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Assignment 1 Resume and Curriculum Vitae

Name : Wyasana Aji Kusuma Wardana
NIM : V3423087
Class : D3-Informatic Engineering C
Video 1 : How to write a CV
1. Step 1 : pre CV writing research
Focus on hard skill like industry spesific skill, it system knowledge, language, and
Don’t worry about soft skill like communication, teamwork, and problem solving
2. Step 2: structuring and formating your CV
Firstly you should use a word processing program like microsoft word or google docs
to create your CV. They are very easy to use and are the globally recognized format
for CV across all industries.
a. Formatting :
1) Fonts and color : - Use a clean and crisp font that can be easily read
- The color scheme should also be basic black text on white
- Don’t be tempted to use fancy font and wacky color
scheme in a bid to stand out this will look unprofessional
and could make the CV difficult to read.
2) Length : Use two pages a4 is usually enough to tell you story without boring
3) Headings : Use bold headings to divide the sections of your CV this will help
recruiter to navigate it when skin reading.
b. CV structure :
1) Your name and contact details should sit at the very top of your CV so that
recruiters can easily see how to contact you
2) Your CV profile or personal statement if a brief introductory paragraph that
summarizes your abilities and aims to grab recruiters attention when the CV is
first opened.
3) A bullet pointed list of your most relevant skills provides a snapshot of your
offerings as a candidate
4) Your work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order to
showcase your ability to apply your skills in the workplace.
5) Your education should be listed near the bottom of your CV hobbies and
interests are an optional section and can be added to the bottom of your CV if
you think they will add any value to your applications
Video 2 : Write an incredible resume
1. They five key learning
a. Importance of LinkedIn Profile Integration: According to research conducted by
Austin Belsack, resumes that include links to LinkedIn profiles tend to have
higher interview call rates. Therefore, it is advisable to integrate a LinkedIn
profile into your resume to improve your job prospects.
b. Keyword and Skills Usage: Candidates should be selective in including keywords
and skills in their resumes. Austin Belsack findings show that it is best to include
about 51% of important keywords and skills. This ensures that your resume is
optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS) while still focusing on the most
relevant qualifications.
c. Measurable Metrics: To improve your resume’s effectiveness, consider including
measurable metrics in your job descriptions. Highlighting quantifiable
achievements and results in bullet points can significantly enhance your resume’s
d. Optimal Resume Length: Research shows that the ideal resume length is between
475 to 600 words. A concise and well-structured resume will grab the recruiter’s
attention while providing essential information.
e. Avoid Excessive Content: Excessive content can diminish the value of your
resume. It’s crucial to avoid including irrelevant information, buzzwords, or
clichés. Keep your content focused and meaningful.
2. Add linkedln profile
a. Professional Profile Picture: Differentiate your LinkedIn profile by adding a
professional profile picture. A high-quality photo helps create a positive first
b. LinkedIn Banner: Make use of the LinkedIn banner feature to further personalize
your profile and showcase your personal brand.
c. Relevant Keywords and Skills: Incorporate important keywords and skills in your
LinkedIn profile. This makes your profile more discoverable by potential
employers and recruiters.
3. Add measurable result
a. Showcase Achievements: Candidates who stand out are those who provide
concrete evidence of their success. Use the formula “achieved x measured by y by
doing z” to illustrate your achievements and demonstrate your value to potential
b. Resume Length: As mentioned, aim for a resume length of 475 to 600 words to
strike the right balance between conciseness and informativeness.
c. Avoid Buzzwords and Clichés: Steer clear of overused buzzwords and clichés that
lack substance. Use precise and meaningful language to describe your
qualifications and experiences.

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