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INCOS Santa Cruz

Carrera: Sistemas Informáticos

Asignatura: Inglés Técnico
Docente: Ing. Ybeth Maura Camacho Robles

Completa l
Sample as frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre
you (be) to Asia?
Q1 of 8
She __not studied__ (not/study) for the exam.

Q2 of 8
Adam and Natalie __lived__ (live) together for 3 years.

Q3 of 8
Where ___goed__ he __today___ (go)?

Q4 of 8
We __not_leavet_ (not/leave) yet.

Q5 of 8
I _wated___ (want) a new car for a long time.

Q6 of 8
__he___ the bus ___arrived__ (arrive) yet?

Q7 of 8
They ____ (bring) their children with them.

Q8 of 8
_____ you ever _____ (see) a shooting star?
INCOS Santa Cruz
Carrera: Sistemas Informáticos
Asignatura: Inglés Técnico
Docente: Ing. Ybeth Maura Camacho Robles


Completa con have o has para formar el present perfect simple en las oraciones siguientes:

1. I printed have a document.

2. He has asked a question.
3. We has bought some biscuits.
4. Alan and Kerrie have danced.
5. Lance carried that heavy bag all the way home.


Construir 5 oraciones en el present perfect con verbos regulares

1. She has cleaned her kitchen. //Ella ha limpiado su cocina.

2. They haven't studied for the exam. // Ellos no han estudiado para el examen.
3. I haven't attached the document yet. // No he adjuntado el documento todavía.

Construir 5 oraciones en el present perfect con verbos irregulares

1. I have forgotten your number. → He olvidado tu número.

2. My husband has gone to Germany on a business trip. → Mi pareja se ha ido a
Alemania en un viaje de negocios.
3. I have chosen the best writers. → He elegido a los mejores escritores.
4. She has broken her arm. → Ella se ha roto su brazo.

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