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a. Utilize quality trimmings;

b. Select appropriate container for storing salads and appetizers;
c. Keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain its freshness, quality, and taste;
d. Follow workplace safety procedures.

Subject: Cookery

Grade Level: Grade 11

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Understanding the principles of food preservation and the effects of temperature
on food quality.
2. Mathematics - Calculating ingredient measurements and converting recipes.
3. Health - Emphasizing the importance of food safety and sanitation in preventing foodborne

Review Motivation:
1. Show a video clip featuring professional chefs discussing the significance of using quality
trimmings and proper storage techniques in maintaining the freshness and taste of appetizers.
2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of workplace safety procedures to prevent
accidents and injuries.
3. Present a case study of a restaurant that suffered from food spoilage due to improper
storage and handling practices.

Activity 1: Utilizing Quality Trimmings

- Assorted vegetables and fruits
- Cutting board
- Chef's knife
- Measuring tools
- Recipe book
- Rubric for grading

1. Divide the students into small groups.
2. Provide each group with different vegetables and fruits.
3. Instruct the students to identify the quality trimmings from the given produce.
4. Demonstrate proper trimming techniques, such as removing bruised or damaged parts.
5. Assign each group a recipe that utilizes the trimmed produce.
6. Let the students prepare the recipe, they use the quality trimmings.
7. Evaluate the students based on their trimming skills, adherence to the recipe, and overall

Assessment Questions:
1. Why is it important to utilize quality trimmings in cooking?
2. How can you determine if a vegetable or fruit is still fresh?

Activity 2: Selecting Appropriate Containers for Storing Salads and Appetizers

- Assorted containers (plastic, glass, metal)
- Salad ingredients
- Appetizer ingredients
- Rubric for grading

1. Introduce different types of containers used for storing salads and appetizers.
2. Discuss the characteristics and advantages of each type of container.
3. Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
4. Provide them with various ingredients for salads and appetizers.
5. Instruct the students to select the most suitable container for each dish based on its
ingredients and presentation.
6. Let the students prepare the dishes and store them in the chosen containers.
7. Evaluate the students based on their container selection, organization, and overall

Assessment Questions:
1. What factors should you consider when selecting a container for storing salads and
2. How can the choice of container affect the quality and presentation of the dish?

Activity 3: Maintaining Freshness and Quality of Appetizers

- Assorted appetizers (e.g., bruschetta, sushi, canapés)
- Refrigerator
- Serving platters- Thermometer
- Rubric for grading

1. Present different types of appetizers and discuss the appropriate storage conditions for
2. Emize the importance of temperature control in maintaining freshness and taste.
3. Demonstrate proper storage techniques, such as using airtight containers or wrapping in
plastic wrap.
4. Divide the students into small groups.
5. Assign each group a specific type of appetizer to prepare and store.
6. Instruct the students to the recommended storage conditions for their assigned appetizer.
7. Let the students present their appetizers and evaluate them based on taste, freshness, and
adherence to storage guidelines.

Assessment Questions:
1. How does temperature affect the quality and taste of appetizers?
2. What are the appropriate storage conditions for different types of appetizers?

Analyze the outcome of each activity by discussing the students' performance, identifying
areas of improvement, and providing feedback on their skills and knowledge.
Summarize the main concepts and learnings from the activities, emphasizing the importance
of utilizing quality trimmings, selecting appropriate containers, maintaining proper storage
conditions, and following workplace safety procedures in the field of cookery.

Present a real-life problem to the students, such as a scenario where a restaurant is struggling
with maintaining the quality of their appetizers due to improper storage practices. Ask the
students to propose solutions based on the knowledge and skills they acquired during the

1. Conduct a written or oral quiz to assess the students' understanding of the learning
2. Evaluate the students' performance during the activities using the provided rubrics.
3. Assign a practical examination where the students are required to demonstrate their skills
in utilizing quality trimmings, selecting appropriate containers, and maintaining the freshness
and quality of appetizers.

Assign the students to research and create a step-by-step guide on workplace safety
procedures in a professional kitchen. They should include proper handling techniques,
personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, and emergency protocols.

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