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Versión: 2

NOMBRE: ______________________________________________ CURSO:___________

1. Do you know the school evacuation route map?

A. Yes
B. No

2. Do you identify all of the emergency assembly points in our school?

A. All of them
B. Some of them
C. None

3. How many emergency assembly points are there in our school?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5
E. None of the above

4. What is the first action you need to take when the warning siren is heard?
A. Exit the classroom
B. Protect my head
C. Hide under my desk
D. Look for the emergency survival kit

5. How should I react if an earthquake occurs during a rainy day?

A. Exit the classroom
B. Protect my head
C. Hide under my desk
D. Exit the classroom using a weather coat

6. What should I do if I am far away from the classroom during an earthquake?

A. Look for my classmates
B. Look for my teacher
C. Run to a place with adults
D. Head to the closest meeting point

7. Mark all the elements of an earthquake survival kit:

A. First aid kit
B. Water bottles
C. Whistle
D. Clean Clothes
E. Radio
F. Flash light
G. Canned food

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