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I have chosen to talk about my experience getting the driving license in my area because I come from a rural
area where everybody needs one to move around. Otherwise, it is quite hard to do anything as there’s no
public transport.….

Where you live, might there be any good connections with public transport? (oh, you’re lucky… // oh, I


In my life getting my driving license was a great moment of happiness and joy! Where I live there isn´t public
transport, therefore you depend on your parents to do everything. If you want to meet up with your friends, you
must wait for your parents to get some time to take you. Your parents can take you to the place where you meet
your friends or carry for the bus stop. The bus is always late and it takes a long time. In addition, it was very
difficult to make different plans.


Now I feel better and free because I have my own car so I have more independence and I can make plans I hadn
´t never made before. I don´t disturb my parents and I don´t take a bus that always late.

Have you got a driving license to drive a car? (oh great! and was it easy for you? /// oh, and in your country is it
generally easy to get the driving license?)


However, here in Spain, it is very difficult to get the driving license. In Spain the exam has two parts: a
theoretical part and a practical part.

It’s the same in your country, right?

In my experience the theoretical part it isn´t very complicated, I think that it just needing the appropriate time
doing the test. In contrast, on the practical part I studied so hard. I took notes in every driving lesson and I
reviewed a lot of times in my house that I was learning. All the same I pass the practical part at the second
opportunity. I had good luck because the most of people aren´t pass the practice exam until the third or fourth

How many times did you take the theorical exam? And, the practice exam? (oh great! ///oh, it is very

Another disadvantage to getting the driving license is the higher cost about lessons, registration, etc. If you
start in the driving school, you will pay different things for getting the driving license. There are people that
spend more than 1,500 euros. In addition, you should get a car if you want to go to places. You pay the car and
its maintenance.

Do people in your country spend so much money too?


I recommend getting the driving license because if you live in a place similar to mine, you will have
independence and your life may be easier. One suggestion is that you should compare a lot of driving schools,
its prices and services. In addition, in some countries there is financial support to young people that want to
get this license. For example, in Spain this support can be obtained.
What is you recommendation?

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