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Level : Primary 1
Subject : Science
Title : Unit 3
Day/date :

Name: __________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. There are many living things around us.

2. Living things are alive.

3. Living things need air to breathe.

4. Animal eat food to live.

5. Animals need to drink water to live.

6. Living things can move by themselves.

7. Living things can have young.

8. Living things change as they grow.

9. Living things will die if they do not have air.

10. Non-living things are not alive.

11. Non-living things do not need air, water and food.

12. Non-living things cannot move by themselves.

13. Non-living things cannot have young.

14. A toy car is a nonliving thing. We have to

push toy car to make it move.

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All answers must be in complete sentences.

1. What are living things?

Living things are things that are alive.

2. What do living things need to live?

Living things need air, water and food to stay alive.

3. What can living things do?

 Move by themselves
 Respond to changes
 Have young
 Grow
 Die
4. What are non-living things?

Non-living things are things that are not alive.

5. Give 5 examples of living and non-living things.

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Learn the Spelling words.

No. Words No. Words

1. Breathe 5. Living thing

2. Drink 6. Non-living thing

3. Food 7. Respond

4. Grow 8. Young

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