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Debbih Cherif Secondary School Nov 2013

Level: 1st year. Time allocated: 1 hour.

Full name :………………………………………………… Mark

Class :……………………….. / 20

The First Term Test in English

I- Reading: Read the text below attentively to understand its meaning:

It can take days to send a letter across the country and weeks to go around the world. To save time and
money, more and more people are relying on electronic mail. It’s fast, easy and much cheaper than using
the post office. So, what is e-mail?

In its simplest form, e-mail is an electronic message sent from one device to another. While most
messages go from computer to computer, e-mail can also be sent and received by mobile phones, PDAs and
other devices.

With e-mail, you can send or receive personal and business-related messages with attachment, such as
photos or formatted documents. You can also send music, video clips and software programs.

Adapted from “Better @ English”. pp. 53-54.

Reading comprehension (7pts): answer the following question according to the text:
1- What is the main negative point of sending ordinary letters?
2- Why do people prefer to send e-mails than ordinary letters?
3- Are e-mails sent and received only by computers? Justify.
4- Find in the text words whose synonyms follow:
a- Tool §2=………………….. b- conserve §1 =………………….
5- Find in the text opposites of the following words:
a- Waste §1=/=…………………. b- come §2=/=……………………..

Text Exploration (13 pts): Answer the following questions:

1- Say whether the following sentences are True, False or not mentioned in the text:
A- More and more people are using snail mail. (……………………)
B- E-mail attachments can be in the format of software programs. (……………………)

2- Re-order the following words to get a coherent sentence:
need/ Internet/ the/ connected/ to/ be/ to/ e-mail/ an/ send/you.


3- Complete the following sentences with comparative adjectives:

a- I write my projects with my computer because it is (easy)…………………………..
our old printing press.
b- Internet has made the world (narrow)……………………..a village.
c- The computer is (useful)………………………………… the mobile phone.

4- Put the frequency adverbs in their right positions in the following sentences:
A- Internet is dangerous for kids. (Sometimes)
B- In Algeria, it rains in winter. (often)

5- Put the following words in the right column according to their stressed syllable: connect-
scanner- funny- laptop- clever- e-mail.

1st syllable 2nd syllable

……………………………… …………………………………….
……………………………… ……………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………………

6- Supply punctuation and capitalisation to the following sentence:

in order to send a letter i need to buy a stamp from the post office



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