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World economy

16 century America was discovered, Eurocentric view

First millennium, the world was already connected: China-India, Europe-Asia Silk route i.e.

Market places in bigger cities where full of global products 1000 years ago. i.e Baghdad

Islamic world was the more connected in the old times. Arab markets reached all the markets
because of its connections. Core of the global economy. Other continents were considered as
peripheric states

17th century Europe started to have relevance in the world economics

India, China, and Arab country are the contrary, relevant in the beginning, but losing power passing
the years

China case: export system changed. Factors are different. Technology takes relevance machines,
train, etc. western countries more developed than China who was moving economy with human
labour force

United States after WWI

Why not China?

In the beginning China had expedition to discover and connect the world… Gifts to the emperor for
all the world they arrived.

They closed the expeditions -article-

 Science was not used for development. Lack of free market

o Market creates competition among actors, if there is no competition there are no
incentives to develop the economy
 Property rights no institutionalized. Emperor can do whatever he wants. No incentives to
work in the land because it is not completely yours
 State control over everything. Science was not helped by the state budget
 Learning from Barbarians. They didn’t want to learn for foreigners

Why Europe?

Wages of discovery by Portugal and Spain

Triangle trade America-Africa-Europe: slaves as labour force Africa. Goods from America. Europe

You cannot change the way of thinking of a society suddenly, you may shift the path, however the
way of thinking shapes the society

Why Britain

Dependent of the colonies for the goods. Extensive development

Free trade policy. Not taxes

Why Germany

Unification process
Industrial conglomeration competing with Britain. Heavy industry State importance because it
incentives the creation of that industry, and also national banks with loans and be able to enter to
the international market

Qualified labour: good education

Focused on the new technologies, not textile market… Univesities with higher level. Education for
everyone welfare state

They didn’t have colonial to obtain goods in comparison with other nations as Britain and France,
but that was an advantage because of the capabilities to focus on innovation

Why Unites States

Difference between north and south

South agriculture

North industrialization

Creation of infrastructure to connect the west with the east of the country

Why Japan

Isolated, not close to the rest of the world

Meiji reformation to open to the world

They took knowledge for the rest of the world to implement in its society


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