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Welcome to this final stage in your programme! Academic training is never complete without
a solid appreciation of the principles of good and objective research project writing. Without
knowledge of application of these principles to practical research, you can never sail through
your research exercise and it does not matter how much you know of a particular field.

A research project is an important component of the Bachelor’s degree programme. The

process of doing it provides you with an opportunity to work independently, at length and in-
depth, on a topic of interest. More importantly it provides you with an effective means of
research training, which helps you to develop advanced intellectual skills such as evaluation,
analysis and synthesis, as well as management skills.

This paper provides you with guidelines on how to successfully conduct a research project.
The presentation is divided into three major sections, namely Research proposal, Research
report writing, General presentation guidelines, Student/supervisor relationship, and

As is usually the case, a project ought to start with a research proposal. A proposal is an offer
to do something or a suggestion for action. Its general purpose, among others, is to support a
plan for solving a problem. The purpose of this part is to convince your
supervisor/department that the research is plausible, will be concluded in the given timescale
and that the depth and breadth warrants attention. It also serves as a binding contract between
you and your supervisor (on behalf of the department).

Once your proposal is approved by the department/your supervisor, you cannot unilaterally
amend or significantly divert from it. You will need to consult your supervisor to get
approval of any changes that may be necessary.

Despite their variety, research proposals generally assume the same details for their format
and content. A research proposal should be guided by the following headings:-

1. Proposed title of the project

The topic should be concise and descriptive. Think of an informative but catchy title.
An effective title does not only prick the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him or
her favourably towards the proposal. After you have drafted your topic, ask yourself
the following questions: - Do I have any motivation to pursue this topic or I am just
doing it for the sake of completing my studies? Do I have enough expertise or
experience in the subject? Am I going to produce a meaningful report? Note that the
topic can change along the way depending on the literature or information that you
come across and the way it is presented to your supervisor. Your title should indicate
independent and dependent variables. Avoid overused words e.g. ‘an investigation
into…’ ‘an analysis of…’ These unnecessarily increase the length of your topic. Aim
for a maximum of 15 words in your topic.

2. Background to the study (Background to the research problem)

The purpose of this section is to frame or substantiate the problem, that is, to give it
more meaning by showing its source and how it has manifested itself. Your form of
expression should be such that you can convince your audience that you have a
situation that is worth your time and effort in terms of finding out the actual causal
factors and mapping a solution(s). This section should be used to put your research
into context:
 What has been done before, and how will the proposed work add to it?
 What is the innovative aspect in the research project?
 Build your case by demonstrating your capability and familiarity in the area.
 What has happened?
Adopt the funnel approach i.e. from general to particular. Establish the general
territory (real world or research). Describe the broad foundations of your study—
provide sufficient background for readers while indicating the general scope of your
project. The background should provide a lead to the statement of the problem.

Remember that you should use as little independent thought as possible, perhaps only
under motivation or the inspiration for your study as well as the problem and how it
was discovered. You therefore must refer to a lot of literature in this section and it
must be properly cited. Avoid making conclusions or providing answers for the
situation that you find as this will render your topic not researchable. Each time you
are tempted to interpret the situation, tell yourself “No, this is what I want to find out
via field work!” The background to the study should be between one and two pages in

3. Statement of the problem (Research problem)

By definition, a research problem is a gap between the real and the desired, potential
and actual, a contradiction between principle and practice or an unanswered need
within the chosen area of study. This gap is defined by our norms and values as a
society, mission statements or general expectations or ideals of an individual or group
of people. It is therefore imperative to make reference to the ideal situation in the
background of the study as part of the justification of the problem. The problem itself
must be explicitly stated. The problem can be a declaration or interrogation. Whatever
or however you chose to state the problem, both the trigger and the assumed or
perceived causal factor should be captured. Clearly show what knowledge gap the
present study fills. However, do not confuse this with significance of the study. Thus,
the key questions that need to be answered in this section are:-
 What is the gap that needs to be filled?
 What is the problem that needs to be solved?
The statement of the problem should be between ¼ to ½ a page in length.

4. Research objectives
The aim of your research is enshrined in your topic. However, the aim is a broad
statement and it must be broken down to manageable activities by formulating
objectives of the study. To be able to formulate the objectives, you must understand
the meaning of your main action or intention from the research topic. You should
work with a minimum of three and a maximum of five objectives and these should be
logically listed in numbered format. Bullets must be avoided. Research objectives
must conform to the SMART principle.

5. Research questions
These should be developed from and should correspond with research objectives.
They should be amenable to definite or analytical answers supported by collected and
processed data. Using the WH framework (what, where, why, when, who, how etc.),
ask yourself whether you have laid bare all the possible contributory factors to the
problem or the situation at hand? Ask yourself again whether you have completely
addressed the problem or if you would obtain answers to each of these? Vary the style
of asking questions.

6. Research hypotheses / Propositions (optional)

Research hypotheses are optional at this level. However, presenting and testing
research hypotheses gives your research a scientific edge. Research hypotheses should
be based on literature and logic. They should bear relationships with the research
objectives and/or research questions e.g.

H0: There is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty.

H1: There is a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Significance of the study (Justification)

Explain how the solution to the problem or the answer to the research question can
influence theoretical or practical frameworks of your study. Also show who will
benefit and how they will benefit from the study. Note that it is only logical for you to
identify the beneficiaries of the study findings in their order of importance. In
explaining the significance, you cannot be sure that your final report will be adopted
by the said beneficiaries. Therefore, you are expected to use such words like: - ‘It is
hoped that ..., The research may be useful to ..., The research is intended to benefit ...’.
This section should be between ½ a page to a page in length.

8. Scope of the study (Delimitations of the study)

This refers to the delimitations or boundaries of the study. This section should provide
answers to the following questions:-
 Where is the study going to be done?
 What is the period under study?
 What are the conceptual boundaries?
 How far does the study go into the treatment of the given issues and where
does it stop?
 What is the population under study? Note that you have to be very brief as you
still have Chapter 3 to spell out your methodology.
The scope of the study should be between ¼ to ½ a page in length.
9. Assumptions
Assumptions are known facts about the study you are pursuing. They should however,
not be the object of the research but instead strengthen the basis of your research. The
assumptions, like the significance of the study, should have practical and theoretical
implications. Do not repeat an objective under assumptions or vice versa. Also, note
that having too many assumptions will limit your study. A minimum of two and a
maximum of three assumptions is okay at this level. Focus on assumptions specific to
the study. Avoid general assumptions, for example, ‘The researcher assumes that the
respondents will give reliable and valid data.’ The length of this section should be
between ¼ to ½ a page.

10. Brief literature review

A brief (about two pages) review of literature related to the study is done in this
section. Focus on concepts that form the backbone of the study. The Harvard system
of referencing should be used. For clarity on how to reference/cite, go through the
Harvard system of referencing document given to you. When referencing from the
website/Internet, use the name of the author or organisation and year for in-text
referencing. Avoid such blunders as, ‘According to Aim for 1 to 2

11. Research methodology

This section presents highlights of the research methodology. It should briefly explain
(in about two pages) how the research is going to be conducted. The main areas in this
section include research design, population, sample, sampling
procedures/techniques/methods, research instruments, data collection procedures, data
analysis procedures, reliability and validity, and ethical considerations. Aim for 1 to 2

12. Organisation of the research report

Outline how the chapters in the final research report will be arranged. The length of
this section should be between ¼ to ½ a page.

13. Research schedule

Provide a work plan on how you are going to carry out the research project. Agree
with your supervisor.

14. Research budget (optional)

Provide a budget required to carry out the research. Agree with your supervisor.

15. References
This is a list of references of all works cited while preparing the research proposal.
The Harvard system of referencing should be used.


The research report comprises five chapters, namely Chapter One (Introduction), Chapter
Two (Literature Review), Chapter Three (Research methodology), Chapter Four (Results and
Discussion), and Chapter Five (Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations). Since it is a
report, it must be written in the past tense.
Chapter One (Introduction)
Chapter 1 is called Introduction. It introduces the whole research report by providing an
overview of the key areas of the study. Although improvements may be made, the bulk of this
chapter comes from the research proposal. Chapter 1 should include the following:-

1.1 Background to the study

See the research proposal

1.2 Statement of the problem

See the research proposal

1.3 Research objectives

See the research proposal

1.4 Research questions

See the research proposal

1.5 Research hypotheses (optional)

See the research proposal

1.6 Significance of the study (Justification)

See the research proposal

1.7 Scope of the study (Delimitations of the study)

See the research proposal

1.8 Limitations of the study

This section allows you to spell out the conditions that may have placed
restrictions on the conduct and conclusion of your study. In other words, these are
the constraints given the nature of the study. Do not just present a list of
limitations. Identify a limitation; explain how it limited your execution of the
study and how you managed the limitation in order to make your study a success.

1.9 Definition of terms

Define key words in your study. These are terms that are peculiar to your research
project and needing to be defined for the layperson reading the work. The
definitions must be practical and contextualised to the study. Dictionary
definitions are barely adequate and/or acceptable. Consistency of these terms
throughout the project is ideal. They should define variables in operational terms,
that is, they either are observable or measurable for scientific manipulation.

1.10 Organisation of the research report

Give an overview of the structure of your research report in terms of chapters.

1.11 Chapter summary

Chapter Two (Literature Review)

Chapter Two is called Literature Review. The literature review takes a general approach to
issues relating to the study. Although approaches differ, generally, your research objectives
should be able to guide you on the themes to cover in your review of literature. A relevant
literature review must focus on the theory from which you have derived your research topic,
empirical evidence, and a review of methods used in related studies. The purpose of literature
review is:-
 To explain the historical background of a topic.
 To highlight gaps in the existing research.
 To describe and compare the schools of thought on an issue.
 To synthesize the available research.
 To highlight and critique research methods.
 To note areas of disagreement.
 To justify the topic you plan to investigate.
 To delimit your research problem.

There is no standard minimum number of sources that have to be included in the literature
review, but anything above twenty sounds a reasonable compromise. Any cheating or
academic theft will only lead your work to mediocrity and scholastic scorn. Plagiarism is an
academic offense that is punishable (see the General guidelines section). Rephrase and cite.
Direct quotations should be preferred in situations where ideas could be difficult to
paraphrase or summarise. Double quotation marks should be used for direct quotations that
are less than three lines. Those that are three lines or more should be captured in indented
fashion. Note that direct quotations should be used sparingly. On how to cite/reference, refer
to the Harvard system of reference given to you. Do not include your own views in reviewing
literature. Use scholarly material. As such, the use of Wikipedia and other non-scholarly
material (e.g. grey literature such as newspapers) should be avoided. You can only refer to
newspapers in the background section when you are demonstrating the importance of a
particular phenomenon i.e. to build your case. When referencing from the website/Internet,
use the name of the author or organisation and year for in-text referencing. Avoid such
blunders as, According to

The general presentation of Chapter Two follows the format below:-

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Thematic area 1

2.3 Thematic area 2

2.4 Thematic area 3

2.5 Thematic area 4

2.6 Chapter summary

Chapter Three (Research Methodology)

Chapter Three is called Research Methodology. This chapter outlines in a clear and concise
fashion how the study was carried out. Most of the students make the mistake to think that the

methodology section is all about listing advantages and disadvantages of a particular design
or instrument while others think that this is an opportunity to write notes about everything
they know about research methodology. Avoid unnecessary details. Just outline the method
used and justify (e.g. what research design you used and why). This chapter must be guided
by the following headings:-

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research design

Identify the research design used in the study, explain and justify the choice of
this design. Do not confuse research designs with research methods. Examples of
research designs are case study, experiment, and survey (cross-sectional survey
and longitudinal survey). However, research designs common to research in social
sciences are case study designs and survey (cross-sectional and longitudinal)

3.3 Population and sample

Identify the target population from which you drew your sample and provide
numbers. State the size of your sample. Explain how you arrived at this number
and justify. Do not write notes about population and sample.

3.4 Sampling procedure

Specify the sampling procedure/technique/method that you used. Choose between
probability and non-probability sampling techniques. Bear in mind that some
techniques may be used almost simultaneously. Explain the sampling technique
employed, how it was used and justify your choice of this method. Do not write
notes about sampling techniques.

3.5 Research instruments

Identify the research instrument(s) used in the study and justify. Briefly explain
the major section of the instrument. Also explain how the measures of the
instrument were developed. This should be informed by prior research. Specify
the nature of the questions used and the type of data collected. Justify.

3.6 Data collection procedures

Now that you have described your sample, research instrument(s) and sampling
technique, explain how you used your instrument(s) to collect data from the
sample using the sampling technique. You may also highlight the use of a pilot
run and justify.

3.7 Data analysis and presentation procedures

Explain how data were analysed and presented. For example, in quantitative data
analysis you may explain that regression analysis was done to test research
hypotheses. You may also highlight that descriptive statistical analyses (mean,
standard deviations, mode, median, etc.) were executed. In terms of presentation,
you may state that data were presented in the form of tables, figures, verbatim, etc.
for qualitative analysis, you may state that a thematic approach was used to
analyse data.

3.8 Validity and reliability
Explain how you ensured that your instrument was valid and reliable.

3.9 Ethical considerations

Provide evidence that ethical issues were taken into consideration.

3.10 Chapter summary

Chapter Four (Results and Discussion)

Chapter Four is called Results and Discussion. The chapter presents the findings. The
implication of the results is given. Compare and contrast your present findings with findings
from prior research and provide an explanation.

Scan and sift the data. Is the data complete, accurate, consistent and relevant? What trends are
emerging in the scanned data? Are the answers to each sub-problem/sub-question
contributing to answering of the main research question/research problem?

Organise the data. Are data arranged into a meaningful and manageable form? What specific
grids are employed—descriptions of in-depth analyses of various forms of interactions,
comparisons of responses from various respondents, categorisation of responses?

Summarise the data. Large amounts of data can be summarised through the use of tables,
figures, statistical summaries (mean, standard deviations, correlations, etc.), selected
quotations including direct statements from respondents, etc.

Data can be presented effectively using tables, figures and text and it should be around
objectives/questions/hypotheses and not per the instrument used. Socio-demographic data
such as age, sex, marital status, academic and professional qualifications are variables that
can be discussed under background of the subjects. Such characteristics of the subjects will
be useful in the interpretation of the results as these may have an influence on how the
subjects respond. This kind of data does not therefore go into main data presentation section
and you do not illustrate your findings unless this data was obtained under one of your major
research questions.

Tables and figures usually enhance verbally reported results. Tables show rows and columns
of numerical data. Figures are used to make a graphic or pictorial presentation of data.
Figures include histograms, scatter plots, graphs and charts. Verbal descriptions should
accompany tables and figures to ensure that readers understand correctly what is being
shown. Tables and figures should be neat, simple and accurate. Only those tables and figures
that present information essential to the understanding of the chapter should be included. Do
not duplicate data presentation i.e. presenting the same data twice in the form of a table and a
figure. This wastes the resources and irritates examiners.

The discussion section of the data provides an opportunity to the researcher to fulfil the main
purpose of research i.e. to accept, refute or add onto existing knowledge. The discussion
should focus on the results. It should tie together findings in relation to theory and review of
literature. If the results support or contradict previous findings on the topic, this should be
stated. If the results differ from previous findings, an explanation why this occurred should be
attempted. Reference to literature is a must and this exercise should be taken seriously. If the
study was set up to test hypotheses, the discussion section must report the outcome of each
hypothesis. The statistical test used must also be appropriate. Ensure that all the results of the
sub-problems/sub-questions/hypotheses are discussed.
The general presentation of Chapter Four follows the format below:-

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Results theme 1

4.3 Results theme 2

4.4 Results theme 3

4.5 Results theme 4

4.6 Discussion of results

4.7 Chapter summary

Note that discussion of findings may be done at each theme instead of having a separate
section of discussion.

Chapter Five (Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations)

Chapter Five is called Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations. The presentation of
this chapter must be guided by the following headings:-

5.1 Introduction
Provide an introduction to the chapter highlighting the major contents of the

5.2 Summary of findings

Provide a highlight of the major findings in Chapter Four. This will set the
foundation for your conclusions.

5.3 Conclusions
These are the summed up answers to the research questions stated in Chapter I.
They, however, should be drawn from the data reported in Chapter 4. Hence, they
are termed research conclusions. Your supervisor must have at one time, told you
not to make conclusions in Chapter 1. This is now the right time to draw those

5.4 Recommendations
Research efforts in the social sciences would almost always yield findings that
show the need for altering existing practices and a contribution to theory. Here
you examine your findings in the light of such suggested applications. Your
examiners will not have time to look up for relevant information. Revisit
significance of the study section and explain how those beneficiaries should
change their way of doing things based on the study findings. Give
recommendations based on the findings of the study.
5.5 Future research
Any research is not without limitations (weaknesses). Identify those areas
inadequately addressed by your study and make appropriate recommendations for
future research.
Do not include a chapter summary in this chapter.

This is a list of references of all works cited in your research report. The Harvard system of
referencing should be used Refer to the hand out). At this level, 30-50 references should
suffice. Do not list references that were not cited in the text. Make sure that you have listed
all references cited in the text.

Attach such documents as copies of the research instrument(s), letter of introduction from the
department, authorisation letter by a particular institution giving you permission to do
research and any other information that may add more meaning to your study. All appendices
should be referred to in the text. Appendices should be numbered in Roman numerals e.g.
Appendix I, II, III, IV. Do not assign page numbers to this section of the report.


 Use Times New Roman, Font size 12. For chapter headings use Font 14.
 Use 1.5 line spacing
 Margins should be justified
 Margins should be 3.5 cm left, 2.5 cm right, top and bottom.
 Use space after paragraph. Do not indent.
 Page numbers should be centred at the bottom of the page. Do not number
 All headings should be bold and different levels
 Chapters should be numbered in Arabic numerals e.g. CHAPTER ONE, CHAPTER
TWO…and centred.
 Leave a single spacing between chapter number and title
 Leave double spacing between the chapter title and the first subheading (introduction)



2.1 Introduction

 In the case of tables, the title is placed at the top and in the case of figures it should be
placed below the illustration.

 Each table or figure should contain all the information necessary to interpret it.
 For uniformity, numbering of tables and figures should be consecutive and based on
chapters e.g. Table 4.3 for the 3rd table in Chapter Three or Figure 2.1 for the first
figure in Chapter Two.
 A table or figure never precedes but rather follows as closely as possible, the first
reference to it in the report.
 Preliminary pages should be numbered using Roman numerals. The main document
should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Do not number the cover page
 The length of your research report should be between 12,000 and 16,000 words.
 Numbering used at the beginning of sentences must be in words and not in figures,
e.g., Twenty-seven percent of . . .
 Use Zimbabwean English
 Each paragraph must have at least 3 sentences.
 Present your research report in past tense.
 All dissertations must be checked for plagiarism prior to submission. The School uses
Ephorus. The cut-off point is 20%. Research reports with a plagiarism level of more
than 20% or those that have not been checked for plagiarism will not be accepted. Get
assistance from your supervisor.
 Preliminary pages should be presented in this order: cover page, release form,
declaration, approval form, dedication (optional), acknowledgements, abstract, table
of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list of appendices and list of acronyms

Once you have been appointed a supervisor, you will not be able to change that supervisor
unless it is approved by the coordinator. Also note that supervisors are there to assist you but
not to conduct the research on your behalf. Students need to play their part. Both the student
and supervisor are advised to keep a record of the meetings held throughout the supervision
process by completing and signing the research project supervision progress form. If you are
not happy with the supervisor, talk to the supervisor concerned. Failure to reach an
agreement, consult the Research Projects Coordinator. If you are not satisfied, it is your right
to proceed to the Chairperson of the Department. Feel free to forward all comments or
queries to the Research Projects Coordinator.





xxx Name of Student xxx

[xxx Student number xxx]

Supervisor: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A research project submitted to Chinhoyi University of Technology, School of Business

Sciences & Management, Department of …, in partial fulfilment of the requirements of
the award of the Bachelor of … degree in …

Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe


Name of student: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Title of the research project: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Programme for which the

project was presented: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Year granted: xxxx

Permission is hereby granted to the Chinhoyi

University of Technology Library to produce
single copies of this project and to lend or sell
such copies for private, scholarly, or scientific
research purposes only. The author reserves
other publication rights and neither the project
nor extensive contracts from it may be printed or
otherwise reproduced without the author’s
written permission.

Permanent address: xxxxxxxxxx

Student’s signature: xxxxxxxxxx

Date: xxxxxxxxxx

I, xxxxxxxxxxx, do hereby declare that this research report is the result of my own work,
except to the extent indicated in the acknowledgements, references and by comments
included in the body of the report, and that it has not been submitted in part or in full for any
other degree to any other university.

Name of student


The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department of …,
School of Business Sciences & Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, for
acceptance; a project titled, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”, submitted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of ... in ...

Name of Supervisor





Name of student:………………………………………Registration number:…………….

Area of focus Considerations Examiner’s comments Mark


Formulation of the Is it worth researching on? Is it /5

research topic researchable? Does it add value?
Does it give a concise picture of the
Abstract study in terms of the purpose, /5
methodology, major findings and
How well-formulated is the background
Chapter 1: to study, statement of the /10
Introduction problem/knowledge gap, research
questions, objectives, etc.?
Adequacy of coverage of the literature
in view of the topic, relevance of the
Chapter 2: literature, extent to which the candidate
Literature Review demonstrated competence in reviewing /20
the literature, proper use of citations
and presentation of references.
Is it clear how the study was conducted
Chapter 3: in terms of population, sampling, /15
Research instruments, data collection, data
Methodology analysis, etc.?
Have data been well-presented in ways
that are informative and easy to
Chapter 4: Results understand? How well have data been
and discussion analyzed to respond to the demands of
the study? Are research questions /20
adequately answered? Has the
candidate adequately discussed the
Chapter 5: Is the summary concise and precise?
Summary, Are the conclusions accurate,
conclusions and reasonable and drawn from the /15
recommendations findings? Are the recommendations
General presentation in terms of
Overall Presentation formatting, language, neatness and /10
readability, etc.
Any other comments:

Name of Examiner: ……………………………Signature……………….Date……………

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