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Game 1: The “Me Him, Me Her” Game

In this game, the wife will have the ME and HIM signs and the husband will
have the ME and HER signs. Questions are randomly chosen by couple.
Then they will answer the questions using the signs that they are holding.
EXAMPLE: Who said I love you first?

Game 2: The “Oldest Married Couple” Game

Game 3: All Tied Up

Couple will hug each other around the waist, leaving only one hand on
each person available for use. Then the couple will prepare lunch for a
child using only two hands. They are required to take two slices of bread
out of the bag, place it on a plate, and cover one slice with peanut butter,
the other with jam. The sandwich must be closed properly and sliced into
half (triangles). The sandwich must be wrapped in napkin, then foil and
packaged into ziplock bag. The ziplock bag must be sealed. Ring the bell to
indicate that the task is completed.

Game 4: Partner Rescue

In this game, we will have two couples lined up with the men on one side
and the women on another. The wife is blindfolded. The husbands are
required to place 10 clothes clips all over themselves. The wives are then
asked to retrieve the clothes clips by feeling and touching her partner.
Game 5: Bible Couples Feud
This is a version of Family Feud using couples from the Bible. The
moderator will narrate about a particular Bible couple, then the couple who
figures out the correct answer first, rings the bell and answers. The
moderator will be the one indicating which couple rang the bell first. Points
will be given. The couple who gets 10 points first wins the game.

Game 6: Observation Game*

Two couples are selected. The husbands are blindfolded and asked three
or four random questions about his wife.

EXAMPLE: What colour lipstick/earring/shoes/nail polish/blouse/dress is

she wearing tonight?

*First blindfold, then explain the rules of the game

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