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Research Idea: "The Sexualization of Nursing: Perceptions, Impacts, and Strategies for


Objective: This research aims to investigate the sexualization of the nursing profession,
understand its consequences on nurses' well-being and propose strategies for addressing
this issue.

 Conduct interviews with nursing professionals to gather their perceptions and
experiences regarding the sexualization of their profession. Explore how nursing is
portrayed in media, advertising, and popular culture and how these representations
influence societal perceptions.
 Analyze media representations of nurses in advertising, television shows, and
movies. Assess how these portrayals contribute to the sexualization of nursing and
perpetuate stereotypes.
 Assess the psychological and emotional effects of sexualization on nursing
professionals. Examine the prevalence of workplace harassment, objectification, and
the toll it takes on nurses' mental health and job satisfaction.

Expected Outcomes:
1. Awareness: Increased awareness of the sexualization issue within the nursing
profession and the broader public.
2. Impact Assessment: A better understanding of how sexualized stereotypes affect
patient-nurse interactions, patient outcomes, and the well-being of nursing
3. Strategies for Change: Development of evidence-based recommendations and
strategies to combat sexualization within the nursing profession, including
educational initiatives, media advocacy, and policy changes.

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