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Question N1:

8 years old boy with vertigo and periodic chronic headache. You will start consultation with

taking anamnesis

Point: 1.00
Question N2:
A patient with headache that started in this morning suddenly and was like thunder. What condition
you should rule out?

subarachnoid hemorrhage

Point: 1.00
Question N3:
You have a patient with severe headache, intolerance of light and sound, cervical muscles are rigid.
What diagnosis you should rule out immediately?


Point: 1.00
Question N4:
Your patient with acute headache, vomiting, decreased consciousness was undergoing lumbar puncture,
during which his condition suddenly deteriorated and he requires assistive ventilation due to breathing
depression,What investigation should have been performed before lumbar puncture?

a. Electroencephalography
b. Imaging (ct,Mri)

Point: 0.00
Question N5:
A patient with headache, fever for past 10-16 hours is progressively deteriorating – his headache is
severe, has neck rigidity. You noted macular rash on his body.

What is the gold standard in this case for diagnosis?

Lumbar puncture

Point: 1.00
Question N6:
1. The less reliable indicator for the assessment of headache severity is
subjective assessment of pain by the patient

Point: 1.00
Question N7:
Migraine headache may disappear / diminish – choose several answers

all of the mentioned

Point: 1.00
Question N8:
Migraine headache is characterized by – choose several answers

pulsating pain

Point: 1.00
Question N9:
Pain in right shoulder in acute cholecystitis is

Referred pain

Point: 1.00
Question N10:
X ray abdomen shown is diagnostic of

Acute small intestinal obstruction

Point: 1.00

Question N11:
Aura is characteristic for classic migraine

Answer: false
Point: 0.00
Question N12:
Migraine is more prevalent in men

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N13:
The most frequent types of migraine aura are cognitive and hemiplegic
Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N14:
cluster headache mostly occurs in men

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N15:
Lumbar puncture should be performed after neurovisualisation

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N16:
Vertigo is the main symptom of peripheral vestibular system disorders

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N17:
MRI investigation is mandatory in all cases of headache

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N18:
Radicular pain is exacerbated during sneezing/coughing

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N19:
In patients with asthma the process of inspiration is prolonged more than expiration

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N20:
Elderly persons as well as people with immunosuppression may have no fever even in bacterial

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N21:
In most cases of syncope in children the underlying reason is of cardiac origin – structural heart disease,
arrhythmias or coronary insufficiency

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N22:
Tension type headache is mostly in women

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N23:
Auscultation in abdominal examination is performed before palpation

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N24:
Cluster headaches last 24-72 hours

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N25:
Low back pain always indicates of vertebral origin

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N26:
There are no particular abnormalities on ECG in-between the attacks of angina pectoris

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N27:
Severe chest pain, itching sensation on the left side along a rib, and rash at the same area is more
characteristic for Herpes Zoster

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N28:
sleep palsy occurs in people with neurological disorders, true or fouls

Answer: False
Point: 0.50
Question N29:
Radicular pain is sharp, burning, radiating to the leg down to foot and ankle on lateral an posterior

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Question N30:
Night back pain is a worrisome symptom because it may be due to tumor, inflammation or infection

Answer: True
Point: 0.50
Open Questions
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo.

Point: 0.0
Rapid eye movement sleep is a second stage of sleep when the person walk in his sleep without being
responsive with his surrounding. it include nightmares, REM-sleep behavior disorder, and hypnagogic
and hypnopompic hallucinations.

Point: 0.0
non Rapid eye movement sleep constitutes the first stage of one’s sleep cycle, the shallow sleep . The
most common NREM-related parasomnias are known as disorders of arousal, the characterized is
incomplete awakening, limited responsiveness , and limited cognition during the episode.

Point: 0.0
symptoms are abnormal, unpleasant sensations in the legs or feet, The sensations is like Crawling,
Throbbing, Aching, Itching, Electric.

Point: 0.0
the yellow productive cause is due of years of smoking and it is the way of the lunge to clean itself

Point: 0.0
initiated in periumbilical abdominal pain that localizes to the right lower quadrant.

Point: 0.0
increased thirst and urination, increased hunger, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness , unexplained weight

Point: 0.0
Cardiovascular disease, Nerve damage (neuropathy), Kidney damage (nephropathy), Eye damage
(retinopathy), Skin conditions and Alzheimer‘s disease.

Point: 0.0
Diabetic foot can be prevented with good glycaemic control, regular foot assessment, appropriate
footwear, early referral for pre-ulcerative lesion, Examine and screen the feet for any lesions for
peripheral neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease, controll sugar level.

Point: 0.0
pericarditic pain: sharp stapping pain increas when moving, relive by posturing forward

pleuritic pain: increaced by inspiration and hurt very much

Point: 0.0

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