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"Effective building manager ensured compliance with fire safety standards, enhancing overall safety within the facility.


"Enhanced leadership skills through SNCOA enhancement course, strengthening capabilities in leading and managing teams."

"Supported USSOUTHCOM counter drug mission by flying 11 sorties for 80 hours as Host Nation Rider Liaison, effectively disrupting 1800 pounds of illicit contraband."

"Managed Host Nation Rider Stan/Eval program, overseeing evaluations for 8 members, ensuring mission readiness and compliance with AFI."

"Conducted monthly facility safety checks, identifying and addressing 8 plus deficiencies, thereby ensuring the safety of 25 Operations Group members."

"Skillfully managed 10 office computer inventory as an asset manager, maintaining 100% inventory accuracy."

"Diligently worked as UFPM, scheduling and tracking fitness assessments for 27 members, ensuring 100% unit compliance and currency."

"Effective facility manager that coordinated with CE for improvements and repairs, meeting safety standards and sustaining the mission."

"Exemplifying effectiveness in the role of a facility manager and actively collaborated with the Civil Engineering (CE) team to implement necessary improvements and repairs to ensured that our facility

consistently met stringent safety standards, contributing to a secure environment and to remained fully operational, enabling the successful continuation of our mission objectives."

Actively involved in critical operations, completing a total of 8 sorties and 71.9 hours of flight time to support the USSOUTHCOM CD mission leading to the interception and capture of a total of 1800

pounds of illicit drugs.

"Managed the Host Nation Rider Stan/Eval program and provided comprehensive oversight for evaluations involving 8 members ensuring their preparedness for missions and compliance with Air Force

Instructions (AFI).

"Diligently served as the Unit Fitness Program Manager (UFPM), meticulously scheduling and tracking fitness assessments for 27 members and ensured 100% unit compliance and currency in line with the
established USAF fitness standards.

Executing the mission

Supported USSOUTHCOM counter drug mission with 11 sorties, disrupting 1800 pounds of illicit contraband. Additionally, managed Host Nation Rider Stan/Eval program for 8 members, ensuring mission
readiness and AFI compliance.

Leading People
Participated in the leadership challenge program, gaining insights into the importance of emotional intelligence and critical thinking for effective leadership, honing skills like problem solving and active
listening. Enhanced leadership abilities through SNCOA enhancement course, strengthening expertise in team leadership and management.

Managing Resources
Conducted monthly facility safety checks, addressing 8+ deficiencies for the safety of 25 Operations Group members. Skillfully managed 10 office computer inventory, maintaining 100% accuracy.
Diligently served as UFPM, scheduling and tracking fitness assessments for 27 members, ensuring 100% unit compliance and currency.


Effective facility manager, coordinated with CE for improvements and repairs, meeting safety standards and sustaining the mission. Hosted Punta Salinas Radar Site cleanup, organizing trash and FOD walks
to promote Airmen wellness and maintain facilities at high safety standards, enhancing the overall operational environment.

Higher level
MSgt Martinez is a highly confident NCO that consistently showcased the ability to take on extra duties, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the success of various mission objectives within the Host Rider
Program, greatly contributing to mission effectiveness and accomplishment of program goals.

Collaborated effectively with the CE team to ensure that the contractor adhered to the stringent HNR program requirements during the renovation of Bldg 2.

Worked in close partnership with the contractor to meticulously inspect and validate the proper installation and functionality of all office area desks and furniture, leaving no room for missing components.

Played a pivotal role in assisting the Comm Flt by conducting a comprehensive assessment of IT requirements for the HNR program, ensuring that the network infrastructure, computers, and phones in Bldg 2
were set up to the necessary standards, minimizing any potential mission delays.

Demonstrated efficiency and timeliness in completing and thoroughly documenting the initial Fire Safety and Occupational Safety acceptance inspection, vital to meet the occupancy deadline for Bldg 2.
Additionally, conducted a rigorous Risk Assessment, allowing for the swift and safe occupancy of Bldg 2, maintaining unwavering adherence to fire safety standards to safeguard the building occupants.

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