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Kleptomania is a mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist

urges to steal items that you generally don't really need.

kleptomania appears more commonly in women than in men. Because of the fact that
stealing is illegal, this disorder can lead to significant legal consequences.People with
kleptomania may face arrest, trial, and incarceration as a result of their symptoms.

People with this condition are not stealing things based on a financial issues or because
they covet the items that they take. sometimes they just store stolen items away
somewhere, often never to be looked at or used. Others may rid themselves of the
stolen objects by giving them away or even by returning them to the place where they
were taken from.

The causes of kleptomania are not known. More research is needed to better
understand these possible causes, but kleptomania may be linked to:Problems with a
naturally occurring brain chemical called serotonin,Addictive disorders,The brain's opioid
system,Learned habit.

Kleptomania is a serious psychiatric condition that can have a major impact on an

individual's functioning and life. Not only can the disorder lead to significant distress, it
can also result in serious legal consequences for people who are caught stealing.

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