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D e ath

a s olo jour na lin g roleplayin g game

Av e r y F i s h e r
Dedicated to Lauren and Felicity Fisher,
the guiding lights in my life and the reasons
I continue to make the art that I do.

Special Thanks to Caden Martin, Vee Hendro, Bee Rad, The 1up
Podcast Network cast members, You.

Copyright © 2023 by Avery Fisher

All rights reserved. No part of this game book may be reproduced

or used in any manner without written permission from the
copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review
or in the production of an Actual Play Podcast or Stream.

Layout design by Vee Hendro copyright © 2023

Art by Bee Rad copyright © 2023
First Edition: January 2023

Published by 1up Podcast Network
Tr i g g e r
Wa r n i n g
A quick trigger warning for people playing this game: This game
involves dealing with and talking about death. Not all deaths are
peaceful. Some are violent, some are horrific, all are tragic.

This game is meant to help you explore the concepts and ideas
around death, the afterlife, and finding peace with the end of
existence. Please make sure to take your time with this game. Take
breaks, listen to music, hug a family member, pet your cat, or drink
some water. Remember that this is just a game.

If you or someone you know is having suicidal ideation, please

reach out to a licensed mental health professional and/or call the
suicide prevention hotline for the area you live in using the QR code
below or by going to this link here.
Co ntents


How to Play

Prompts – Black Suits

Prompts – Red Suits


💀 pag e 4 c o n te n ts
“Co n gratulatio ns , yo u are dead! ”
In tro ductio n
Congratulations, you are dead! Oh don’t give me that look. It was
bound to happen at some point. You mortals are so fragile after
all. A slip down some stairs, a random virus, heck, some of you are
killed by peanut butter! Your lives are so beautiful and yet so easily
snuffed out.

But guess what, your death came at just the right time. Well, the
right time for me. You’re going to be taking over for me as the
embodiment of Death! I filled my quota of souls and have found
inner peace with my death, so now it’s your turn!

Don’t worry, Becoming Death really isn’t that hard. You wear a
cool robe, you guide souls to their chosen afterlife, you make some
entries in a journal, and you learn a bit about yourself. Once you’ve
met your quota, you get to pass on the mantle to someone else and
enjoy your eternal rest!

You’ll need a few things to get started in your new role:

🔸 A standard deck of cards 🔸 Something to write with

with Jokers removed 🔸 A quiet piece of void to
🔸 A 12-sided die contemplate existence in
🔸 A journal 🔸 Tea (optional)

Just remember, this journey ends when you’ve made your peace
with your fate… and met your quota of souls! Now if you’ll excuse
me, there is a beach in the afterlife that I have had my eye on for
the past 300 years. See ya!

💀 pag e 6 introduction
How to Play
Become death is a solo RPG where you take on the role of Death.
Once you’ve gathered the materials listed above, find a cozy place
in the void to call home and get started!

Start by drawing a card from the deck. In your Journal, write a

response to the prompt associated with that card in the table
below. If you draw a repeat question, feel free to either answer it
a different way, or discard it and draw a new card. You can always
discard a prompt if you do not wish to engage with that subject.

When you’ve finished answering a question, roll your 12-sided dice.

That is the % of your souls quota that you’ve filled while finding
the answers to your question. Write this percentage on the bottom
of the page after your answer to the question. Repeat this process
until you reach 100% of your quota. Once you have reached 100%
of your quota or run out of cards to draw, you are ready to answer
the final prompt at the end of the list. After that, the game ends
and you pass on to the other side, to the next phase of existence.

1 2 3 4

💀 pag e 7 h ow to p l ay
Prompts ♠♣

A soul is struggling with coming to terms with
their death. How do you help them understand?

While gathering souls, you saw a someone from
your life. They didn’t see you, but you wished
you could say something to them, what do you
wish you could tell them?

A war has killed a large number of people. You
are sending the souls to the afterlife. You have
a moment to reflect on the fragility of life. What
do you wish you had realized about life before
you died?

You have witnessed a lot of death during your
time as Death. But you hadn’t yet looked into
the circumstances of your own death. How did
you die? What feelings do you have about these

💀 pag e 8 p r o m p ts – b l ac k s ui ts

Something about the latest souls you harvested
has reignited some shred of humanity within
you. You see the people left behind after you
have done your duty to shepherd the souls to
the other side. Who did you leave behind?
Why were they so important to you?

Some forms of existence seem to be much more
carefree than others. You’ve harvested the souls
of countless animals and other forms of life.
If you could live again, what form would you
want to take?

Life is not just contained to one small planet
in an unremarkable solar system. The universe
teems with life, as you have discovered in
this role. Were you ever one to consider the
implications of life on other planets? What does
the existence of life outside of earth mean for
you and your beliefs?

A person who inflicted serious harm upon the
world has finally died and their fate rests in your
hands. What fate do you bestow upon them? Is
there justice in punishment in the afterlife?

There was a saying back when you were alive:
Death comes for us all. It is indeed true.
How old were you when you died? Did you see
death as a looming specter? A close friend?
A dangerous stranger to be avoided?

💀 pag e 9 p r o m p ts – b l ac k s ui ts

10 ♣ CLUBS
Its vacation day. You are given the opportunity
to relive one day of your life. What day did you
relive? What, if anything, did you do differently?
What did you do the same?

A particularly noble soul has crossed over.
They lived a good life and tried their best
to make the lives of others better. They are
saddened by their passing, but proud of
the work they accomplished. They ask you:
What were you proud of in your previous life?

It is said that Love is more powerful than
death. A laughable notion, now that you are
the physical embodiment of death. That said,
you had many loved ones in your previous life.
Which loved one do you still keep a close eye
on, now that you are dead? How do you let them
know you are still with them in spirit?

A religious person has passed on and is shocked
to find that the afterlife does not match what
their religion promised them. Still, they move
on to the next phase of existence. What did you
expect the afterlife to be? Where did you plan on
going when you died?

💀 pag e 10 p r o m p ts – b l ac k s ui ts
Prompts ♥♦

Someone who made your life miserable with
every interaction has finally passed on to the
next life. They do not recognize you. What do
you feel now that they have reached their end?
What do you say to them as you shepherd them
to the next phase of existence?

Life is not always fair, and one such example is
that there are some who seem to only experience
tragedy throughout their existence. One soul
in particular faced oppression, war, hunger,
and death in a very short life. How do you give
meaning to a life that didn’t get to experience joy?

3 Some people live for something. Others are
♦ DIAMONDS willing to die for something. What were you
willing to die for in your life? Did you ever have
to answer that call? Looking back, would you
have actually died for this thing?

A particularly challenging soul has just been
given to you to guide to the next existence.
They were afraid of death in life. Were you afraid
of death? What steps did you take to embrace or
resist the inevitability of death?

💀 pag e 11 p r o m p ts – r ed s ui ts

We have all done things that have caused harm
to others or that were less than noble. Some
of those things we have forgiven ourselves of,
others we hold onto. What things in life did you
forgive yourself of? What are you still holding
against yourself?

Humans, as a species, defined themselves by
building communities and societies to thrive in.
We all give and get from these communities.
What lasting impact did you hope to have on
your community? What was the actual impact
you left on your community?

Many people experience a near death experience
in their life. You were one such person. What
was your near death experience? When did you
have this experience? How did it shape the rest
of your life?

There were many people that preceded you into
the afterlife. Who did you seek out during this
time as death? How did you spend your time
with them on this side of the mortal coil?

We all have things we leave behind, tasks we
never accomplished, places never visited.
You are given the chance to complete one thing
on your list of incomplete things. What task do
you complete? Why did you choose this thing
to complete?

💀 pag e 12 p r o m p ts – r ed s ui ts

Life never truly ends, not really. It blurs and
overlaps. We are all pieces in the mosaics of
each other’s lives. Who are some of the pieces
that have overlapped in your mosaic? What
significance did they have on your life?

The nice thing about being an incorporeal spirit
is that you can travel backwards and forwards in
time. You are able to attend your own funeral.
What ceremonies were performed for you?
What did your loved ones say about you at
your funeral?

A loved one is close to death and you have been
given the opportunity to reveal your identity to
them as they lay dying. Only they can see you.
What do you say to this friend as they face their
final moments? What comfort do you give them?

K Everyone had something that ruled their life:
♦ DIAMONDS for some it was their job, for others it was the
art they created. Still others pursued power
or wealth. What passion or goal ruled over
your life? Looking back, are you satisfied with
that goal? Did you reach your goal or were you
left wanting?

💀 pag e 13 p r o m p ts – r ed s ui ts
Co nclusio n
You’ve reached 100% of your quota. You are now ready to answer
the final question and move on to your chosen afterlife.

Final Did you ever find meaning in your life?

Question If so, how did you find it?
If not, what do you think was missing?

As you finish the answer to the last set of questions, a new soul
arrives in front of you. They are here to take over your role as Death.
You give them the same pitch you were given. You hand over your
scythe, give them a friendly wave goodbye, and walk through a door
glowing with radiant light and onto your next adventure.

💀 pag e 14 conclusion
The End
• Become
D eath

Trigger Warning: Discussions of Death, the afterlife,

the great unknown, and mentions of religion are
contained in this book.

This game is all about death. Your death to be specific.

Your fictional death that is. In this game, you will play a recently
deceased spirit who has taken on the role of the grim reaper.
Yes, even in the afterlife you have a job to do. But don’t worry
the job ends when you’ve made peace with your fate… and when
you’ve met your soul quota. Don’t worry, all the instructions
you need are right here in this book. So find a cozy corner of the
void to settle down in, grab your scythe, your journal and your
pen, and let’s get started.

a s olo jour na lin g roleplayin g game

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