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Bahria University, Lahore Campus

Department of Computer Sciences

(Spring 2023)
Assignment : [3]
Date: Week 9, 4th May 23 . Due Date: Mentioned in LMS
Name: Roha Mubeen Enroll No: 03-135211-016

Evaluation of CLO -3
CLO statement
Identify and analyze software requirements for a mediumscaled Software project. Total
Marks 20

Question Number 1
Select any medium-scaled software project and then answer following question.
i- Why do you need software requirements specification (SRS) before developing
that software
• SRS written by a developer of the system or software. It is a formal report and is used to
define the needs and expectations of the user. It can serves as a contract document
between developer and client. which act as a representation of a software that enables the
customers to review whether it is according to their requirements or not.

ii- Identify and analyze different types of software requirements that are
required for that software project by making software requirements
specification (SRS) document as per IEEE template.

Use case:

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