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Directions: In no more than five (5) sentences, answer the following questions.

(3 items x 10 points)

1. Recall some of your defining moments in the formation of your moral character. Did it change
your personality as well as your outlook on life? How?
2. What do you think will happen to our country if our youth will be lacking the necessary moral
ascendancy? Can we still rely on them as the hope of our motherland? Explain your answer.
3. Explain the relationship between individual acts and character.


1. Growing up as a child I was really confuse why my mother always remind us to wake up early
every Sunday. Back then my mother always want to go to church to attend Sunday’s mass. And
there was one time that I was really annoyed/tantrum because my mom wake me up early in
the morning and I was very lazy to wake up and I told her that I don’t want to attend the mass
today and my mother was very angry about it and she told me that it is the only day that our
Lord want us to be with, she really told me the importance of the mass and the most important
part that she said that up until now I always reflect on. “A family that prays together Stays
forever”. After that I finally understand what she was trying to say, it change my perspective in
life and as well as my well-being as a person. Now I am more religious and I even joined as altar
server in our parish church.
2. There’s no hope at all. Moral plays important part in building up our personal character,
perspective in life and also our political views. In the rapid change of the world today, the
importance of moral among youth seems decrease drastically among teenagers in the world
who are supposedly the future hope of a nation and it is very alarming to think of it.
3. Individual acts and character is connected in some ways. For example if you act recklessly or if
you act against the norm of the society, it will reflect to your character in other person view in

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