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the full range of spelling,

grammar and punctuation adverbs and modal more complex

features used that have been verbs to indicate homophones spelt
taught in previous year groups degrees of possibility, correctly, e.g.
including fronted adverbials, e.g. surely, perhaps, affect/effect,
plural possessive apostrophes should, might practice/practise
and subordinate clauses

appropriate grammar most words spelt

brackets, dashes or
and vocabulary to correctly from the
commas to indicate
match the purpose Y5/6 statutory
and audience spelling list

organisational and
presentational devices
commas to clarify
that are relevant to
meaning or to avoid a question as a title
the text type, e.g.
headings, bullet
points, underlining

linking words/phrases between

sentences and paragraphs to
a wider range of
build cohesion including time
verb prefixes spelt
adverbials, e.g. later; place
correctly, e.g. an introduction
adverbials, e.g. nearby; and
deactivate, overturn,
number, e.g. secondly

relative clauses beginning

with a relative pronoun (who, nouns or adjectives
converted into verbs
which, where, when, whose, detailed information
using suffixes, e.g.
that), e.g. Professor Scriffle, about the topic
who was a famous inventor, designate,
had made a new discovery classify, criticise
time conjunctions and organisational and
causal conjunctions
adverbials to show the presentational devices
and adverbials
order of events to structure the text

diagrams or
technical language for
illustrations with ends with a summary
the topic

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