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Audience Review Form

Student Name: Ana Ljubica Musulin

Date: 2023-09-10
Audience Member (Reviewer) Name: Tatjana (mom)
The presentation you are attending today is part of a semester-long
project that the listed student has undertaken as part of a music
appreciation course. Please complete this form with your reactions
and responses to the student’s performance.
1. What part of the presentation caught your attention the most?

The details in each slide caught my eye the most. She went
into a lot of detail per slide and I enjoyed that.
2. What was your favorite part of the presentation?

My favorite was the band she chose. I grew up listening to

Queen so I appreciate her choice.
3. How did the presentation affect you?

It affected me in a good way and taught me a few things I

didn't know.
4. At which points were you most impressed with the presenter’s

I was impressed with how she holds eye contact and how she
projects her voice.
5. At which points did the presenter’s creativity shine through the

Her creativity shined through with the pictures she chose per
slide. Each picture corresponded with what the slide was
talking about.
6. Which part of the presentation felt most polished and

The organization made the whole project seem professional.
7. What suggestions would you offer the presenter for

improvement in the future?

I would suggest that she doesn't go on too long for one point.
Keep the project moving.

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