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Dear Niharica,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Nino Trinité and I'm a high school student from
Rennes. I am excited to have the opportunity to correspond with someone from the United States
and learn more about your culture.

As for myself, I am very passionate about music. I play several instruments including , bass,
accordion, and guitar, but my favourite instrument is the piano, it can give so many emotions ! I
also enjoy playing video games and solving Rubik's cubes in my free time. I'm currently trying to
solve a six by six ! In addition, I am currently taking a film and audiovisual class at school, where
my main focus is on video editing. Do you have any favorite movies or TV shows? I have also been
involved in theater for the past seven years.

Speaking of hobbies, what are some of yours? Have you ever been involved in any sports or other
extracurricular activities?

In terms of sports, I have played tennis, ping pong, judo, and karate in the past. Currently, I am
practicing parkour, a sport that I absolutely adore. It involves running, jumping, and climbing
through urban environments, which makes it both physically and mentally challenging.

Although I am not particularly interested in the history of France, I find its culture to be fascinating.
Have you ever been to Paris? It's a beautiful city with so much to see and do. The food is amazing
too! Croissants and macarons are some of my favorite French treats.

My favorite subjects in school are math and physics. Although I'm not taking any advanced courses
in these subjects, I enjoy watching YouTube videos on topics such as calculus, quantum mechanics,
and astrophysics. I find these topics to be incredibly fascinating and I love learning about them in
my free time.

Jusqu'à présent, je n'ai pas beaucoup voyagé en dehors de l'Europe. J'ai eu la chance de visiter
plusieurs pays européens tels que le Portugal, l'Espagne, l'Allemagne, l'Angleterre, les Pays-Bas et
la Belgique, ainsi qu'une fois le Maroc. Cependant, j'aimerais beaucoup élargir mes horizons et
découvrir d'autres cultures et paysages en dehors de l'Europe. J'ai toujours été fasciné par les États-
Unis, avec leur mélange unique de culture et leur grande diversité de paysages. Je voudrais visiter
des villes comme New York et Los Angeles, ainsi que des parcs nationaux tels que Yellowstone et
Yosemite. J'ai également entendu parler des plages magnifiques de la Floride et de la Californie.
J'aimerais beaucoup avoir l'opportunité de voyager aux États-Unis un jour et de voir tout ce que ce
grand pays a à offrir.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing back from you and
continuing our correspondence.

Nino Trinité

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