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Vanessa Barros Almeida nº 28 – 11ºH

What is it Kleptomania?
 Kleptomania is characterized by impulses, these impulses
are to steal objects that are unnecessary for personal use
and sometimes no monetary value. These impulses are
stronger than the ability to control the person. We must
be vigilant for thieves wanting to impersonate
kleptomaniac. Following the strong moment and
achievement of the robbery, has been a great pleasure to
have stolen the coveted object. In an action for theft, the
thief does not experience any pleasure, but only tension
and subsequently satisfaction, do not do it for pleasure.
How is a Kleptomaniac?
 Apparently the kleptomaniac is quite normal, there is nothing that might make
them different from other people, that is not possible to identify a kleptomaniac.
 After stealing the patient recognizes the error of his gesture, can not understand
why he couldn’t avoid it, get’s embarrassed and hides it from everyone. These
characteristics are very similar to obsessive compulsive, so it is being studied as a
possible variant of this disorder.
About kleptomania who usually
 There are more cases of kleptomania in women than in
men, but we also know that women seek more doctors
than men. The incidence is estimated at approximately
6 cases in 1000. It is likely that this number is
underestimated because despite being a medical
problem also involves a breach of law, strengthening
the patient's desire to hide himself, making us think it
is a rare disorder. When an object disappears at home
know that someone stole it but do not know if it was a
thief or a kleptomaniac, the robbery itself is indented
in both cases. Studies showed that in stores in less
than 5% of robberies were involved kleptomaniac.
Is there treatment?
 There is no effective treatment yet accepted, attempts are being made with insight-
oriented therapy in the U.S., cognitive behavioral therapy and medications with only
partial results, some better some not. Also not sure if the improvement was due to
attention or if the treatment was specifically.

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