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CONVERSATION 1. A conversation between a student and a university adviser.

1. Why does the student visit the adviser’s office?

a) To find out more information about journalism
b) To complain about the classes he has been taking
c) To ask for advice about choosing a major
d) To ask which career would be best in the future

2. Which subjects does the student dislike?

a) Literature, sociology and philosophy
b) Science, math and business
c) Science, business and world history
d) Mathematics, literature and cultural anthropology

3. What does the man advise the student to do?

a) Wait another year before declaring a major
b) Change his major to journalism
c) Considering major in journalism
d) Reconsider majoring in business

4. What is the adviser trying to find out about the student?

a) If journalism might be a suitable major for him
b) How intelligent he is
c) His interest becoming a writer
d) If he got good grades in his classes

5. Why is the student’s attitude toward school?

a) He thinks he is boring
b) He thinks he is too difficult
c) He thinks is too easy
d) He likes to learn about new things

CONVERSATION 2. A conversation between a university student and an employee in the

student services center.

1. Why does the student visit the student services center?

a) To register his car with campus security.
b) To purchase a parking pass for his vehicle
c) To ask about the prices for summer quarter
d) To arrange for a student parking discount
2. What does an unlimited parking pass include?
a) Parking on any day of the week for the entire school year
b) Parking on days school is in session during the school year
c) Parking on weekend and holidays during the school year
d) Parking on weekends and holidays for summer quarter

3. Why does the student say this: I see. How much does, um, regular parking cost? Without a
a) He wants to confirm that the parking pass is a good value.
b) He is suspicious that the employee is over-charging him.
c) He is considering buying a second pass for his parents
d) He thinks it is unfair that he does not get a reserved parking spot.

4. In the conversation, the university employee mentioned two types of parking passes. Indicate
which option is true for both.

a) It costs $150.
b) It includes summer quarter
c) It excludes weekends
d) It require a special sticker

5. What will the student probably do next?

a) Buy a pass with his credit car

b) Complete a registration form
c) Put a sticker in his car window
d) Offer to make a quarterly payment

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