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ENGLISH 10 REVIEWER – 2ND QUARTER must be TWO dashes, one before

and one after

r Parenthetical Expressions
 A word or words added to a sentence
without changing the meaning or
grammar of the original sentence
 Words, phrases, or clauses that writers r Major Types of Parenthetical Expressions
use to add extra information to a 1) Direct Address
sentence  It includes the names of people
 Also referred to as nonessential since being addressed
they are not needed to understand the  Examples:
basic meaning of a sentence  Sarah, can you close the
 It is usually separated from the main door?
sentence by commas or other  Can you close the door,
punctuation Sarah?
 Some information in a sentence is
essential to its meaning, and some 2) Conjunctive Adverbs
information may be less important or  Are words that are used to
"nonessential": connect ideas
, Essential: The person taking  They include, but are not limited
the money at the door asked to:
for a form of identification.  Besides, Consequently,
, Nonessential: The police, Finally, Furthermore,
However, In addition, In fact,
hoping to save time, took the
Instead, Moreover,
Nevertheless, Next, Now,
On the other hand, Still,
r Types of Punctuation that can Separate
Parenthetical Expressions
 Examples:
g Commas  The women, however, ate
o Usual form of punctuation for a bit later.
parenthetical expressions  Nevertheless, the men
o Remember, if the parenthetic still ate at exactly five
appears in the middle of the o’clock.
sentence there must be TWO
commas, one before and one 3) Contrasting Expressions
after  Parenthetical expressions that tell
the reader that you are referring
g Parentheses (Round Brackets) to one thing and not another
o Bracketed parenthetics can only  Examples:
appear in the middle of the  The women, not the men,
sentence, and there must always ate at the French
be TWO brackets patisserie.
 The baguettes, not the
croissants, were the best
g Long Dashes
sellers of the day.
o If the parenthetic appears in the
middle of the sentence, there 4) Common Expressions
 In addition to the three types of  Gives reasons and supports these
parenthetical expressions listed reasons to prove its point
above, there are a number  Refutes opposing arguments
of common expressions like I
think and of course

 Examples: r Parts of an Argumentative Essay

 Of course, it is always W Introduction
necessary to proofread
 Introduces the problem and gives
your essays.
background information needed
 The children, I think, are
for the argument and the thesis
the best performers

W Body
r Examples of Parenthetical Expressions
 Contains the reasons supported
 Some foods, sugar for example, are not
by details or materials
good for us.
 Examples, statistics, personal
 Timothy, who lives near Stonehenge,
experience, or quotations
goes to church regularly.
 Tara, although she comes from a hot W Conclusion
climate, hates hot weather.  Restates the main claim and
 Anthony, however, decided not to go. gives one or two general
 The planet closest to the sun (ie statements that exactly
Mercury) has the most extreme summarize the arguments and
temperature variations. support the main premise
 The 70th anniversary of the D-Day
landings (6 June 1944) was attended by r Types of Questions
many world leaders.
. Questions of Fact
 The cheetah— the world's fastest land
 Ask you to answer whether or not
animal— is native to Africa.
something is true
 If they didn't understand you— a
 These questions are always
qualified teacher— how will they ever
answered with either “Yes” or
understand me?
“No” and then you must construct
paragraphs to support the facts
r Argumentative Essay  Capable of proof or disproof
 Tries to change the reader’s mind by
convincing the reader to agree with the
writer’s point of view . Questions of Value
 Attempts to be highly persuasive and  Address the relative merit
logical (goodness or badness) of
 It usually assumes that the reader is no something
less intelligent than the writer  You are usually asked to choose
 It should be written objectively and between things, ideas, beliefs, or
logically actions and explain why you
choose in the manner you did
r Characteristics of an Argumentative Essay
 Presents and explains the issue or case . Questions of Policy
 Asks the writer to make a plan of  Property of sound with variation in
action to solve some sort of frequency of vibration
 The question asks the writer to r Key Components/ Characteristics of a Good
explain what they would do News Story
 Key words in these topics is
3 Attention-getting headline (always in
usually “should”
simple present tense)
 It asks the writer to make a plan
o Fuel, Food Costs Push Inflation
of action to solve some sort of
Up to 5.7%
o Duterte Fires Top Nayong Pilipino
 The answer is a breakdown of the
plan and a justification that it fixes
the problem 3 A strong lead containing 5 Ws and H
(who, what, where, when, why, how)
r Thesis Statement in Argumentative Essays 3 Use of Quotes
 The argumentative thesis takes a side of 3 Real facts (truth and accuracy matter)
an issue 3 Strong Summary
 It frequently proposes an approach of
action which is often expressed with the
3 Organization of the news (presenting
modal should information from most to least important)
 Example Topic: Nuclear Power plants
 Argument 1: Governments should r Key Elements When Considering
ban further construction of Newsworthiness
nuclear power plants a) Timing
 If it happened today, it’s news; if it
 Argument 2: The government
happened last week, it’s not
should continue building nuclear
 With 24-hour news access,
power plants
“breaking” news is important

r Elements of Vocal Delivery b) Significance

 Intonation  How many people are affected?
 The sound changes produced by
the rise and fall of the voice when c) Proximity
speaking, especially when this  The closer a story hits home, the
has an effect on the meaning of more newsworthy it is
what is said
d) Prominence
 Juncture  When famous people are
 The manner in which words come affected, the story matters
together and a connection is  Example: a car accident involving
made your family vs. a car accident
involving the President
 Stress
e) Human Interest
 Accent, the relative prominence of
 Because these stories are based
a syllable or musical note
on emotional appeal, they are
meant to be amusing or to
 Pitch generate empathy or other
 They often appear in special  Millions of people around
sections of the newspaper or at the world consider Tom
the end of the newscast as a “feel Cruise to be a very
good” story or to draw attention to talented actor. He's also
something particularly amusing, labeled as one of
quirky, or off-beat Hollywood's nicest guys,
purportedly treating his
cast and crew with the
utmost kindness and
respect. However, his
r Bias, Prejudice, and Discrimination affiliation with Scientology
prompts all kinds of
 Bias
negative press, causing
 An inclination toward one way of
some people to feel
thinking, often based on how you
prejudice toward him
were raised
 A tendency to lean in a certain
direction, often to the detriment of  Discrimination
an open mind  comes into play when one starts
 Those who are biased tend to acting upon an inherent prejudice
believe what they want to believe, they possess.
refusing to take into consideration  Example:
the opinions of other  during the time of slavery,
 To truly be biased, it means men and women held
you're lacking a neutral viewpoint prejudices against African
 Sprouting from cultural contexts, Americans and, in turn,
biases tend to take root within an discriminated them
ethnic group, social class, or through slavery,
religion. segregation, and other
 Example: heinous acts
 In one of the most high-
profile trials of the 20th r Seven Forms of Bias in Instructional Materials
century O.J. Simpson was
acquitted of murder, but 1. Invisibility: What You Don’t See Makes
many people will remain a Lasting Impression
biased toward him and  The most fundamental and oldest
treat him like a convicted form of bias in instructional
killer anyway. materials is the complete or
relative exclusion of a group
 Prejudice  Textbooks published prior to the
 A feeling toward a person based 1960s largely omitted African
solely on their affiliation with a Americans, Latinos, and Asian
group Americans from both the narrative
 It often casts an unfavorable light and illustrations
on someone simply because  Many of today’s textbooks are
they're a member of some family, improved, but far from perfect
church, or organization  Women, those with disabilities,
 Example: gays and homosexuals continue
to be missing from many of
today’s texts
to gloss over unpleasant facts
2. Stereotyping: Shortcuts to Bigotry and events in our history
 Perhaps the most familiar form of  By ignoring prejudice, racism,
bias is the stereotype, which discrimination, exploitation,
assigns a rigid set of oppression, sexism, and inter-
characteristics to all members of group conflict, we deny students
a group, at the cost of individual the information they need to
attributes and differences recognize, understand, and
 While stereotypes can be perhaps someday conquer
positive, they are more often societal problems
negative  Examples:
 Some typical stereotypes include:  Because of affirmative
 Men portrayed as action programs, people of
assertive and successful color and women now
in their jobs, but rarely enjoy economic and
discussed as husbands or political equality with (or
fathers superiority over) white
 Women as caregivers males
 Jews as rich  The notion that technology
will resolve persistent
3. Imbalance and Selectivity: A Tale Half social problems
 Curriculum may perpetuate bias 5. Fragmentation and Isolation: The
by presenting only one Parts Are Less than the Whole
interpretation of an issue,  Fragmentation emerges when a
situation, or group of people group is physically or visually
 Such accounts simplify and distort isolated in the text
complex issues by omitting  Often, racial and ethnic group
different perspectives members are depicted as
 Examples: interacting only with persons like
 A text reports that women themselves, isolated from other
were "given" the vote, but cultural communities
does not discuss the work,  While this form of bias may be
sacrifices, and even less damaging than omission or
physical abuse suffered by stereotypes, fragmentation and
the leaders of the suffrage isolation present non-dominant
movement that "won" the groups as peripheral members of
vote. society
 Literature is drawn
primarily from western, 6. Linguistic Bias: Words Count
male authors  Language can be a powerful
 Math and science courses conveyor of bias, in both blatant
typically reference and subtle forms
European discoveries and  Linguistic bias can impact
formulas race/ethnicity, gender, accents,
age, (dis)ability and sexual
4. Unreality: Rose Colored Glasses orientation
 Many researchers have noted the  Examples:
tendency of instructional materials
 Native Americans Notre Dame, is elected the Pope of Fools
described as "roaming," for being the ugliest person in Paris. He
"wandering," or "roving" is hoisted on a throne and paraded
across the land. Such around Paris by the jeering mob. Pierre
language implicitly justifies Gringoire, a struggling poet and
the seizure of Native lands philosopher, tries unsuccessfully to get
by "more goal-directed" the crowd to watch his play instead of the
white Americans who parade. Archdeacon Claude Frollo
"traveled" or "settled" their appears and stops the parade and orders
way westward Quasimodo back to Notre Dame with
 Such words as him. Looking for something to eat,
forefathers, mankind, and Gringoire admires the graceful beauty of
businessman serve to La Esmerelda, a gypsy street dancer,
deny the contributions and decides to follow her home. After
(even the existence) of rounding a corner, she is suddenly
females attacked by Quasimodo and Frollo.
 The bias against non- Gringoire rushes to help her but is
English speakers knocked out by Quasimodo as Frollo
runs away. The King's Archers, led by
7. Cosmetic Bias: “Shiny” Covers Phoebus de Chateaupers arrive just in
 The relatively new cosmetic bias time and capture the hunchback. Later
suggests that a text is bias free, that night, a group of beggars and
but beyond the attractive covers, thieves are about to hang Gringoire when
photos, or posters, bias persists La Esmerelda comes forward and offers
 This "illusion of equity" is really a to save his life by "marrying" him for four
marketing strategy to give a years only.
favorable impression to potential
purchasers who only flip the  The next day, Quasimodo is put on trial
pages of books and sentenced to two hours of torture in
 Examples: the Place de Grève. He suffers both the
 A science textbook that pain of being stretched and pulled apart
features a glossy pullout as well as being publicly humiliated by
of female scientists but the crowd of people, who hate him for his
includes precious little ugliness. He begs for water, but no one
narrative of the scientific answers his pleas until La Esmerelda
contributions of women comes forth and brings him something to
 A music book with an eye- drink. Nearby, a recluse called Sister
catching, multiethnic cover Gudule, screams at La Esmerelda for
that projects a world of being a "gypsy child- thief" and blames
diverse songs and her for her daughter's kidnapping fifteen
symphonies belies the years earlier. A few months later, La
traditional white male Esmerelda is dancing in front of Notre
composers lurking behind Dame and Phoebus calls her over to him.
the cover She has fallen in love with him and
blushes when he asks her to meet him
r The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Summary) later that night. Frollo watches them from
the top of Notre Dame and becomes
 During the 1482 Festival of Fools in insanely jealous of Phoebus. His
Paris, Quasimodo, the hunchback of obsessive lust for La Esmerelda has
made him renounce God and study them. Frollo has used the attack as a
alchemy and black magic. In his secret diversion to sneak La Esmerelda out of
cell at Notre Dame, he plans to trap La the cathedral. He offers her two choices:
Esmerelda like a spider catching a fly she can either say she loves him or be
with its web. Later that night he follows hanged. She demands to be executed
Phoebus to his tryst with La Esmerelda and he leaves her with Sister Gudule. To
and stabs Phoebus repeatedly. He their astonishment, they discover that
escapes and La Esmerelda is captured they are mother and daughter. Gudule
by the King's guard. tries to protect La Esmerelda, but it is too
late. Back at Notre Dame, Quasimodo
 After being tortured at her trial, La goes to the top of the north tower to find
Esmerelda falsely confesses to killing her. Gazing off into the distance, he sees
Phoebus and being a witch. She is the figure of La Esmerelda in a white
sentenced to hang in the Place de Grève. dress hanging from the scaffold. He
Frollo visits her in jail and declares his bellows out in despair and grabs Frollo
love. He begs her to love him and show by the neck. Holding him up in the air,
him some pity but she calls him a "goblin- Quasimodo sighs with grief and then
monk" and a murderer, refusing to have throws Frollo down to his death. Looking
anything to do with him. Before her at La Esmerelda hanging off in the
execution, La Esmerelda is publicly distance and Frollo's wrangled corpse
humiliated in front of Notre Dame. down below, Quasimodo cries out:
Looking across the square, she suddenly "There is everything I ever loved!"
sees Phoebus and calls out his name. He Quasimodo is never seen again. Years
actually survived the murder attempt but later when a gravedigger stumbles
doesn't want anyone to know that he was across La Esmerelda's remains, he finds
injured. He turns away from La the skeleton of a hunchback curled
Esmerelda and enters the house of his around her.
bride-to-be. Just then, Quasimodo
swings down on a rope from Notre Dame
and carries her back to the cathedral,
crying out "Sanctuary!" He had fallen in
love with her when she brought him
water and had been planning her escape
all along.

 La Esmerelda is safe from execution just

as long as she stays inside the cathedral.
At first, she finds it hard to even look at
Quasimodo, but they form an uneasy
friendship. Even though he is deaf, he
enjoys being around her when she sings.
Meanwhile, a group of vagabonds
resolves to save La Esmerelda after
hearing that Parliament has ordered that
she be removed from Notre Dame. But
when Quasimodo sees them attack the
cathedral, he thinks they have come to
kill La Esmerelda and he fends them off
as best he can, killing a large number of

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