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Introduction/The Project:
Most disasters are local events that directly affect communities and require immediate
response to save lives. Therefore, it is important to focus on strengthening the resilience of
local communities and structures to natural disasters. The SAMBAL project aims to create a
bio-disaster resilient government complex that utilizes nature to prevent disasters and protect
lives, government services, and livelihoods. The project includes measures such as diverting
flood waters, incorporating seismic isolation systems, and integrating planting areas into the
park. Additionally, rainwater collection is used for watering and cleansing. The current
Zambales government structure is inadequate and does not meet the necessary standards.
Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of disasters, impacting millions of
people annually. The researcher aims to work with governments to ensure infrastructure can
handle these challenges.
secure government buildings that can withstand various disasters. By using materials like
concrete, glazed bricks, and steel, the buildings would be flood-resistant. They would also
utilize materials like paper tubes and biomaterials to protect against earthquakes. The
structures would be made of non-combustible materials and equipped with fire alarms to make
them fire-resistant. The project promotes the use of bio-disaster resilient design in
construction to prevent and minimize the impact of disasters. The goal is to create buildings
and structures that can withstand both natural and man-made disasters and aid in quick
recovery. This proactive approach is crucial in protecting lives, livelihoods, and promoting
community reconciliation.

Statement of the Problem

Zambales is at high risk for typhoons, with a greater than 20% chance of strong winds
in the next decade. This should be taken into consideration during the project's lifespan,
especially during the design and construction phases. Cyclones can also cause damage
through heavy rainfall, leading to flooding and wind damage. The urban flood threat in
Zambales is rated as high, meaning dangerous floods are expected at least once in the next
ten years. The risk of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the area is also high, so these
factors should be considered throughout the project, particularly during planning,
development, and maintenance.
According to data from NDRRMC, Zambales is at high risk for landslides and wildfires.
This means that when deciding where and how to build projects, the potential for these natural
disasters must be taken into account. The risk of wildfires, in particular, is significant and
should be considered throughout all stages of the project. Additionally, Zambales has a low
risk of water scarcity and drought, but it is still important to factor in the potential impacts of
drought on the project.

List of Disasters Experienced by Zambales

Type of Disaster Date

Typhoon Ompong September 2018

Urban Flood September 2018

Typhoon Karding September 2022

Urban Flood September 2022

Earthquake (Magnitude 2.6) January 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 4.7) March 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 5.0) March 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 6.1) April 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 4.2) May 2023

Typhoon Egay July 2023

Urban Flood July 2023

Typhoon Dodong July 2023

Typhoon Falcon July 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 4.7) July 2023

Earthquake (Magnitude 4.8) July 2023

Typhoon Goring August 2023

Typhoon Hanna August 2023

Typhoon Jenny October 2023

Significance of the Study

The SAMBAL project in Zambales is implementing Disaster Resilient Architecture to

withstand natural disasters. The design includes improved construction techniques and site
planning to make the complex more durable and able to anticipate future challenges. The
architecture is specifically tailored to the local environment and takes into account technical,
social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors. SAMBAL will continue to use technology
resistant to natural disasters and will incorporate climate-responsive methods that consider
ecosystems and the natural world. The project also aims to involve the community, support
regional trade and employment, and promote sustainable resource management.
***Demand Analysis (Based on the Current/Existing Floor Area per Office/Department
Vs. the Minimum Required)

There is a strong demand or need for office floor plan improvement due to the following
disadvantages of the current/existing floor area per office/department:

1. Noise
The main issue with the current office layout is the noise, which becomes more
problematic as the office expands. The open design promotes communication and
collaboration, but it can also be distracting for individuals working on solitary projects. Noise is
not the only problem; loud conversations also contribute to the issue.

2. Distraction
Although noise may be a problem, it is not the only type of distraction that can be found
in the office. Visual distractions, such as movement at the edge of our vision, can also divert
our attention. While it is clear that loud noise can be annoying, not all noise is the same. The
issue lies with sounds that we can barely hear, like snippets of conversations, which can be
more difficult to ignore. These distractions are present in every office or department's current
floor space. Phone conversations can be especially disruptive, as we usually only hear one
side. Additionally, work-related conversations that we feel compelled to listen to can also be

Security and Privacy

Not all workplace communication is meant for everyone to hear. Sometimes private
calls or conversations need more privacy. People often have to find alternative places to have
these conversations because there is no private office space available. Even though it is not
ideal, this is common in open-plan offices.

Spreading illness
The people's germs are shared in the current setting or workplace due to poor or
substandard floor area.

Reduced Productivity
When considering all of the problems mentioned above, the main problem in modern
offices or workspaces is decreased productivity. While having everyone in the same location
may lead to more collaboration, it does not actually increase output. Distractions are common,
especially from conversations among coworkers, leading to a noisy environment that
frequently interrupts work. This is why many people use headphones. Ultimately, most
distractions lead to lower productivity.

The Zambales Provincial Capitol is at risk of being severely damaged by future

disasters due to urbanization, old infrastructure, and climate change. These disasters not only
cause direct damage to buildings and infrastructure, but also lead to indirect consequences
such as business interruption and outmigration. To minimize these losses, it is important to
quickly recover the affected built environment after a disaster by promoting the use of stronger
infrastructure systems. This will help reduce the negative impact on the recovery of buildings
by shortening the time it takes for interconnected infrastructure systems to recover. The
damage to important buildings and infrastructure, like the Zambales Provincial Capitol,
disrupts the community's ability to function and can result in a loss of essential services and
hinder response and recovery efforts. It can also force businesses and residents to move
elsewhere. Adhering to norms and standards is crucial for the success of planned projects,
and the connection between the historic and sustainable aspects of the built environment
should be considered in terms of resource usage and environmental impact. Protecting
historic structures also contributes to promoting safety measures against natural and man-
made dangers.

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