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Q.1 Kleptomania in children and in adults.

Brief Introduction

An urge or impulses to steal item even though the items are not needed for personal use or for their
monetary value. These impulses recurrent and very hard to resist. Some of the characteristics from the
DSM 5 are as follows:

 Pleasure, gratification, or relief at the time of committing the theft

 Not committed to express anger or vengeance and is not in response to a delusion or
 individual do not pre-plan the theft
 Stealing is done without assistance

It is usually diagnosed in teens or adults and is more common in women than in men.

In Children

This might be possible that the disorder may begin in childhood. However, children rarely receive a
diagnosis of kleptomania. These behaviours in children are usually symptoms of underlying issues, such
as conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, or other impulse control disorder.

Children affected by kleptomania can steal a wide variety of objects, from small trinkets to larger and
more valuable objects. Stolen items may be hidden or thrown away shortly after they are stolen. In
children, kleptomania is often triggered by the desire to get a specific item or earn attention.
Kleptomaniac children may also feel guilty or ashamed after stealing, but they may have difficulty
controlling their desire to steal, despite the negative consequences. Such behaviour may lead to legal
problems, conflicting relationships with family and peers, and other negative consequences.

In Adults

Age at onset of kleptomania varies but the disorder often starts in adolescence. In adults the object
they have stolen, are typically a little value to the individual, who could have afforded it and often gives
it away or throws it away. From time to time, they can accumulate stolen items or sneak them back.
This condition can cause family, work and personal problems in adult life. Adults typically attempt to
resist the impulse to steal, And they are aware that the act is wrong and senseless.

Individual with kleptomania is also prone to suicide attempts.

As in adults, the ratio of male and females are 3:1, where Females outnumbers the Males.

End Note

As in mentioned in DSM, individual suffering from kleptomania is different from the criminal who is
indulge in ordinary acts of theft or shop lifting. While criminal is deliberate and motivated by the
usefulness of the object, A person suffering from this disorder typically attempt to resist the impulse to

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