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Conceptual Framework

In consideration of the theories presented and per observation, this study advanced the
proposition that there are various parenting style considering the academic achievements of the
children. To a larger extent , such functions can influence the lives of the children when growing up,
parenting can greatly influence a child’s development. For instance, authoritative parenting, which is
characterized by high expectations but also high levels of warmth and communication, is often linked to
children who are self-reliant, self-controlled, and content. On the other hand, permissive parenting,
which is characterized by high levels of warmth but low expectations, can sometimes lead to children
who struggle with self-control and self-reliance. Then, there are other factors such as the parents’
mental health, socio-economic status, education level, and more, which can also have an impact on
parenting and, in turn, the child’s development. It’s important to remember that every child is unique
and may respond differently to different styles of parenting. So, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. The
children’s work in school and attitude are greatly influenced by the family relationship and their

Figure 1.

Conceptual Paradigm about the relationship between the Independent variable ( Parenting ) and the
Dependent Variable ( Academic Achievements).

Parenting Academic Achievements

Authoritative Desirable

Authoritarian Undesirable


Parenting - is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual
development of a child from infancy to adulthood. It involves a lot of love, patience, and dedication. It’s
all about teaching and guiding the child while also providing them with a safe and nurturing
environment. It’s a big responsibility, but also a rewarding one.

Academic achievements- refer to the knowledge and skills a person gains through school, college, or
university. These achievements can be reflected in various ways, such as good grades, awards, honors, or
recognitions received for exceptional performance in academic-related activities. They can also include
successful completion of projects, research, or contributions to one’s field of study. Academic
achievements are often seen as indicators of a person’s dedication, intelligence, and hard work in their
educational pursuits.

Family- often refers to a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. However, the
meaning of “family” can vary greatly for different people. For some, family includes close friends or even
pets. At its core, a family is a group of individuals who care for, support, and love one another
unconditionally. They are the people who stand by you through thick and thin, celebrate your successes,
and offer comfort during difficult times. Family can also provide a sense of belonging and security. It’s
where life begins and love never ends.

Parenting style- is the way in which a parent raises their child. It’s about the strategies used for
discipline, communication, nurturing, and guidance. This style can greatly influence a child’s behavior,
self-esteem, and overall development. Some parents might be more strict, others might be very
nurturing, or some may give their children a lot of freedom. Every parent has their unique style, and
there’s no one perfect way to parent.

Child development- is the process where a child learns and grows. This can include everything from
learning to walk and talk when they’re very young, to developing social skills and understanding complex
ideas as they get older. It’s all about how kids change and grow over time. It’s a journey from being a
dependent newborn to an independent adult.

Influence- in the context of parenting refers to the impact or effect that a parent’s actions, attitudes, and
behaviors have on their child’s development and personality. This influence can be seen in many aspects
of a child’s life, from their behavior and social skills to their emotional well-being and academic success.

Authoritative Parenting - This style is marked by rules and guidelines, but parents are also responsive and
willing to listen to their children. It’s a democratic approach that encourages kids to be independent but
still places limits on their actions.

Authoritarian Parenting -These parents have high expectations and strict rules, with little room for
discussion or negotiation. They value discipline over fun and expect their children to follow the rules
without question.
Permissive Parenting -Permissive parents set few rules and boundaries and tend to be very nurturing and
loving. They often act more like a friend than a parental figure.

Uninvolved Parenting -Uninvolved parents give children a lot of freedom and generally stay out of their
way. Some may make a point of staying out of their children’s lives, while others might be too
preoccupied with their own problems.

Desirable – in the context of parenting and its impact on academic achievements often refers to the
positive outcomes that are sought after. These desirable outcomes can be both tangible, like improved
grades, and intangible, like increased self-confidence or better problem-solving abilities. When it comes
to parenting, desirable often means practices that foster a supportive and nurturing environment. This
can include.

Undesirable – in the context of parenting and its impact on academic achievements refers to outcomes
or practices that are seen as negative or harmful. These can hinder a child’s academic progress and
overall development. Here are some common undesirable parenting practices:
Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the impact of parenting to the senior high school students
2towards academic achievements in Guintolan National High School .

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions :

1. What is the impact of parenting to the senior high school students towards academic
achievements in Guintolan National High School?
2. What is the level of academic achievements of the senior high school students in Guintolan
National High School?
3. Is there a significant effect of the impact of parenting to the senior high school students towards
academic achievements in Guintolan National High School?

Hypothesis of the Study

H(1) — Parenting has no significant effect towards academic achievements .

H(2)— Parenting has significant effect towards academic achievements.

Significance of the Study

This study, firstly, it would provide valuable insights into the relationship between parenting styles
and academic performance among senior high school students. This could help parents understand how
their parenting styles may affect their children’s academic achievements, which could lead them to make
more informed parenting decisions.

Secondly, the study could also be beneficial for educators. Understanding how parenting impacts
student performance could help them develop more effective teaching strategies tailored to students
from different family backgrounds.

Lastly, the study could contribute to the broader body of research on education and child
development. It could help researchers identify key factors that influence academic achievement, which
could ultimately lead to the development of interventions to improve student outcomes.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study include the presentation of the impact of parenting to the senior high school students
towards academic achievements in Guintolan National High School focus on the relationship between
different parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved) and children’s
academic achievements.

Data gathered from the parenting towards academic achievements are limited to the perception or
experience of the respondents. The academic achievements will be measured using grades, standardized
test scores, and teacher evaluations. The study will consider children of a specific age group, for
example, senior high school students. The study may also consider the socio-economic status of the
families as it often plays a role in both parenting styles and academic achievements. Considering the
limitations of time the respondents are only senior high school students of Guintolan National High

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