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1. The competition will be held on October 25, 2023 after the Opening Program.
2. The participants must be a bonafide student of SDNHS and must come from the same grade
level they are representing .
3. The duration of the performance must not exceed 10 minutes including entrance and exit. One
(1) point per minute will be deducted from the team’s scores.
4. Each team must be composed of 25-30 members, including props men and lifters.
5. Performance may include dance, cheers and yells ( with no vulgar and offensive words) and
gymnastic skills.
6. Pyramids must be limited to two (2) levels only. Throws and jumps are discouraged.
7. Participating team may use canned or live music.
8. Criteria for judging:
Cheers and yells (Audibility and clarity) - 20%
Choice of Music 10%
Choreography ( routines, use of the floor, formation 30%
Mastery and Execution (Projection, Synchronization) 30%
Costume – 10%


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