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3212 Langmuir 1993,9,3212-3218

Hydrodynamic Modes of Viscoelastic Soap Films

P. Sens,C. Marques, and J. F. Joanny*
Institut Charles Sadron, 6, rue Boussingault, 67083 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Received April 22,1993. I n Final Form: July 15,199P

We discuss the dispersion relation of the undulation modes of a soap f i i containing a viscoelastic
Maxwell fluid modeling a water soluble polymer. Two types of modes exist, bending modes and squeezing
modes. In addition to the modes existing for a usual viscous soap f i i , we find Rayleigh waves driven
by the bulk elasticity E of the liquid. The dispersion relation of the undulation modes strongly depends
on the value of the surface elastic modulus of the surfactant layers B. We study in detail the limit where
the surface elastic modulus vanishes and the limit where it ia of the same order of magnitude as the surface
tension. In this last case the Rayleigh waves are observed if Eh >> ea where h is the thickness of the f i i .
We also discuss briefly the existence of higher harmonica due to the coupling of the undulation modes
to compressional elastic modes of the film.

I. Introduction depletion of the polymer close to the surfaces of the film

(givingthus a contribution to the disjoining pressure) and
A large number of industrial processes require the we investigateonly the role of the elasticityof the polymeric
simultaneous use of polymers and surfactants. The liquid?JO
interplay between the properties of the polymer and that We uae the simplest possible model of a viscoelastic
of the surfactant is in general very subtle and is difficult fluid, the Maxwell model where the complex viscosity at
to describe theoretically. A typical example is the sta- a frequency w varies as
bilization of foams or soapfilmsby addition of hydrosoluble
polymers. = ET/(^+ iwT)
q(w) (1)
In order to understand the role of a water-soluble This model has a single relaxation time T and a plateau
polymer on the properties of a soap film, detailed ex- modulus E. The liquid behaves as a viscous medium with
perimental studies have been performed in particular by a viscosity vo = ETat long times and as an elastic medium
di Meglio and collaborators.'d They have shown that the at short times. The spectrum of the waves on the surface
drainage of the soap film is strongly affectedby the polymer of a semiinfiiite viscoelastic Maxwell liquid has been
and that the classical drainage law proposed by Frankel studied in detail by Harden et al.11J2 who showed the
and Mysels4which describes well the drainage of simple existence of elastic Rayleigh waves in addition to the usual
soap films is qualitatively not followed. Tentative ex- capillary waves. Our model can thus also be considered
planations based on the existenceof normal viscousstresses as a generalization of their results to liquid slabs of finite
or on the slip of the polymer on the surfactant layer have thicknesses.
been p r ~ p o s e d . ~ The paper is organized as follows. In the next section
In order to test the hydrodynamic properties of soap we derive the hydrodynamic equations for a viscoelastic
films, one can also measure their undulation modes by soap film taking into account the molecular interactions
quasielastic light scattering. A very thorough study of between the surfaces (described here by the DLVO
the undulations of soap films from both the experimental disjoining pressure) followingcloselythe work of Jooeten-
and the theoretical point of view has been performed by for viscous soap films. In section 111, we discuss the
Joosten.- His hydrodynamic theory is in good agreement dispersion relation of the various undulation modes of the
with the experimental results obtained by light scattering soap film both for bending modes and for squeezing modes.
and shows the important role of both the surface elastic We present explicit calculations for the cases where the
modulus and the direct interactions between the surfaces Gibbs surface elastic modulus vanishes and where it is
of the film characterized by the so-called disjoining large. The last section presents some concludingremarks
pressure. and discusses some possible future directions.
In this work we want to discuss the effect of the polymer
on the undulation modes of the soap film. As a first step, 11. Bending and Squeezing Modes
we consider the polymer solution confined between the The soap film is a thin liquid slab of thickness h stabilized
surfaces of the soap film as a homogeneous viscoelastic by the adsorption of an ionic surfactant on its surfaces. In
medium. We thus ignore the effect of the polymer- the following, the z axis is normal to the film and the
surfactant interaction which induces an adsorption or a origin is at the middle of the film. The equilibrium

thickness of the film is due to the balance between the

Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, September 15, disjoining pressure characterizing the molecular interac-
(1) Cohen-Addad, S.; di Meglio, J. M. Langmuir 1992,8, 324. tions in the film and the hydrostatic pressure head Pl,=
(2) Cohen-Addad, S. These Universite Paris VI 1992 unpublished. pgH that can be imposed between the film and a bulk
(3) Cohen-Addad, S.; di Meglio, J. M.; Ober, R. C. R. Seances Acad. reservoir (pis the liquid density,g the gravity acceleration,
Sci., Ser. 2 1992, 325, 39.
(4) Mysels, K.; Shinoda, K.; Frankel, S. Soap f i l m , studies of their and H the height difference between the film and the
thinning; Pergamon Press: London, 1959.
(5) Bruinsma,R.; di Meglio,J. M.;Quere,D.;Cohen-Addad,S.Preprint. (9) Bird, R.; Armstrong, R.; Hassager, 0. Dynamics of Polymeric
(6) Joosten, J. J. Chem. Phys. 1984,80, 2363. Liquids; Wiley: New York, 1977.
(7) Joosten, J. J. Chem. Phys. 1984,80, 2383. (10) Ferry, J. Viscoelastic properties of Polymers; Wiley: New York,
(8) Joosten, J. In Liquids at Interfaces;Les Houches summer school; 1980.
Charvolin, J., Joanny, J. F., Zinn-Justin, J., Eds.; North Holland: (11) Harden, J.; Pleiner, H.; Pincus, P. Europhys. Lett. 1988, 7,383.
Amsterdam, 1940. (12) Harden, J.; Pleiner, H.; Pincus, P. J. Chem. Phys. 1991,94,5208.

0743-7463/93/2409-3212$04.00/0 (0 1993 American Chemical Society

Hydrodynamic Modes of Viscoelastic Soap Films Langmuir, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1993 3213
reservoir). If we ignore the steric forcesdue to the polymer, The exact boundary conditions on the stress are rather
the molecular interactions in the film are well accounted complicated and can be found in ref 6, we use here
for by the classical DLVO theory: the disjoining pressure approximate boundary conditions replacing the effective
II = IIvdw + IIDLis the sum of a van der Waals and an pressure P in the film by pII where II is the disjoining
electrostatic ~0ntribution.l~ In the absence of retardation pressure calculated for the local thickness of the film and
effects, the van der Waals disjoining pressure is attractive p the actual pressure. The spirit of this approximation
and decays with the thickness of the film as is the sameas the Derjaguin approximationused in colloid
science, it assumes that the film is locally flat and that the
nvdw = -A/6rh3 (2) interactions are local in the directions parallel to the film.
where the Hamaker constant A is positive and of the order Our boundary conditions are thus valid in the limit where
of the thermal excitation kT. The electrostatic contri- the wave vector of the undulation q is small enough that
bution to the disjoining pressure is repulsive and due to qh << 1. This is the interesting limit since if qh > 1, the
the interaction between the electrical doublelayers on the two surfaces of the film are not coupled and the undulation
surfaces of the film. In the limit where the two surfaces modes are the simple capillary modes of each surface
overlap only weakly, it can be written as studied in refs 11 and 12.
In doing so, we also neglect the contribution of the van
,I = 64kTna2exp(-rh) (3) der Waals14and electrostatic interacti~nsl~ to such quan-
tities as the surface tension or the surface elastic modulus
Here, n is the concentration of monovalent salt in the of the film. In the following these quantities must thus
f i , K - the
~ associated Debye screening length (r2= 2e2n/
be understood as the total surface tension or the total
ckT, where e is the elementary charge and c the dielectric surface elastic modulus including the van der Waals and
constant of water), and u is a dimensionless number electrostatic contributions.
characterizing the electrostatic potential of the surfaces On the upper surface of the f i i , the generalizedpressure
$0, u = th(e$0/4kT).
The equilibrium thickness of the film is in general in can then be written as
the range 5-90 nm. The film is stable only if the disjoining P = p o + TC - n + a,,a~,/az (8)
pressure is a decreasing function of thickness, i.e. if aII/ah
< 0. wherepo is the external pressure. The second term on the
1. Hydrodynamic Equations. We now discuss the right-hand side is the Laplace pressure, y is the surface
dynamics of small undulations of the surfaces of the film tension, and C the local curvature.
around the equilibrium configuration of a flat film of The tangential stress at the surface of the film is due
thickness h. Each point on the two surfaces has a to the Marangoni effect and the corresponding boundary
displacement ,$ and we shall only consider the hydrody- condition can be written as16J7
namics of the film at linear order in 5. The velocity field
v(r,t) inside the f i is given by the momentum conser- ,,(aU,/az + au,/ax) = esa2t,/aX2 (9)
vation equation where we neglect the convective terms
and the gravity effects The transverse undulation waves that we want to discuss
have two types of eigenmodes, squeezing modes in which
t3v - V(u + T) - pV W (4) the two interfaces move antiparallel with respect to the
pat- z axis and bending modes in which the two interfaces move
where p is the mass density of the liquid. parallel with respect to the z axis (see Figure 1); we now
The stress tensor u is the sum of the pressure and of the discuss separately the velocity field for the two types of
viscoelastic stress. The viscoelastic stress is more easily modes in the long wavelength limit qh << 1.
expressed in terms of the Fourier components in time 2. Squeezing Modes. In a squeezing mode of wave
vector q, the two surfaces of the f i i move out of phase
u(r,w) = -PI + q(w)[Vv(r,o)+ T ~ v ( r , w ) ~ (5) and the amplitude of the mode can be characterized by
u = (tzu - tZd)/2,where t," and tZdare respectively the
where 1 is the complex viscosity given by eq 1. deformation of the upper ( z = h/2) and the lower (z =
The electrostatic interactions are described via the -h/2) surfaces in the z direction. The symmetry of the
electrostatic Maxwell tensor T and W is the van der Waals mode also imposes that u,(z,t) = -u,(-z,t) and ux(z,t) =
potential, i.e. the difference in van der Waals energy
ux (-z,t).
between a molecule at position r in the film and a molecule
in an infinite film. As is usually done to study surface w a ~ e s , ~ ~weJ '
For an undulation of pulsation o, the momentum decompose the velocity field as a sum of a longitudinal
equation can be recast as and a transverse field v = V$ + vt, where the longitudinal
component is the gradient of a velocity potential 4.
piwv = 7(o)v2v- VP (6) The potential 4 satisfies a Laplace equation Vz4 = 0 so
where P is an effective pressure calculated by Joosten6
which contains the effect of both the van der Waals and
$ = Aeiqxcosh(qz) (10)
the electrostatic interactions.
The momentumequation must be supplementedby the where A is an integration constant. The longitudinal
incompressibility condition component of the momentum equation gives the correction
div v = 0 (7) (14) The effect of undulations on van der Waals interactions has been
On the surface of the film the molecules follow the studied in Fbbbins, M.; Andelman, D.; Joanny, J. F. Phys. Reu. A 1991,
velocity and the surface displacement is such that v = 43,434.4.
(16)The effect of undulations on electrostatic interactions has been
a,yat. studiedin Harden,J.;Marques, C.; Joanny,J. F.;Andelman,D.Langmuir
~~~~ ~ ~
1992,8, 1170.
(13) Israelachvili, J. Intermolecular and surface forces; Academic (16) Lucasaen, J. Trans. Faraday SOC. 1968,64, 1221.
Press: London, 1985. (17) Kramer, L. J . Chem. Phys. 1971,55, 2097.
3214 Langmuir, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1993 Sena et al.
dominated by the surface tension or the disjoining pressure
and on2= 2q2es/ph represents the effect of the surface
3. Bending Modes. The dispersion relation of the
bending modes can be obtained in a similar manner as
that of the squeezing mode. For a bending mode, the two
Squeezing mode surfaces oscillate in phase and the amplitude of the mode
is defined as u = tZu = tZd; the symmetry imposes that
z uz(z,t)= u,(-z,t). It is clear that the thickness of the film
t remains constant and thus that the disjoining pressure
remains constant and plays no role in the bending mode.
In the limit of small thickness the dispersion relation
w3 - io2[u(w)q4h2I3 w~h2/4v(w)1
- ~(0'; + w, 2q2h214) +
io',2w,2h2I4v(w)= 0 (16)
We have here introduced the capillary frequency dC2 =
4uc2/q2h2= 2yq2/ph. Note also that this relation is not
exactly identical to that of ref 6, we have an extra term
Bending mode corresponding to the diffusion of vorticity in the w2 term
in eq 16.
Figure 1. Geometry of the squeezing and bending modes. Both for the bending and the squeezingmode, one must
check a posteriori for consistency that lmhl< 1 whenever
to the pressure as qh < 1. In the following,we discuss the various asymptotic
regimes of the dispersion relations (14 and 15) when the
P = -piw+ = -piw AeaqX cosh(qz) (11) properties of the soap film are varied.
The transverse velocity is the solution of the transverse
component of the momentum equation (6) 111. Dispersion Relation
The work of Joosten- has shown the major importance
u: = a, eiqxcosh(mz), u: = (r, eiqxsinh(mz) (12) of the surface elasticity for the properties of soap films.
If the surface elastic modulus es is very large, the surface
where the wave vector m is such that m2 = q2 + piw/q(w); of the soap film is rigid and the parallel velocity vanishes
the two amplitudes cyx and az are related by the incom- at the surface of the f i i . If the surface elasticity is small,
pressibility equation, maz = -iqaX = -imqB, where B is the molecules are free to move on the interface and the
another integration constant. parallel velocity is finite. The surface elastic modulus of
The two remaining integration constants are found from a soap film can be varied in a broad range.I8 For a sake
the boundary conditions on the stress. The tangential of simplicity, we do not study here the general case but
stress condition gives we study the two limits where the surface elastic modulus
vanishes or has a large value of the order of the surface
+ +
v(w){2iq2Asinh(qhl2) B[m2 q21sinh(mh/2)j= tension y.
-q2es/iw(iqAcosh(qhl2) mB cosh(mhl2)) (13) 1. Films withNo SurfaceElasticity. We firstdiscuss
the squeezing modes. In the limit where w, vanishes, the
The normal stress boundary condition is obtained from dispersion relation takes the particularly simple form
eq 8 by expanding the disjoining pressure around the
equilibrium value of a film of constant thickness h ( n ( h w2 - 4iv(w)q2w- w,2 = o
+ 2u) = II(h) + 2u dII/dh)
We now distinguish the two limits where the soap fiim
-pioA cosh(qhl2) = y(q2+ 2/L2)[qAsinh(qhl2) - has a viscous behavior W T < 1 and where it has an elastic
iqB sinh(mh/2)l/(io)+ 2q(w)[q2Acosh(qhl2)- behavior WT > 1. In the viscous limit, the kinematic
viscosity is Y = Erlp = YO = qolp and there are two squeezing
iqmB cosh(mhl2)l (14) modes
We have introduced here the so-called healing length14
defined as L2 = T / ( d I l / d h ) .The healing length charac-
w = 2iq2v,, f {ac - 4v02q4)1/2 (17)
terizes the competition between surface tension and At a low value of the kinematic viscosity, YO, the two
disjoining pressure and is in general larger than the modes are propagating and w2 = wc2 = yq2h(q2+ 2/L2)/2p.
thickness h. They correspondto standard capillarywaves in the shallow
Equations 13 and 14 are a homogeneous linear system water approximation (w2 = yq4h/2p)if the wavelength is
in the variables A and B, a nonvanishing solution exists smaller than the healing length (qL > 1 ) and to waves
only in the limit where the determinant vanishes: this driven by the DLVO potential that we call DLVO waves
gives the dispersion relation of the squeezing mode. In if qL < 1 (w2 = yq2h/L2p).At high wave vector the two
the limit where qh < 1 and lmhl < 1, it reads modes are overdamped and correspond to a viscous liquid
mode due to the diffusion of vorticity w = 4iq2voand to
w3 - 4iv(w)q2w2- w(w; + us2)+ i h 2 w ~ w ~ / 1 2 v (=w0) an overdamped capillary wave (w = yq2h/8qo). The
(15) crossover between the propagating capillary wave and the
overdamped modes occurs when YO = (yh/p)1/2 or E = E2
We have introduced in eq 15 the complex kinematic
viscosity v(w) = q ( w ) / p and two characteristic pulsations: (18)Lucassen, J. In Anionic Surfactants; Lucassen, E., Ed.; marcel
wc2 = yq2h(q2+ 2/L2)/2pcharacterizes the surface waves Dekker: New York, 1981; Chapter 6.
Hydrodynamic Modes of Viscoelastic Soap F i l m Langmuir, Vol. 9,No. 11,1993 3216

Lopq t In
nastic mode


mode /
q*-(P/yhrV I1
q 1 -1/L
EO - $7' /ph4 L& E
mode \ Figure 3. Asymptoticdomainsfor the dispersionrelation ofthe
bending modes when the surface elastic modulus vanishes in the
Ey(fip/7')''* Lop E case where 1 < N = yr2/phs< (L/h)'. In region I the undulation
mode is a capillary wave w2 = 2yq2/ph,in region I1 is is a usual
Figure 2. Asymptotic domainsfor the dispersionrelation of the capillary wave w2 = yq3/p,in region I11 it is an elastic Rayleigh
squeezing modes when the surface elastic modulus vanishes in wave w2 = Eq2/pand in region IV a Rayleigh wave in a confiied
the case where 1 < N = y72/phs < (L/h)'. In region I the geometryw2 = Eq4h2/3, and in regionV the modes are overdamped
undulation mode is a DLVO wave w2 = yq2h/L2p,in region I1 it w = iqq4h2/3 and w = 6iy/qf12hs.The boundary between regions
is a capillary wave w2 = yq4h/2p,in region III a capillary wave 11and 111 is q = E / y ,the boundary between regions IV and I q2
02 = yq3/p, in region IV an elastic Rayleigh wave w2 = 4Eq2/p, = y/EhS,the boundary between regions IV and V q4 = p/(r2h2E),
and in region V the modes are overdamped w = ivf14h2/3and w and the boundary between regions V and I qs = yp/(r2hap).
= 6 i y / r l o ~ ~The
h ~ .boundary between regions I11 and IV is given
by q = E/?, the boundary between regions II and IV by q = The bending modes are studied along the same lines as
(E/yh)llZ,the boundary between regions IV and V by q =
(p/ET2h)l12,and the boundary between regions V and I by q = the squeezing modes. The dispersion relation is
w2 - iw v(w)q4h2/3 - w': = 0 (16')
= ( y h p / W 2and the crossover between the DLVO wave The capillary waves have a high frequency than for the
and the overdamped mode for a wavevector q = (yhp/ squeezingmodes w2 = wfC2= 2yq2/ph. The Rayleighwaves
L2)WT). have the same dispersion relation as that of the bending
In the high frequency elastic range, the kinematic modes of a thin solid plate, w2 = Eq4h2/3 and the
viscosity is v = Eliwp, the dispersion relation becomes in overdamped modes are such that w = ivoq4h2/3and w =
this limit 6iy/70q2h3. The various possible asymptotic regimes for
the bending modes are displayed in Figure 3 for the same
w2 - (0: + 4Eq2/p)= 0 (18) dimensionless number N as in Figure 2.
2. Films with a Finite Surface Elasticity. When
The two modes are propagative and correspond either the surface elastic modulus is finite, the properties of the
to a capillary wave or to an elastic Rayleigh wave w2 = soap f i b depend on many variables and it is difficult to
4Eq2/p. Note that in this confined geometrythe dispersion present a general discussion. A dimensional analysis on
relation of the Rayleigh wave has the same structure as the dispersion relations (15 and 16) shows that there are
in an infinite medium.'g The crossover between Rayleigh four dimensionless numbers to be considered
and capillary waves occurs for a wave vector q = (Elyh)1/2.
It is useful to represent graphically the various possible N7 = ~ $ 7 , NDLvo
= h/L, N, = e,h/pvt, x = vo7/h2
asymptotic regimes for the squeezing modes in a plane (19)
elastic modulus wave vector. The relative importance of The relative importance of surface tension and surface
the various regions depends on the dimensionless number elasticity is measured by N7; in many cases N7 is of the
N = y7Yph3 which compares a capillary time, the period order 1or Larger, and we make this assumption below. As
of a capillary wave of wave vector h-I, and the viscoelastic already mentioned above, in general NDLVO C 1. N ,
relaxation time 7. Figure 2 corresponds to values of N measures the relative importance of the surface elasticity
such that, 1 < N < (L/hI4. and of the viscous dissipation; if we introduce reasonable
It is interesting to note that our results for small values orders of magnitude (es = 100 dynlcm, h = 50 nm, vo =
of qh match smoothly with those of Harden et al. which cm2/s),we find that N , is of order 1. If the polymer
have been obtained for waves at the surface of a semiin- concentration in the soapf ilmis high enough,the kinematic
finite viscoelastic liquid and thus correspondto the limit viscosity is much larger than that of the water and it is
qh >> 1. They found three types of modes, an elastic reasonable to assume that N , << 1. In the following,we
Rayleigh mode and an overdamped viscous liquid mode consider that the three numbers N,, N7, and NDLVO have
with the same dispersion relation as in the confined a fiied value with these constraints and we look at the
geometry above and a classical capillary mode (corre- dispersion relation of the undulation modes of the vis-
sponding to the deep water limit) for which w2 = ( y / p ) q 3 . coelastic soap film when the dimensionless number x
The large wavelength limit is also represented in Figure varies. This number characterizes the viscoelasticity of
2. the soap film and can be changed at constant value of the
kinematic viscosity (i.e. at constant value of all the other
(19)Landau, L.; Lifschitz, E. Thhrie de l'Elasticit4 Ed Mir (Moscou numbers) by changing the viscoelastic relaxation time,
1967). For our isotropid fluid, the Poisson ratio is equal to 1/2. the purely viscous fluid corresponding to 7 = 0.
3216 Langmuir, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1993 Sens et al.
a. Squeezing Modes. The dispersion relation of the
squeezing mode is given by eq 15. In the limit where N7 Y - 0
I 1 and NDLVO < 1, as long as qh < 1 , the capillary Rayleigh elastic mode
contribution wc2can be neglected compared to the surface Higher harmonics
elasticity term os2= 2q2€s/ph. We first discuss the small
w regime where the fluid has a viscous behavior and then
the large w regime where it exhibits an elastic behavior. overdamped modes

When w r < 1, it is useful to define a dimensionless Surface elasticity mode

pulsation s = w/ws, and the dispersion relation becomes
s3 - s2 4iuoq2/w,- s + ih2w,2/(12u0w,)= 0 (20) I \
The constant term in this equation is always smaller Surface elasticity mode \
than 1. The coefficient of s2 can be smaller or larger than
1. If the wave vector is small 0, = qh < N,1/2),this
coefficient is smaller than 1 and the three modes are given
by s = f l and s = ih2~c2/(12uw,) or

w12 = fw,, w3 = ih2w,2/(12uo)= h

ih2yq2h(q2 2/L2)/24vo(21)
In x

The first two modes are propagative and dominated by Figure 4. Asymptoticdomains for the dispersion relation of the
the surface elastic modulus. The third mode is over- squeezing modes when the surface elastic modulus is large (6. =
damped and is identical to the surface waves of a thin 7 ) . In regions I and IV the propagative modes are dominated by
the surfaceelasticiQw = a,,in regionI there is ale0an overdamped
liquid film of viscosity 90and thickness h on a solid surface capillary mode w = ih2a,2/(12u0).In region I1 the three modes
(the difference in numerical prefactor corresponds to the are overdamped with a dispersion relation given by eq 22. In
existence of the two surfaces). Its dispersion relation can region I11 the squeezing mode is an elastic Rayleigh wave. In
be easily obtained by approximating the Navier-Stokes region V there are no modes such that lmhl< 1 (see text). The
equation by a lubrication approximation.20*21 The cross-
over to the elastic regime occurs when w r = 1 or y
1/ ( X N , ~ / ~ ) .
- boundary between regions I1 and I11 is y = 1/dj2;the boundary
betweenregionsIandIVisy = ~ / ( X N ~
regions IV and V is y = l/(d/ZN>/z).

If the wave vector is large (N,1/2< y = qh < 1 ) the

coefficient of the s2 term is larger than 1 and the three number of nodes. The dispersion relation of the lowest
modes are overdamped s = 4iuoq2/w8,s = iw$4voq2, and s harmonic is w2 = const Elph2,where the constant is only

= ih2wc2/( 12uow,). Their dispersion relations are weakly depending on the wave vector q.
All these asymptotic regimes are displayed in a plane
w1 = 4iuoq2, w2 = ie$27&, w3 = ih2w,2/(12u0) Lr = qh, x = uor/h21,in Figure 4. In the limit where 7
0, we recover the viscous soap film behavior discussed by
(22) Joosten in the limit y < N,112.
The fastest mode is a viscous liquid mode corresponding b. Bending Modes. A similar analysis can be carried
to the diffusion of vorticity, the slowest one is the out for the bending mode, we will assume here for simplicity
overdamped capillary mode, and the intermediate one is that N y = 1, i.e. that the surface tension and the surface
an overdamped mode driven by surface elasticity with a elastic modulus are of the same order of magnitude.

constant relaxation time independent of the wave vector.
The crossover to the elastic regime occurs when y 1 / x 1 / 2 .
In the elastic range, all the modes are propagative and
In the viscous range we choose as the unit frequency utc
(wtC2= 2rq2/ph)and defines = w / d C ;the dispersion relation
can be approximated by
the dispersion relation is
s3- is2[uoq4h2/3w’, + w~h2/4u0w’cl- s +
w2 = w,2 + 4Eq2/p + pw,2w,2/12E (23) ih2w,2/(4u0o’,)= 0 (24)
Within the approximations (Imhl< 1 ) that we used to The constant term is always smaller than unity. If y <
derive the dispersion relation (23), the coupling term is N2I6 the term proportional to s2is also smaller than unity.
always negligible and the wave is an elastic wave driven The three roots of this equation are s = f l and s = ih2wB2/
by either the surface or the bulk elasticity. The surface (Iuow’,) corresponding to two propagative and one over-
elasticity is dominant (w2 = ws2)if e, >> Eh or x > and damped modes
the bulk elasticity is dominant (Rayleigh wave w2 = 4Eq2/
p ) if x < The limit lmhl < 1 corresponds to y < w12 = fw‘,, w3 = ih2w,2/(4uo)= ihr,q2/2qo (25)
l/(x1/2N212). Ifthewavevector islarger 0,> l/(x1/2N2/2)) The propagative modes are now capillary waves and the
no mode can be found with lmhl< 1. There are however
elastic modes such that lmhl> 1. These are purely elastic
wave propagating in the direction perpendicular to the
surface and coupled to the surface undulation waves. These
overdamped mode is an elastic surface mode. The
crossover to the elastic regime occurs for wtCr= 1 or y
modes are briefly discussed in the Appendix. As they are
If y > N,‘/6, uoq4h2/3dC> 1 and the three modes are
overdamped and correspond to s = iu0q~h~/3w’~, s = 3iw’,/
transverse modes, their dispersion relation is only weakly u0q4h2,and s = ih2w,2/(4vow‘c) or
depending on q and there is a series of harmonics
corresponding t o s t a n d i n g waves with a given w1 = iuoq4h2/3, w2 = 6ir/qoq2h3, w 3 = ih2w,2/(4uo)
(20) Batchelor, G.An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics; Cambridge (26)
University Preae: Cambridge, 1971.
(21) Levich, B. Physicochemical hydrodynamic; Prentice Halk En- The viscous diffusion mode has a much lower frequency
glewood Cliffs, NJ,1962. than in the squeezing mode, the slowest mode is an
Hydrodynamic Modes of Viscoelastic Soap Film Langmuir, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1993 3217
the film. This parameter is known to vary in a broad
range.'* When the soap film contains polymers, the
Elwtic mode adsorption of polymers on the surfaces of the film is also
likely to modify the value of the surface elastic modulus.
Ne' L W \ We have assumed here that this parameter is known and
we have diecussed two limits. The limit where there is no
I \ IV surface elasticity is summarized in Figures 2 and 3.
Although this is probably not a very realistic limit, it gives
a generalization to thin films of the study of the surface
waves on a viscoelastic liquid done by Harden et al. A
similar study for a gel (withdifferent boundaryconditions)
I Capillary mode \ has recently been done by K ~ m a r a n . ~ ~
The more realistic case seems to be the case where the
surface elastic modulus is of the same order of magnitude
as the surface tension. As for a viscous soap film,the
surface tension plays a dominant role for the bending
modes and the surface elasticity for the squeezing modes.
c Here also Rayleigh waves can be observed whenever the
In x bulkelastic modulus E is larger than e$h for the squeezing
x-v,,r/h' mode. Our results are summarized in Figures 4 and 5.
Figure 5. Asymptoticdomains for the dispersion relationof the One important result is the existence of elastic modes
bending modes when the surface elastic modulus is large (e, = showing a whole series of harmonics. These correspond
7 ) . In regions I, IV,and V the propagative modes are capillary to elasticwaves propagating in the direction perpendicular
waves; in region I11 there is an overdamped surface elastic mode to the surface of the film and coupled to the undulation
03 = ihe,q2/270. In region 111 the bending mode is a confined modea Theae modes have been discussed in the case where
Rayleigh elastic wave. In region I1 the three modes are the surface elastic modulus is large but certainly exist in
overdamped and their dispersion relation is given by eq 26. The
boundary between regions I1 and I11 is y = l/x1l4,the boundary all cases.
betweenregions I11 and IV is y = X ~ / ~ Nthe
, ' /boundary
~, between The important question is then to decide whether these
regions I and IV is y = 1/(xN,'l2),and the boundary between modes are possible to observe experimentally. In the limit
regions IV and V is y = l/(x1/2N,'l2). of infinite thickness, i.e. at the surface of a semiinfinite
semidilutepolymer solution in an organic solvent,Rayleigh
overdamped capillary wave, and the intermediate mode waves have recently been observed.22 Figure 2 suggests
is an overdamped surface elastic wave with a relaxation that when the surface elasticity is small,the Rayleigh waves
with the elastic regime occurs for y -
time which decreases with the wave vector. The crossover
In the elastic range,the dispersion relation can be written
could be observed for a lower value of the plateau modulus
on a thinner film. When the surface elasticity is finite,
the criterion for the observation of Rayleight waves is Eh
as > e,. For reasonnable values of en (10 mN/m) and h (50
nm) this gives rather high values of E of order 10s Pa. The
w2(1 w;h2p/4E) - [w': + Eq4h2/3p+ w;rq2h2/2Eh] observation of the Rayleigh waves will thus require either
(27) concentrated polymer filmsor a small surface elasticity.
In the limit where qh < 1, two cases must be distin- Our model of a soap film containing polymer has been
guished, if y > N,'/2x1/2 the wave is a confined Rayleigh that of a simple viscoelastic liquid. Although this might
wave w2 = Eq4h2/3pand in the reverse limit y < N,l/2x1I2, be a reasonable assumption for thick films, the detailed
it is a capillary wave w2 = w ' ~ ~It. should be noted that it structure of the polymer solution is relevant when the
is possible that lmhl be larger than unity for the capillary film is thin and can considerably modify the hydrody-
waves but we show in the Appendix that the capillary namics. The dispersion relation of the undulation modes
wave still exists in this limit. The perpendicular elastic could then give information on the interaction between
modes are also coupled to the bending modes and there the polymer and the surfactant monolayers. We wish to
are also higher frequency modes with w2 = const Elph2 or come back to this problem in a future work.
higher harmonics. All these asymptotic regimes are We also have neglected the viscoelasticity of the surfaces.
summarized in Figure 5 in a plane x - y . It is shown in ref 18 that the exchange of surfactant
The major difference betweenthe bending and squeezing molecules between the bulk of the film and the surface
modes comes from the relative roles of the surface tension contributes to this viscoelasticity: the surface elastic
and the surface elastic modulus. The surface elasticity modulus es is then complex and frequency dependent. The
plays a dominant role in the squeezing modes and the variation of en with frequency could however be more
surfacetension plays a dominantrole in the bending modes. complex for a soap film containing polymers since the
surface polymer layer certainly contributes significantly
IV. Concluding Remarks to the viscoelasticity. The imaginary part of the surface
elastic modulus (the surface viscosity) increases the
We have discussed the undulation modes of a soap film dissipation and thus enhancesthe damping of the surface
containing a viscoelastic fluid such as a water soluble waves; it is not clear however whether this is an important
polymer solution. As for usual viscous soap films there effect.
are two types of modes, squeezing modes and bending Finally we have considered the polymer solution as a
modes. The new feature introduced by the viscoelasticity homogeneous liquid ignoring the relative motion of the
of the fluid is the existence of Rayleigh waves driven by polymer and the solvent. One could improve our model
the bulk elasticity of the fluid.
We have found an extremely rich variety of behaviors. (22) Kumaran, V. J. Chem. Phys. 1993,98, 3429.
One of the most important parameters is the surface elastic (23) Dorehow, R.;Turkevich,L.Phys. Rev. Lett. 1993,70,2439; 1993,
modulus of the surfactant monolayers on the surface of 98,8349.
3218 Langmuir, Vol. 9,No. 11,1993 Sew et al.

by considering a two-fluid model as in ref 12, but it then a

seems that the solvent viscosity is only relevant at high
wave vectors.
Experimentally the undulation modes that we discuss
could be observed by inelastic light scattering, the prop-
agating waves give rise to side peaks a t nonzero frequency,
and the overdamped modes contribute to the width of the
central quasielastic peak. A very detailed study has been
conducted for viscous soap films, but to our knowledge no
experimenthas been conducted with soap films containing
Appendix: Coupling to the Perpendicular Elastic
In sections I1and I11we only have consideredundulation
modes such that lmhl< 1, modes such that lmhl> 1(even
though qh < 1 ) also exist when the fluid has an elastic
behavior (07 > 1 ) . In this Appendix, we briefly discuss Ib
these modes in the limit where ts > Eh or w / h 2> Ne-’.
The dispersion relation is obtained by expansion in
powers of qh only. We obtain for squeezing modes
w4 - w2[o: + w;mh/2coth mh/21 +
w;w:[mh/2 coth mh/2 - 11 = 0 (A-1)
In the range of parameters considered, m2 is negative
and m is a pure imaginary number, we thus define m = I \ I \
im‘. Equation A-1 can be rewritten as an equation for m‘h
only by noting that o2 = (m‘hI2E/ph2.
~ ‘ ( m ’ h-)z(m’h)2
~ [m‘h/2 cot m’h.121 +
qJ2h2[m’h/2 cot m’h/2 - 11 = 0 (A-2) Figure 6. Graphic solution of eq A - 3 (a) corresponds to the
case (q’hI2/z< 1; (b) Corresponds to the case (q’h)2/z> 1.
where we have introduced qJ2 = q2 + 2/L2 and z =
E/(ph20B2). The value z = 1 gives precisely the curve in cotangent each give one mode such that 2nu < m‘h < 2(n
1: y -
the diagram of Figure 3 where lmhl becomes larger than
This equation can be solved for m’h giving
+ 1)u. The order of magnitude of the pulsation of the nth
mode is thus o2= 2nuE/ph2. This clearly corresponds to
compressional elastic waves of the gel propagating per-
m’h/2 cot m’h/2 = [qt2h2- ~ ~ ( m ‘ h ) ~ /-[ ~(m’h)’]
q’~h~ pendicular to the surface and coupled to the undulation
waves that we study. The various hamonics correspond
(A-3) to waves with a varying number of nodes. If q’hlz1I2> 2u,
Equation A-3 is solved graphically in Figure 6. The the first branch of the cotangent does not give any solution
function f on the right-hand side has two branches and to eq A-3 and the smallest solution is m’h > 217 (Figure
diverges for m’h = q’h/z1l2.The left branch is positive for 6b).
q’h > 1 (if m’h > 0) and the function is always larger than The dispersion relation of the bending modes can be
1. The right branch (large m’h) is negative in the vicinity written as
of m’h = q’h/z’I2. The function on the left-hand side of
o4- w2[w’: - w:m’h/2 tan m’hI21-
eq A-3 has an infinity of branches corresponding to the
divergences of the cotangent for m‘h = 2ku. The lowest w,2w’,2[m’h/2tan m’h/21 = 0 (A-4)
branch starts from 1 when m’h = 0 and is monotonically
decreasing. Rewriting this as a function of m’h we find two types
Two cases must be considered. If q‘hlz1l2< 27r (Figure of solutions for any value of m’h
6a) the smallest solution of eq A-3 is given by the o = w’~, = 42’
tan(mth/2)/(m’h/2) (A-5)
intersection of the smallest branch of the cotangent and
the negative branch off; when z > 1 the solution is such where z’ is defined as z’ = E/(ph2w’,2).The capillary wave
that m’h < 1 and gives back the surface elastic wave o = thus exists even if m’h > 1and the bending modes are also
wg. When z decreases, m’h increases and becomes equal coupled to the elastic compressional modes. The higher
to 2u when q‘hlz’I2 = 2u. The other branches of the harmonics have a dispersion relation o2= (2n+ l)uE/ph2.

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