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In august 2001, Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa formed the

Supreme Council for Women. This organizaGon is considered to be the principal source of
informaGon regarding women’s issues for all government agencies, and it has the authority to
express its opinions and address issues concerning women’s status in society. Where it is
supports laws and regulaGons that provide Bahraini women a variety of opportuniGes to
improve their quality of life. As this organizaGon focusses on advancing women’s issues based
on internaGonal standards and collaborates with other organizaGons to improve women’s
posiGon in socieGes ( InformaGon & eGovernment Authority, n.d.).

In order to empower women, the Supreme Council of Women has employed a number of
different strategies these include the NaGonal Digital Strategy and the NaGonal Strategy to
Protect Women from DomesGc Violence. To start with, and in accordance with the naGonal
Digital Strategy, the disadvantaged populaGons including women, are prioriGzed through the
establishment of clear and quanGfiable criteria. This will ensure their access to public digital
services and channels. as Bahrain has adopted the principle of providing internet access to all its
ciGzens, considering the needs of the enGre Bahraini populaGon. AddiGonally, and towards
fulfilling the second part of the fiVh goal of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the NaGonal Strategy to
protect Women from DomesGc violence represents Bahrain’s commitment to eradiaGng all
forms of violence against women and girls, including human trafficking, sexual abuse, and other
forms of explosion. Moreover, the policy seeks to protect and improve the rights of Bahraini
women life combaGng all forms of violence against them, including domesGc violence (Bahrain
News Agency Team, 2021).

Even if these strategies were combined with few others, society would witness a significant shiV
in how women are empowered. It could be possible to enhance the number of mentoring
programs, as mentoring programs can be implemented to empower and support women
leaders. It is also possible for the council to set up more training and development iniGaGves to
facilitate the involvement of more women in poliGcs. In this way, women will be able to assume
leadership posiGons as they will have a beZer understanding of the poliGcal situaGon (Guider
Team, 2019).

There are a number of ways in which the SCW implements the CEDAW ConvenGon in Bahrain.
Among these methods are these different ways that organizaGons can partner with government
agencies and implement gender-sensiGve programs, as the SCW has forged alliances with global
organizaGons like UN Women to promote women’s rights and gender equality. These
collaboraGons have allowed the council to obtain many forms of support to accomplish its goals
( Team, n.d.) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team, 2001).

In conclusion, across all spheres of public life, Bahraini women contribute significantly to
Bahrain’s development, including poliGcs, social progress, business, and more. And to help
women realize their full potenGal and make a significant contribuGon to society, the Supreme
Council (SCW) is dedicated to meeGng their needs. To promote gender equality and inclusion in
the Arab World, the government and SCW have launched a number pf programs and strategies
to empower Bahraini Women ( Team).

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