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Adam Nguyen, Dominique Williams, & Hailey Dills

Plant name, Origin, and composition of peppermint oil

● Peppermint oil comes from the flowering parts and leaves of a peppermint
plant. This plant is a cross between watermint and spearmint.
● It typically grows throughout Europe and North America.
● Scientific name: Mentha piperita L.
Beneficial Effects

● Peppermint oil can be used for irritable bowel

syndrome, other digestive problems, common colds,
sinus infections, and headaches.
● For aromatherapy, it is promoted for treating:
○ Cough and colds
○ Pain
○ Improving mental function
○ Reducing stress
● Peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor,
and neuroprotective properties.
How It’s Utilized

Internally Externally
● When used internally, it is most ● Most often when used externally
often consumed as an infusion the parts of the plant are used
○ When used this way it is prepared with
the lighter parts of the plants such as fresh or compressed within a
the leaves, herbs, or flowers. cataplasm, ointment, oil extract or
● Alternatively it can be used within tincture.
juices, tinctures, or decoction ● Other external applications
○ When used as a decoction it should
be extracted from the roots, bark, include gargling and rinsing
seeds, and berries. infusions
● Other methods of consumptions
include eating the plant parts as
is when fresh.

● Peppermint oil should not be used on children under 3

○ Increases risk for seizures
● Should not be placed on the face of infants or children
■ Can increase the risk of apnea, acute respiratory distress, laryngeal, and bronchial
● People with hiatal hernia or gastroesophageal reflux disease
○ It has an effect on lower esophageal sphincter and can lead to exacerbations
● Should be avoided during pregnancy
○ Can be used to trigger menstruation
Blair, C. (2020, January 7). Are essential oils safe for children? Are Essential Oils Safe for Children? - Johns Hopkins All Children's


Zhao, H., Ren, S., Yang, H., Tang, S., Guo, C., Liu, M., ... & Xu, H. (2022). Peppermint essential oil: Its phytochemistry, biological

activity, pharmacological effect and application. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 154, 113559.

Živković, J., Ilić, M., Šavikin, K., Zdunić, G., Ilić, A., & Stojković, D. (2020). Traditional Use of Medicinal Plants in South-Eastern

Serbia (Pčinja District): Ethnopharmacological Investigation on the Current Status and Comparison With Half a Century Old

Data. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11, 1020.

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