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a part of growing up is changing.

write about a time in the past 2-3 years when you realized you have

as a child, i always thought that i didn't need to grow up to understand things differently and
always wanted to know what the adults where talking about. well, i was a child so its pretty self

i think a time i realized that i have changed was during quarantine. i started to see the real
world. i started making decisions in my life such as trusting people. i saw the people who truly wanted to
make sure that i was okay, cared about me, loved me. although it was hard at first because i wasn't the
type of person who saw the bad in people. but slowly as i grew, i realized what was right to do and what
was wrong, and when i first started to speak and complain about my concerns in a friendship, i knew
that it was the right thing to do. i became more confident about myself. i didn't feel guilty about things
that i couldn't do anything about. at that moment i knew that i was growing up, i knew why i wouldn't
understrand the things i wanted to know when i was a child. even tho covid is horrible and made me go
thru difficult times and made me loose a lot of people i loved, i think ive gained a lot of experience and
knowlage from it.

describe a challenging situation you faced in the past 2 years. what did you do to overcome it.

a few years ago, i moved to a new home and until then me and my brother used to share rooms.
i was terrified of being alone. for months i could not sleep properly. my stomach would start hurting and
i was nauseous every night. i would complain about it to my mother but there was nothing she could've
done. it was one of the hardest times of my life. i couldn't function well and i was always tired the next
day, so when my mother noticed all of my problems she took me to a child therapist. they didnt say
much and i felt hopeless till i saw this one video on youtube saying that if you have trouble sleeping this
should help you: when you close your eyes, imagine you in front of a fireplace, being cozy in a big warm
sweater and fuzzy socks, holding tea and just listening to the fire sounds. at first, i was confused. how
could this possible work. i tried and tried but it didnt work, so i lost all the hope. but later on i realized
that it wasn't the video that wasn't working, it was my mind. as much as i hated to admit it, i didn't
believe that i could ever overcome my fear. so every night i repeated to myself that everyone could
overcome their fears if they tried enough. and finally, i fell asleep peacefully. next day i woke up and i
couldn't have been more happier. i overcame my worst fear of loneliness. there is still a part of me which
is scared of being alone, not only at night but in the future and as time goes by i realize that we actually
need loneliness sometimes.

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