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2021 4th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)

Implementation of Chatbot on University Website

Using RASA Framework
Lia Fauzia Raden Budiarto Hadiprakoso Girinoto
Cryptographic Engineering Cryptographic Engineering Cryptographic Engineering
Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara
Bogor, Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia
2021 4th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI) | 978-1-6654-0151-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISRITI54043.2021.9702821

Abstract— Chatbots are increasingly being utilized to help One of the techniques in AI is deep learning which imitates
human performance to boost communication ease and provide the human brain [3].
better and faster services. A chatbot was built to make it easier
to give better and more conveniently available information Services in the form of contact persons are frequently
services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The suggested included to support the convenience of providing information,
chatbot design is constructed using the Rasa framework and is particularly regarding selecting new student admissions so
based on the Dual Intent and Entity Transformer (DIET). DIET that that prospective student can ask questions regarding the
is a multi-tasking transformer architecture that is both desired information, either via telephone numbers or chat
advanced and lightweight. The chatbot will be implemented on services such as live chat. Artificial intelligence in the form of
the “Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara” website, focusing on chatbots has primarily supplanted the existence of contact
addressing questions about new student admittance. The personnel nowadays. If an administrator runs this service, it is
chatbot is built with Docker and put as a Chat Widget on the ineffective if many questions are entered at the same time.
website. The dataset utilized to train the algorithm combines Furthermore, the chatbot service has various advantages, such
past chat data and data from university social media. The built- as not having an administrator and delivering nonstop service
in chatbot is evaluated using accuracy metrics and F1 scores. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With this service, the
Model evaluation metrics and functionality tests are used in the chatbot will always offer answers in real-time and will fulfill
evaluation. Testing with evaluation results in a precision value
the availability aspect.
of 0.99. a recall value of 1.0, and an F1 score of 0.99. While the
functioning test percentage is 90.625 %. There have been a number of research conducted on
chatbot creation. The researcher [4] [5] uses Artificial
Keywords—chatbot, rasa framework, deep learning, DIET, Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and Latent Semantic
transformer model Analysis to create a chatbot that delivers a question and
answer service in the study. AIML will be used to respond to
I. INTRODUCTION template-based and general questions such as greetings and
Many web-based services are available in today's world, general questions. Using the RASA framework, researchers
including e-commerce, entertainment, virtual help, and many [6] created a university chatbot. They employ the LSTM
others. Currently, there is a significant increase in the world mode, which is already supported by the RASA framework.
of online services, where everything is now connected to the One disadvantage of LSTM is that they demand more
web. The ease of finding information is very much needed at hardware resources to train and run than attention-based
this time. Various institutions and agencies certainly want to models. Because LSTMs primarily use sequential processing
provide convenience in finding information for people over time, long-term information must pass through all cells
interested in it. Several forms of customer service are sequentially before reaching the current processing cell.
accessible, such as live chat assistance and phone services.
Attention model, one of the deep learning models, has
However, all such human-to-human support services require
been widely employed in natural language processing. By
time to respond to consumers' queries. As the number of
generating a coding representation of what significant material
clients grows, so does the waiting time, resulting in low client
is, attention may automatically learn what is considered
satisfaction [1].
relevant [7]. Integrating attention into neural architectures has
The definition of natural and instinctive connection modes been shown to increase performance significantly [8]. The
is an essential objective in the science of Human-Computer transformer is the first transduction model entirely based on
Interaction. Specifically, several efforts have been devoted to attention, with multi-headed self-attention replacing the most
developing frameworks for communicating with the customer often used repeating layer in encoder-decoder architecture.
in a specific language. Computer-based chatbots are becoming Transformers can be trained substantially quicker than designs
increasingly well-known as an intuitive and effective open based on recurrent or convolutional layers for NLP task [9].
framework between humans and computers. A chatbot is an
Unlike the previous paper, in this paper we introduce a
artificial material designed to mimic an intelligent
chatbot with an attention-based architecture. The chatbot will
conversation with human accomplices using natural language
be created with Dual Intent and Entity Transformer (DIET), a
[2]. Currently, chatbots are used by many online users to get
transformer-based model classifier [7]. DIET transformers are
access to information or learning bases, as well as to conduct
present in user utterances as tokens to aid with intended
non-specific dialogues. Since chatbots imitate real humans,
categorization and entity extraction. DIET advances the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are used to create them.
sophistication of complex multi-domain NLU datasets and

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achieves equally high DIET is not only substantially faster to performance. Additional training data will be obtained
train and outperforms large-scale pre-trained language from other platforms such as Social media-owned by
models. PoltekSSN. After all the data is ready, then train the data
using the RASA Trainer.
The proposed chatbot is developed using the RASA
framework. RASA framework is made up of two parts: Rasa 4) Evaluate Model
Core and Rasa NLU [10]. RASA Core is a conversation Measure and evaluate the model made with precision
engine that decides what to do next. Meanwhile, RASA NLU score, recall score and F1-score. Evaluation of this model
is a component of an open-source flavor that supports NLU, will be carried out in the terminal with the command
or natural language understanding, as well as intent provided by rasa. Then an assessment will be made on the
categorization and entity extraction [11]. RASA NLU, an intent whether the incoming questions will be categorized
open-source natural language processing module, is in the appropriate intent, so that later they will get the
frequently used as a tool to develop a conversational system appropriate answer. This experiment will get the value of
[12]. RASA NLU comprises loosely connected modules that precision, recall, and the F1 score directly.
mix a variety of natural language processing and machine
learning libraries into a unified API. The chatbot will be C. Implementation
focused on answering questions regarding the selection of new This stage is carried out after the chatbot creation stage is
student admissions in ‘Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara’ complete. Implementation on the PoltekSSN web will be done
(PoltekSSN) called ‘Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru’ using Docker. Docker is a container virtualization technology
(SPMB). similar to a lightweight virtual machine (VM) [13]. In addition
to using Docker, the implementation will use Heroku. Heroku
II. METHODOLOGY is a container-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud that
This study adopts a research flow regarding chatbots with can be used to deploy, manage, and scale modern applications.
adjustments in several parts. There are 4 stages passed in this Then the URL address obtained from Heroku will be attached
research, that are data collection, analysis and design, build to a display that can be directly implemented on the website.
the chatbot, implementation on the web, and testing. D. Testing
A. Analysis and Design This stage analyzes the results of the implementation and
The analysis and design stages are carried out before the testing of the chatbot application. Tests will be carried out on
chatbot creation stage with the aim of making it easier to the model and functional testing of the chatbot using a Likert
create chatbots. scale based. This Likert scale will have a scale of 4 by using
questions in the form of a checklist. The calculation of this
1) Requirement Analysis
test is to calculate the average answer based on the scoring of
Requirement analysis is carried out to dig up
each respondent's answer.
information and describe the data that will be used in
making chatbots. In this process, data is grouped from the ∑(𝑎 × 𝑏)
results of data collection that has been done previously. × 100% (1)
Data grouping is intended to simplify the process of
entering data on intents, utter chatbot response templates, Information:
stories and actions. 𝑎 = total respondents chose b
2) Chatbot Design 𝑏 = respondent's choice score
In making software, it is necessary to have a good 𝑐 = total respondents
design, so that the software that is built has good 𝑑 = highest score
documentation to produce a system that has the needs that
are in accordance with what the user wants. The overall ideality percentage can be calculated using:
B. Build The Chatbot ∑𝑥
At this stage, a chatbot is made on a framework sense. This × 100% (2)
𝑦 ×𝑐 × 𝑑
stage uses a chatbot workflow diagram.
1) Simulate Data
𝑥 = total score of respondent's choice
This step begins by simulating data based on general
𝑦 = total questions
interaction dialogues and grouping each sentence into an
intent topic, utter chatbot response template, and stories. 𝑐 = total respondents
Intent topics submitted as chatbot features must define the 𝑑 = highest score
entities there.
2) Arrange Data to Stories A. Build The Chatbot
At this stage set the intent, utter and action on a story
stream. The creation of stories will be placed on The following are the steps taken to create an SPMB
stories.yml. chatbot using the Rasa Framework.
1) Simulate Data
3) Train NLU and Core The data that has been obtained in data collection will
Data collection for training will be taken from the live be categorized into intent topics based on the SPMB
chat service installed on the previous live chat website and registration information. In general, intent will be divided
additional data to be more extensive and provide better
into greeting, general, conditional, selection, and random

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categories. The intent will be entered in the nlu.yml and 14 utter_syarat_gigi
domain.yml files. The nlu.yml intent will contain data for 15 utter_syarat_berat
16 utter_syarat_mata
questions that will be trained later. Furthermore, based on 17 utter__random_militer
the incoming data, it will be divided into several more 18 utter_iambot
detailed categories as shown in Table I. 19 utter_noworries

TABLE I. Explanation of Intent Fuction 2) Arrange Data to Stories

Intent Function Amount The next step is to create a conversation flow or
of data
Sapa Categorize conversations in the form of stories. In Stories.yml several conversations flow that
26 might occur in this SPMB chatbot are created. The flow
goodbye Categorize conversations in the form of
10 of the conversation will be replied with an answer from
saying goodbye utter. In addition to preparing stories, test_stories are also
pendaftar Categorize conversations during SPMB
an_waktu registration
150 prepared, which are similar to stories but filled with
umum_bi Categorize conversations Poltekssn entrance sentences that users might give to bots.
aya fees
umum_as Categorizing dorm conversations 3) Train NLU and Core
Train or data training performed on the NLU, and
umum_te Categorize exam venue conversations
16 Core of Rasa is affected by the configuration of the
umum_ju Categorize conversations of majors that can pipeline used. In this SPMB chatbot, the configuration is
rusan enter Poltekssn used as shown in Fig 1.
umum_in Categorize the conversation address where
formasi the exam
umum_k Categorize conversations quota received
umum_ni Categorize minimal entry value
lai conversations
umum_k Categorize conversations about contactable
ontak contacts
syarat_w Categorize conversations of needs when you
ajib_pem want to enter Poltekssn 18
syarat_ti Categorize conversations about height
nggi requirements
Syarat_gi Categorize conversations about dental
gi requirements
Syarat_b Categorize conversations about weight
erat requirements
Syarat_m Categorize conversations about eye
ata requirements
Random_ Categorize conversations about whether
militer Poltekssn is semi-military
iambot Categorize conversations about bots 7
thankyou Categorize conversation thank you 15
random_l Categorize conversations about links
ink_berm 7

To answer questions for each category of intent, an

action is created as to determine the conversation action.
This action is defined in domain.yml with the name utter
along with the intent. Each utter contains an answer
template for intent questions contained in domain.yml.
Fig 1. Pipeline chatbot SPMB
The list of actions on this SPMB chatbot is in Table II.
There are several components in the pipeline, the first
TABLE II. List of Utter of which are:
Number Utter Name 1. The tokenizer used in the SPMB chatbot pipeline is
1 utter_sapa WhitespaceTokenizer. WhitespaceTokenizer will
2 utter_goodbye
generate a token for each space-separated sequence
3 utter_pendaftaran_waktu
4 utter_umum_biaya of characters.
5 utter_umum_asrama 2. The feautizer in this pipeline is used by
6 utter_umum_tempat_tes
7 utter_umum_jurusan
Regexfeaturizer, LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer, and
8 utter_umum_informasi CountVectorsFeaturizer.
9 utter_umum_kuota 3. Then the next component is pre-trained subword
10 utter_umum_persyaratan
11 utter_umum_kontak embeddings, this component uses BPEmb (Byte-
12 utter_syarat_wajib_peminatan Pair Encoding) using Indonesian.
13 utter_syarat_tinggi

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4. For the intent classifier component, DIETclassifier
is used. DIET (Dual Intent and Entity Transformer).
5. Fallback Classifier

Some components on policies:

1. Memoization Policy
2. TEDPolicy
3. MappingPolicy
4. RulePolicy

4) Evaluate Model
An evaluation of the model on the chatbot that has
been made is carried out. Rasa itself facilitates users to
carry out thorough validation and testing using test stories
that have been created by users. Test stories are similar to
stories in training data, but with messages from the user
inserted into them. The command used to perform a
performance test is to use "taste test".
Rasa test will test the trained model using the
previously created test stories. The following below in Fig
Fig 3. Story Confusion Matrix
2, Fig 3, and Fig 4 are the results of the evaluation using
a sense test on the model. Fig 3 is a story confusion matrix table. Similar to the
confusion matrix intent, the difference is that it's not the
intent that's being tested but from the story. The vertical
axis shows the true table, and the horizontal axis shows
the predicted table. For the story confusion matrix table,
all the data tested are appropriate.

Fig 2. Intent Confusion Matrix

Fig 2 is the intent confusion matrix table, the vertical
axis shows the true table and the horizontal axis shows the
predicted table. True table shows the original data that is Fig 4. Intent Prediction Confidence Distribution
in the training data and for the predicted table is the data The following is an image of the intent prediction
predicted by the model. If the same true table and confidence distribution table. The numbers below
predicted table meet at the point where they intersect, it indicate the number of samples held. The number in the
indicates that the model predicts the data according to the correct section shows a number up to 500 because the
original data entered. Intent classification prediction number of words is close to that number. For the wrong
works well, there is only one misclassification when part, because the wrong value is little or no, the scale
classifying intent, the model predicts the data to enter in shown is small until the value is below 1. While the
umum_pendaftaran_waktu. numbers 0.49 to 1 indicate the percentage value of
predictive confidence that the model predicts correctly.
The bar itself is around 1 because the average obtained is

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close to 1.0. The following in Fig 5 is the result of the Chatbot-Widget template, in constant.js which can then be
intent error that occurred. accessed when opening index.html.

Fig 5. intent_error.json
The sentence “saya ingin mendaftar masuk” is meant
to go on umum_informasi intent but is predicted to go on
umum_pendaftaran_waktu intent. This will have an
impact on the confidence value of the intent prediction so
that it gives an answer that is not in accordance with what
was intended by the person asking. The following in
Table is the test result value of precision, recall, and F1
score of the SPMB chatbot intent.
Fig 6. Chatbot Implementation Result
TABLE III Test Result
Intent Result IV. TESTING
Precision Recall F1-score A functionality test on the chatbot was conducted on 10
Sapa 1.0 1.0 1.0 people at the same time to find out whether the chatbot can
goodbye 1.0 1.0 1.0
pendaftaran_wa 0.993288590 1.0 0.996632996
function properly. A URL link is given for respondents so
ktu 6040269 6329966 that respondents can test the chatbot in the form of a widget.
umum_biaya 1.0 1.0 1.0 A questionnaire is given which contains 8 questions with
umum_asrama 1.0 1.0 1.0 answer choices strongly agree, agree, quite agree and
umum_tempat_t 1.0 1.0 1.0 disagree. Each answer has a value, strongly agree is worth 4,
umum_jurusan 1.0 1.0 1.0 agree is worth 3, quite agree is worth 2 and disagree is worth
umum_informas 1.0 1.0 0.995983935 1. From the responses that have been calculated based on the
i 7429718 questionnaire that has been filled in and the total percentage
umum_kuota 1.0 1.0 1.0 result is 90.625%. The following in Fig 7 is a graph of the
umum_persyara 1.0 1.0 1.0 results of the functionality tests that have been carried out.
umum_kontak 1.0 1.0 1.0
syarat_wajib_pe 1.0 1.0 1.0
syarat_tinggi 1.0 1.0 1.0
Syarat_gigi 1.0 1.0 1.0
Syarat_berat 1.0 1.0 1.0
Syarat_mata 1.0 1.0 1.0
Random_militer 1.0 1.0 1.0
iambot 1.0 1.0 1.0
thankyou 1.0 1.0 1.0

The F1-score value is obtained from calculating the

accuracy of a test which is influenced by the precision and
recall values. The highest value of the F1-score is 1.0 and Fig 7. Chatbot Functionality Test Results Graph
the lowest value is 0. From testing on the chatbot model Question 1 contains the question whether the chatbot appears
that has been made, almost all intents get the highest on the page accessed by the respondent. There are
score. Two intents whose values do not reach 1.0 are suggestions from respondents regarding the welcome writing
umum_pendataran_waktu and umum_informasi. This which is rather small so that it does not attract attention.
value does not reach 1 because it is influenced by errors Question 2 contains the question whether the chatbot dialog
that occur as listed in Fig 5. box appears when the icon is pressed.
Question 3 contains the question whether the respondent can
B. Implementation on The Web
enter questions on the chatbot.
The Rasa Chatbot is implemented using Docker and Question 4 contains the question whether the 'loading' sign
Heroku. Heroku is used because it is quite easy to use and can appears when the chatbot is processing the question.
be used for free. After the Rasa project is completed, a docker Question 5 contains questions the chatbot can provide
file is provided. After that, Heroku is deployed. After the answers after being given input.
deployment is complete, the URL of the project will be Question 6 contains questions Chatbot provides appropriate
obtained Furthermore, this URL will be entered in the answers to questions given by respondents. Respondents

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