child can bring so much to the life of these
kids and our lives as volunteers.”

[7] SoCO’s Kiki Leung said BHA provides unforgettable experiences for children who are
30 most affected by poverty in a city with a widening gap between rich and poor. “In Hong Kong,
253,000 children struggle to survive in poverty, with 50,000 children living in caged homes
or partitioned homes and doing their homework on beds,” said Leung. “Birthday Happiness
Asia allows children who never get a chance to celebrate that important day in their lives to
celebrate with their friends and parents, to play games and share delicious food and birthday
35 cake.”

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
9. According to Gedeon, what is meaningful about the work he does with


10. Find a word in paragraph 7 that means “the state of being extremely poor”.

11. How many children in Hong Kong lack access to a proper home according

to paragraph 7?

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Must-study phrases
1. childhood 童年
2. without birthday parties 沒有生日派對
3. Kenya 肯亞
4. struggled 掙扎
5. economically 經濟上
6. barely 僅僅
7. motivated 有動力
8. set up 設置
9. charity 慈善機構
10. less fortunate 運氣不好
11. celebration 慶典
12. decorations 裝飾
13. afford 買得起
14. siblings 兄弟姐妹
15. suffer 遭受
16. disappointment 失望
17. seriously 嚴重地
18. unwell 不適
19. concentrate on 專注於
20. organization 組織
21. collapse 坍塌
22. Unfortunately 很遺憾
23. passed away 過世了
24. battled 戰鬥
25. cancer 癌症
26. jaw 顎

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
27. memory 記憶
28. resurrect 復活
29. fortunate 幸運
30. financial issues 財務問題
31. abandon 放棄
32. orphanages 孤兒
33. physically 身體上
34. government 政府
35. basic needs 基本需求
36. education 教育
37. clothing 衣服
38. host 主持人
39. partners 夥伴
40. relies on 依靠
41. volunteers 志願者
42. gesture 手勢
43. unforgettable experiences 難忘的經歷
44. poverty 貧困
45. a widening gap 差距擴大
46. survive 存活
47. caged homes 籠屋
48. partitioned homes 隔斷房屋
49. delicious 可口的


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Reading 2: Film Review

Running Around the Clock

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes
Director: Jackey Lee
Stars: Mark Hui, Lucy King, May Potter
5 What do you think of Running Around the Clock?
How would you rate it? Tell us what you think!
Ann: Rating:     This film is an American remake of a popular German film which
came out nine years ago. The original film is about a football player called Hugh whose career
ends when he hurts his leg badly. I liked that film very much but I don’t like some of the
changes in this remake. Basketball is more popular than football in the US, so I understand
10 why the main character has become a basketball player. But why does he have a pet cat?
Queen the cat adds nothing to the story!

Jack: Rating:      I only watched this because all the other films that were showing
at the cinema looked too childish. It was the right choice. I haven’t seen such a moving film
for years. I nearly burst into tears! When Hugh gets the chance to return to the past, at first he
15 just wants to make sure he doesn’t injure his leg. Later, he decides that it’s more important to
use the chance to help his friend Paula. It encouraged me to be kind to everyone!

Judy: Rating:    Ann, what’s wrong with Queen the Cat? The film is so sad, Hugh and
Paula have so many problems in their lives, and Queen is the only character who made us
laugh. This film really needed more moments of laughter! Is the German original as sad as
20 this remake? I haven’t watched it so I don’t know. If this film had no Queen the cat, I’d only
give it two stars.

Joe: Rating:     The story is alright. It has good plot twists but I don’t find it
particularly touching. To me, the acting is the most impressive aspect of this film. I think this
is Marcus Rockwell’s best performance since The Prince’s Wish 13 years ago! It’s Greta
25 Lacey’s first role but she does very well too.

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
1. Ann _____ of Running Around the Clock.

1. dislikes all the changes in the US version

2. has watched both versions

3. likes the German version

4. doesn’t understand why there is a remake

A. 1 and 2 only

B. 2 and 3 only

C 1, 2 and 3

D. 2, 3 and 4

2. Which of the following is NOT a difference between the German and US

versions of the film?

A. Hugh does not have a pet in the German version.

B. Hugh does not injure himself in the US version.

C. Hugh plays a different sport in the US version.

D. Hugh injures his leg in the German version.

3. Which of the following about Jack is NOT true?

A. Out of the four reviewers, he rates the film most.

B. He was touched by the film.

C. He learnt something from the film.

D. At first, he thought the film would be too childish.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Reading 2: Film Review

Running Around the Clock

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes
Director: Jackey Lee
Stars: Mark Hui, Lucy King, May Potter
5 What do you think of Running Around the Clock?
How would you rate it? Tell us what you think!
Ann: Rating:     This film is an American remake of a popular German film which
came out nine years ago. The original film is about a football player called Hugh whose career
ends when he hurts his leg badly. I liked that film very much but I don’t like some of the
changes in this remake. Basketball is more popular than football in the US, so I understand
10 why the main character has become a basketball player. But why does he have a pet cat?
Queen the cat adds nothing to the story!

Jack: Rating:      I only watched this because all the other films that were showing
at the cinema looked too childish. It was the right choice. I haven’t seen such a moving film
for years. I nearly burst into tears! When Hugh gets the chance to return to the past, at first he
15 just wants to make sure he doesn’t injure his leg. Later, he decides that it’s more important to
use the chance to help his friend Paula. It encouraged me to be kind to everyone!

Judy: Rating:    Ann, what’s wrong with Queen the Cat? The film is so sad, Hugh and
Paula have so many problems in their lives, and Queen is the only character who made us
laugh. This film really needed more moments of laughter! Is the German original as sad as
20 this remake? I haven’t watched it so I don’t know. If this film had no Queen the cat, I’d only
give it two stars.

Joe: Rating:     The story is alright. It has good plot twists but I don’t find it
particularly touching. To me, the acting is the most impressive aspect of this film. I think this
is Marcus Rockwell’s best performance since The Prince’s Wish 13 years ago! It’s Greta
25 Lacey’s first role but she does very well too.

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
4. According to Judy, _____ .

A. Running Around the Clock is not a happy story

B. the main character is funny

C. something bad happens to Queen the Cat

D. the film would be better without Queen the Cat

5. In Judy’s comment, what does “it” refer to?

A. the sequel to Running Around the Clock

B. the previous film by the director of Running Around the Clock

C. the German version of Running Around the Clock

D. the US version of Running Around the Clock

6. Which phrase means “cry suddenly”?

7. Who scored the highest for the film?

8. Who filmed this movie?


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Must-study phrases
1. Director 導演
2. American 美國人
3. remake 翻拍
4. popular 受歡迎的
5. German 德語
6. original 原來的
7. career 職業
8. main character 主角
9. cinema 電影
10. childish 幼稚的
11. burst into tears 突然淚流滿面
12. injure 受傷
13. encouraged 鼓勵
14. laughter 笑聲
15. plot 情節
16. twists 曲折
17. touching 接觸
18. impressive 感人的
19. aspect 方面
20. best performance 最好的表演


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Samantha’s Exam Tips


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Tense Review

Simple Present Simple Past Present Perfect Continuous

I drink coffee every day. I drank coffee yesterday. I have been drinking coffee

for five years.

every day/week, always, often, yesterday, ago, last week/month…

sometimes, usually

Present Continuous Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

I am drinking coffee now. I was drinking coffee when I had been drinking coffee

you called yesterday. for five years before I started

drinking tea.

now, at the moment… when, while…

Present Perfect Past Perfect Simple Future

I have drunk coffee for five I had drunk (先) coffee I will drink coffee tomorrow.

before I went (後) to work.

just, already, yet, ever, for, since, tomorrow, next Monday/week…

already, before, after, for, since…

recently, lately…


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Present Perfect Tense

Tense Usage Time words Example

Present 1. a period until now  already 已經 My friend has bought a flat

perfect 由以前直至現在  just 剛剛 recently.

e.g. I have lived in Hong
 yet 未 (-ve) / Q? 我的朋友最近買了個單位。
Kong for ten years.
= has / have  ever 曾經
2. recent completed
+p.p.  never 從未 My friend has bought a flat.
actions 已經完成
e.g. I have just finished  for 維持了… He is moving in now. 我的

my project.  since 自從 朋友最近買了一個單位, 他

3. changes over time  recently 最近 正在搬入去。
隨時間而改變  so far 到目前為止
e.g. I have become
 over the years
more interested in social

1. Present perfect tense (keywords: for, since, yet, already, just, ever…)

Form: has / have + p.p.

Positive: I have done homework already. She has studied in this school

for 5 years / since 2004 / since I was six years old.

Negative (not): I have not done homework yet.

Question: Have you finished your homework yet?


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Mixed Tense 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given.

1. I (have) dinner while someone was singing outside.

2. Joe and I (know) each other for six years.

3. Mary usually (join) the after-school class on Mondays.

4. It is so good! We (never/try) this before.

5. Mary (just/receive) a package from the delivery


6. Mum (do) the dishes now. We should not

(bother) her.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
7. I want (buy) a new laptop because I

(break) mine last week.

8. What (you/tell) Mary? She looks so angry.

9. My family and I (visit) Italy next summer. I'm so


10. Sorry, Mr. Chan! I (forget) to bring my textbook.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Mixed Tense 2

Fill in the blanks with suitable tenses, to-infinitives or gerunds.

Hello Joe,

How are you? 1. (not/hear) from you for ages! I hope all is


I 2. (go) to Disneyland to join the Halloween Fair with my

family during the past weekend. I 3. (not/visit) any

haunted houses before so I was a bit nervous at first. While we

4. (queue) up at the entrance, I saw a little girl

5. (run) out of the house. She 6. (cry)

loudly. I thought, ‘Well, maybe she’s too young. I should he fine.'

After 7. (wait) for 10 minutes, we eventually got in and it

8. (be) really dark inside. All people


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
9. (scream) loudly! Suddenly, someone

10. (tap) my shoulder lightly. When I

11. (turn) round, the zombies with sharp teeth

12. (stare) at me. I was so scared and I almost fell over. I

13. (run) towards the entrance as fast as I could. I swear I

14. (not/enter) a haunted house again!

I 15. (leave) for my piano lesson now. Please write soon!




英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Mixed Tense 3

Fill in the blanks with suitable tenses, to-infinitives, gerunds or passive


Dear Samantha,

Kitty and I 1. (stay) in Okinawa for almost a week. We have

spent a lot of time 2. (swim) on the beach. As a challenge, I

took some scuba-diving lessons in the hotel pool.

Yesterday, I 3. (go) to take my first scuba diving lesson on the

beach. Unfortunately, the weather 4. (change) before we went

for it. We had 5. (cancel) the lesson.

This morning it was still a little cloudy, so we did something different. We

6. (decide) to visit the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, the

biggest aquarium in the city. We left after we 7. (study) the

map in detail, and it sounded fascinating. So we 8. (rent) a


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
motorbike and took off. However, we got the wrong way and 9.

(drive) to a small road. There 10. (be/not) many road signs, so

by the time we found the aquarium, we 11. (drive) for about an

hour. It was fun though. When we saw the aquarium, dark clouds

12. (come) over it. It really looked spooky but surprisingly


Well, the weather has cleared, and Kitty 13. (wait) to go for

scuba diving now l think l 14. (join) her later. See you soon.

Best wishes,



英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Mixed Tense 4

Fill in the blanks with suitable tenses, to-infinitives, gerunds or passive


A Mong Kok toyshop 1. (apologize) and refunded HK$33,600

yesterday to the parents of a five-year-old boy who accidentally
2. (knock) over a HK$52,800 Teletubbies figure,
3. (cause) an uproar on the internet.

Kidsland International, the parent company of KKplus toyshop, said it has

apologized to the Cheng family and expressed its sympathy to the parents and
their young sons.

"We 4. (already/refund) compensation to them and

5. (make) improvements 6. (avoid) similar
incidents from 7. (happen)," said the Hong Kong-based

Mr Cheng, the father of the five-year-old, 8. (pay) HK$33,600


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

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on Sunday evening to the designer toy store in Langham Place after his son
9. (accuse) by shop staff of 10. (shatter)
the 1.8-meter Teletubbies doll into pieces.

The father accepted Kidsland International's statement as reasonable,

11. (add) he 12. (already/speak) on the
phone with the shop manager.

But he refused the shop's offer to give his son a gift, as he said he is not looking
for advantages from the incident.

Recalling the incident, Cheng said he went outside the shop with his three-year-
old younger son 13. (take) a phone call when he suddenly
14. (hear) a loud bang behind him.

As he turned around, he saw his five-year-old son

15. (stare) at the figure, which was beheaded, with its arms
falling from the body in pieces on the floor.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Proofreading Skills

1. 你的句子是否句子? SVO
2. ? 句子意思不通
3. V 問題  I am not agree ✓ I do not agree
DV: Double verbs -  parents are play in the role
of…✓ parents play in the role of…
WV: wrong choice of verb
PV: passive voice
4. Tense  When we realized that our children feel stressed, we
should help them ✓ realize
5. Bare-inf 不加 to should / can / may + help
make them to feeling… ✓ make them feel
6. SV 一致 She likes…. They like
7. To-inf (to+v) I want to watch…
in order to helping…✓ in order to help
8. Gerund (v-ing) Swimming is my hobby / I am interested in swimming.
/ They keep telling me…
9. 單眾數 Their lives…. my life
 another ways ✓another way
10. Parts of speech e.g. confident (adj) confidence (n)
emotion (n) emotional (adj)
importance (n) important (adj)
punish them serious ✓ punish them seriously
11. spelling
12. 欠連接詞  SVO, SVO. ✓SVO 連接詞 SVO / SVO. SVO
13. 不用 short form  I can’t ✓ I cannot
14. 重覆字眼太多, 欠同義詞
15. pronoun


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Proofreading 1

wrong word (underline __) / missing word (add ^) / correct (✓) / extra word (x)

Do you always feel tiring or become ill easily? If yes, you 1.

should live a healthy lifestyle from now on. To lead a 2.

healthy life, you need to eat rightly, get enough exercise 3.

and stay happy to tackle the tasks in your busy 4.

schedule. Eating the right food are important. A healthy, 5.

balanced diet can help you grow and focus in your study. 6.

According into the food pyramid, you should eat plenty 7.

of fruit and vegetables. But, eating the right amount of 8.

meat, eggs and beans can help build your bones and 9.

muscles. If you want to have good eyesight, you should 10.

eat seafood such as salmen and tuna fish. On the other 11.

hand, you should avoid eat junk food, such as sausages, 12.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
potato chips and cola. They contain too many sugar, salt 13.

and fat. If you eat too much of them, you will become 14.

overweight and may even develop heart diseases. 15.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Proofreading 2

wrong word (underline __) / missing word (add ^) / correct (✓) / extra word (x)

There are many animal lover in Hong Kong but due to small apartments and crazy busy 1.

lifestyles, not many people able to adopt a pet. Enter – cat cafés! A great opportunity for cat 2.

enthusiasts meet, pet and give scritches to cats while enjoy a nice coffee and a snack, or 3.

even a full meal if they are hungry. Most cafés are also very supportive for local cat shelters 4.

and adoptions, so it’s a way to give back to a community. So if you’re a local or tourist cat 5.

lover, here is your ultimate list to cat cafés around the city! As the oldest, having been around 6.

for 18 years, and perhaps most conveniently located, a visit to Cat Island Café is a must for 7.

all cat lovers. They have nine adorable, friendly cats who have adopted and who absolutely 8.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
love getting pets. The cutest part? Their food is cat-inspired or shape so you’ll have plenty 9.

to add to your Instagram feed. If you are looking for something sweet, do tries their 10.

cat-shaped Chocolate and Sweet Milk Toast or the Strawberry Pancakes, and if you’d prefer 11.

something savoury and more filled, then you must get their Japanese Beef Meow Bowl. 12.

This place does get busy over the weekends so be sure to grab your spot early! This hidden 13.

gem in Mong Kok has six adorable, fluffy and friendly cats, giving a cozy, relaxing and home 14.

feel. As with all cats, while they might be playful, they need to be treated with respect and 15.

care. One of the favourite of customers is the fluffy black cat, Dumpling. So definitely give 16.

him a pet and a cuddle if you visit! The owner is undoubted a cat lover himself, and you can 17.

talk to him for hours on end about his cats. They have a large selection of cakes, snacks 18.

and drinks, in case you’re hungry. Some must-try dish include their Matcha Green Tea Layer 19.

Cake, Bake Potato Wedges and the Rose smoothie. The minimum charge is HK$68 per 20.

hour per person, and it accepts cashes only. 21.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】

1. at 用來表示「一時間點」  at 4:30 p.m. / 8 a.m.

或「短暫的時間」  at noon 中午
 at night 晚上 / at midnight 午夜
 at the weekend 在週末 / at weekends 在週
 at the end of the day 在一天結束時
 at this moment 在這一刻
 at the age of thirty = at thirty 三十歲
 at dawn 黎明時分 / at Easter 在復活節

2. on 用來表示 「日期」,包 day 日

括週日、生日、節日,及  on 25th June 、 on Saturday 、 on my
「某日上、下午或晚上」 birthday 、 on Christmas Day、 on
Sunday afternoon、on Friday morning

 on New Year’s Eve (前夕)

 on Christmas Eve = on 24th December

3. in 用來表示「較長時間」,  年/月: in 2018 、 in August

如年、月、世紀、季節、上  4 季: in spring/summer/autumn/winter
下午或傍晚  早午晚:in the morning/afternoon/evening
 世紀: in the 20th century
 in his life 在他的生活中

4. for 用來表示「一段時間」  小時/日/月/年: for three hours 、 for two

days 、 for six months 、 for ten years
for a long time 很長時間


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】

1. about 關於/大約
He is talking about the movie.
The woman is about thirty years old.

2. above 在上
The picture is above the table.

3. across 橫過
John is walking across the road.

4. after 在..之後
The dog is running after me.

5. along 沿著
I walked along the road.

6. at 在...時間 /地點
I get up at eight o'clock.
He is at home.
He arrived at Japan this morning.
He waited for me at the bus stop.

7. before 之前
She will come back before ten.

8. behind 在後面
Tom is sitting behind Mary.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
In on at about for with from
to of against

1. We are very excited __________________ our trip to Japan next week.

2. I am very fond __________________ drinking red tea.

3. Almost all celebrities were involved __________________ the scandal.

4. I am looking forward ______________ having a party with you next week.

5. At the moment, she is recovering __________________ her injuries.

6. I’m dreaming ________________ becoming a famous singer one day.

7. My cousin is married __________________ an American.

8. I am responsible __________________ training the new choir members.

9. Many people took advantage __________________ the low prices offered

by the new shop.

10. I was not quite satisfied __________________ the exam results.

11. The president was thankful __________________ everyone who helped in

the campaign.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
12. Everyone in this town will benefit __________________ the new hospital.

13. For two full days, the man was fighting __________________ his life.

14. My dad shouted __________________ me because I didn’t do what he said.

15. She insisted __________________ helping me with the dishes.

16. Almost all car companies care __________________ the environment.

17. Wearing a seat belt can protect you ____________ being killed in a car.

18. Ten people were killed when a bus collided __________________ a car.

19. The customers came to the shop to complain _____________ their service

20. Our atmosphere consists __________________ oxygen, nitrogen and

carbon dioxide.

21. We decided __________________ buying the new car.

22. Many children depend __________________ their parents for money.

23. He graduated __________________ Oxford university.

24. The advertising campaign resulted __________________ hundreds of new

customers for the company.

25. As a scientist, I specialize __________________ marine biology.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Story Writing

Describing Feelings

1. I felt excited and was jumping up and down. 我高興的跳來跳去。

2. I felt on top of the world. 我感到非常高興


1. I felt very sad and began to sob. 我感到非常傷心,開始啜泣。

2. I shook my head and sighed deeply. 我搖頭歎息和深呼吸。

3. My heart sank. 我的心往下沉。


1. My mouth and eyes opened wide. 我張大了口和瞪大了眼睛。

2. I raised my eyebrows. 我揚眉。

3. I could not believe my eyes. 我不能相信我的眼睛。


1. My body was trembling. 我的身體在發抖。

2. My hands were shaking. 我的手在震動。

3. My heart was beating fast. 我的心跳的很快。


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Describing the way people look at things
1. see
When they were going shopping at Ikea, they saw more than fifty dolls.

2. look
While students are doing examination papers, they should look at the
questions carefully.

3. gaze 凝視
She gazed at the hungry cat.

4. glance 迅速地看一看
Chris glanced at Mary shyly.
Because I feared that someone might be following me, I glanced back.

5. peep 偷看
Tom peeped inside the house to see what Peter was doing.

6. stare 目不轉睛地看
As the dog was very hungry, it stared at the snacks on the desk.

7. google 睜大眼睛看
Sarah goggled at the man who wore a colourful dress.


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Story Writing
You are Tom. Last week, you and your classmate, Mary visited a children’s
hospital and played with the sick children. Use the pictures and write a

Last Sunday, Mary and I visited a children’s hospital in Kowloon City. We met in
the early morning to finalize our games and rundown. We rehearsed our story
many times, hoping to bring a joyful time to the sick children. We also brought the
story books and the glove puppets made by my mother. She fully supported me
to participate in these meaningful activities.

We had a quick breakfast and then headed to the children’s hospital. Upon our
arrival, the nurses led us to the activity room and we did the set-up and
preparation. At three o’clock, the sick children arrived. We first told the story of
The Boy Cried Wolves. I tried to relax myself, played with the glove puppets and
acted like a wolf. “Woo…Here I come” I said with a low cunning voice. The
children burst into laughter as I tried to make fun of myself. Mary also tried her

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
best to be humorous and made jokes all the time.

Then, the next section was a puppet-making time. We prepared some cloth,
needle, scissors and glue. We taught the children to make their own glove
puppets using the old gloves. They were so delighted when they saw the
materials. The boy with a broken arm had a hard time following our instructions.
He felt sad as he could not follow our steps. We were busy teaching other kids to
make their puppets. He sat quietly at the corner. I came to him and asked him
what happened. He said he wanted to enjoy the lesson but his arm was unable
to move. He told me that he broke his arm during a football match. The doctor
told him that his arm had to be wrapped in bandage for few months. All of a
sudden, he burst into tears and cried. I was shocked. Therefore, I assisted him in
making the puppet. He did it step by step slowly. The other children had finished
making their puppets and were playing cheerfully. Mary had a wonderful idea.
She invited other children to make another puppet together. The children were so
excited. At the end, they knew that they had to help the poor kid with a broken
arm. They made a beautiful dog puppet and gave it to him as a present. He was
thrilled and touched. We had a marvelous time playing with the puppets. Mary
and I felt contented after the voluntary service.

Must-study phrases
1. children’s hospital 兒童醫院
2. Kowloon City 九龍城
3. finalize our games 完成我們的遊戲
4. rundown 流程
5. rehearse our story many times 多次排練我們的故事
6. bring a joyful time to the sick children 給生病的孩子帶來歡樂時光
7. brought the story books 帶來故事書
8. glove puppets 玩偶手套
9. fully supported 完全支持

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
10. participate in 參與
11. meaningful activities 有意義的活動
12. headed to 前往
13. Upon our arrival 我們一到
14. led us to the activity room 帶我們到活動室
15. set-up 設置
16. preparation 準備
17. a low cunning voice 低沉狡猾的聲音
18. burst into laughter 放聲大笑
19. humorous 幽默的
20. made jokes 開玩笑
21. puppet-making time 木偶製作時間
22. cloth, needle, scissors and glue 布、針、剪刀和膠水
23. delighted 高興極了
24. materials 材料
25. a broken arm 斷臂
26. had a hard time 過得很艱難
27. follow our instructions 按照我們的指示
28. follow our steps 按照我們的步驟
29. sat quietly 靜靜地坐著
30. at the corner 在角落
31. football match 足球比賽
32. wrapped in bandage 裹著繃帶
33. All of a sudden 突然
34. burst into tears 突然大哭
35. shocked 震驚的
36. assisted 協助
37. step by step 一步一步
38. cheerfully 興高采烈地
39. wonderful idea 絕妙的主意

英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Update: Facebook: Samantha Chung English

多謝 John 媽媽留言俾我 John 小

獲 98 分,小六測驗 98 分,呈二再爆分
信心卻越大 英文知識及技巧,每堂採用不
好多家長查詢,歡迎 inbox 問!The
earlier the better!


英文學多 d^^ Instagram: samanthachungeng / WhatsApp: 59359869 (P56 one day^^)

Copyright©Samantha Chung. All rights reserved.

【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】
Update: Facebook: Samantha Chung English

希望你喜歡我為你揀選你的禮物 亦你感激你對
老師的關心,送給老師的生日禮物 你是一個
堅持每日溫 60 個生字,終於考入牛津大學附屬中
學,老師感到無比的驕傲, 願你前程似錦
好感動 Keep in touch


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【補英文,只信正宗英文系,港大英文碩士 Samantha! 英文全面‧實戰技巧‧易用高分‧真正幫你升 level】

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